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Posts posted by Topdog

  1. Jack and all the contributors.......I have made friends through this site and learned a huge amount about my Ferret. I have in turn, hopefully helped others out. A bit of lost information is not going to change much afterall, it is still out there somewhere. I am just grateful that there are people out there who are willing to put in so much effort to promote HMVF for the free use by everyone.


    ps, I think it was done to save posting out the HMVF flags.........

  2. Richard Brew and Ian Bridge. Richard - thanks for the discs, most kind.


    Discs in post Friday 11th


    I have found my Dads log book log book

    which I have yet to go through and the writing is very small but it seems that he made continuous trips for 3 months - which shows the scale of the operation.


  3. Your a diamond mate! I have links with the Normandy Goldbeach museum at Ver Sur Mer, would you mind if I sent them a copy?



    No worries Tony feel free. I hope to spend a couple of days there in the summer when Val and I go over. It is the first time that I will have gone for a look so any worthwhile locations let me know.


  4. 'The geartrain would have to have quite a large sun gear in relation to the internally toothed annulus gear, specifically the sun gear would have to have over half the number of teeth of the internally toothed annulus gear.'


    I hope by the end of the project the sun is shining out of your annulus :whistle:


  5. I am trying to contact a Ferret owner called David, who attended the Ferret Fest at Gillingham in the summer. He lives down Manston way. Does anyone have his number or David are you on here. Please drop me a PM.


    Thanks, Dave Sanderson

  6. I will send my address to you by PM rather than put it up here.


    You should all have had a PM with my address by now. If anyone else would like a copy just send me a PM.



  7. Dear All,

    Sorry but my computer will NOT send the files on e-mail, they may be too big :computerterror: I am not the worlds best at it.

    I have however managed to write it onto DVD so if you would like to send me a self addressed envelope then I will send you a disk. Sorry to be tight but I am happy to supply the discs if you guys will do the postage.





  8. Tony + Lee Enfield and anyone else.......


    I have got the D-Day landing maps copied now. I hope I have not mis-led you as I should have called them charts (dunce - sorry lads). My dad was skipper of a tank landing craft and they are his charts showing the location of all the beaches, Juno, sword etc.

    I have put them onto a pdf file so if you let me have an e-mail address I can send them over to you. If you would prefer, I will put them onto disc.





  9. My Dad handed in his weapons and was told shortly after that all inventories were being scrapped as the admin was too much.

    By the way, I now have the D-Day landing maps and hope to get them copied this weekend.

  10. Mark me old mate. you keep the WLF near the Hop farm dont you????? If you need a spare pair of willing hands for any jobs then give me a bell. I'm not back to work until 3rd Jan (using leave) or any time really. I have a reasonable mechanical knowledge and we can always drink tea :-D

    Just a thought as most jobs are easier with 2. Pm me


  11. I was given a Black + Decker thingy as well from step dad. The tolerance on the jaws is dreadful.....I do not have high hopes but they say the steel is good quality. Mind you adjustable spanners are, as James May would say, 'The tool of the pikey'. Gimme a good quality combination spanner anytime. Still, it will go in the Ferret toolbin.

  12. Hi Fred,


    I have got a load of DPM material but it is the coarser stuff, like rucksacks are made of. I got it from ebay but you are welcome to it if you would like. I also have a friend who used to be in walderslade but moved to Slough - she can knock something up for you just give her the measurements or a pattern - is it a secret present :-D I got her to make up some gun covers for me.



  13. Val and I had a meeting at the local pub on Thursday and for some reason decided to go in the Ferret :idea:

    Ok, so the mirrors were frosted up but Val said it was clear behind when I reversed off the front grass........shame about the small tree that was there :whistle: No hon, it can't be salvaged!

    It was a nice clear run along the A20 to Lenham, no traffic in front at all but she was a bit sluggish until things warmed up; which is what we were not doing until at least an hour inside. Bloomin eck it was nippy. Good fun though and gave the old girl a run out (the Ferret, not Val)

    Just because it 'aint summer is no excuse not to use them. A moving vehicle is a happy vehicle.

    Have a good one everybody. :-) Dave

  14. So far ANY of the gun laws have failed to protect the public. It is not legal sensible owners that go round shooting people. 2 sorts of people laugh at the law, those who make it those who break it (Sorry Mod's not polotics really, just frustration)



    I agree.

    Laughter type 1 : From politicians who go 'Ha' that will stop them.

    Laughter type 2 : From criminals who go 'Ha ha, that will make f**k all difference to us'

    Laughter type 3 : From law abiding enthusiasts who weep with frustration at the stupidity of those who make the law.


    The supposed mandatory sentence for those with an illegal firearm is 5 years, yet the father and son who supplied 3000 firearms to the underworld only received 7 years. In America they would never see the light of day again yet how many of us have had problems with firearms officers (I have).

    .....wanders over to the kettle, pours tea and tries to get rid of the vein that has appeared in side of neck...... :angry:



  15. Hi Chaps, I have got a complete Larkspur set up including C13 which, I believe, is working but it is not in the Ferret now.

    I have been offered some Clansman Kit in exchange. I already have a Clansman intercom fitted and want to intsall a radio so I can talk to others out there.

    What should I ask for the Larkspur kit and what is a good exchange (what do I need)?

    Thanks for your help


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