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Posts posted by Topdog

  1. I once had a motorbike fitted with an anti theft device which shot a four inch barbed spike up through the seat and effectively 'restrained' the thief. (It had to be four inches to get through the foam) :D .


    Oooh noooo, how many times have I forgotten to turn the house alarm off before going downstairs! I dread to think of the consequences........

  2. The Maidstone Sports Cars Sabre Tank is making a guest appearance at The Watchman film event Tonight at the SE1 club.

    The Tank is being transported to Billingshurst market where we will unload and drive through London crossing over the Thames via Tower Bridge.at around 1530hrs

    Should make a great photo .

    The Tank will then proceed to the venue and pick up 2 of the lead actors and carry them around the venue .

    It should be a spectacular event with lots of scenes from the film being re inacted outside the club.

    So if anyone is around and see,s us give us a wave!!!


    This is a cut and paste from another, non-military, motoring forum which is why it has been called a Tank. Just in case some folks dont consider it such. 'tis in lovely condition though re-built by an enthusiast.


  3. I guess it is something like a weak link retaining pin holding the arrester wires across the deck. The top has been sheared off as the plane took the wire away and the other half of the shear pin is lost overboard as the pin breaks and the wire deployed. This is the proof of a deck landing??????

  4. The law has changed to include public places under the RTAct but if it is private land and specific to letting younger drivers have a go in an area separate from the general public access then that is ok.

  5. During the war there were small numbers of auxilliaries recruited who would take the fight to the germans, if we were to be invaded. There were a number of bunkers constructed where caches of weappons and equipment were stored. One such member who has recently died, told his son that there was a bunker on their farm but never disclosed where. Is there any way of hunting down the location either from records or possible locations? Ideas please.

  6. My word Mark, you are going to town. I notice that there are no questions about sleeping comforts, guess that must all be sorted........trying to make the Turret Totty more at home are we?????

  7. I was fortunate enough to fly carolyns Spitfire a few years ago.....absolutely awesome and a lovely lady. Got some pics but none digital unfortunately. She does about 5 days a year for paying guests, there is a 7 year waiting list at the moment but it is still possible to get on the list.

  8. Guys.......I missed it. SORRY. But what a great result and a fitting end to the show. Personally, I think that HMVF works because no one takes themselves too seriously and most are willing to muck in. I have found the site a great source of info and friends.

    Sincere thanks to Jack (I thought you were older) and the people behind the scenes. I know how much effort it takes to run something like this.


  9. Both Val and I shoot clay pigeon most weekends and we used to do a lot of ballroom dancing not so long ago. Funnily enough, she commented that my idea of a good weekend was camping with the lads and the Ferret, while hers was a hotel, champagne and shopping with the girls.

    Who said our hobby was expensive......

  10. Courtesy means a PM should normally elicit some form of response, if the original message was not insulting or a dig. Maybe the recipient is away or the computer is down. Personally, my admin is not my strong point but hopefully I would always reply to a PM on here. We are all adults with a common interest afterall. I'm with you on this one 00EC25

  11. Jack,


    I have buried in my head somewhere a snippet that an artic unit, if towing a trailer, is not unladen as the trailer is part of the load of the unit but I think this may just be wrong!




    The trailer is not counted as a 'load' and neither is the tarpauline and tools, but almost anything else is.

  12. I think there should be a new motoring offence of 'Driving like a tw@t'. It is uncontestable and requires no evidence. 3 points and £60 fixed penalty; m'lud he was driving like a tw@t. Ah yes, I know exactly what you mean - guilty.

  13. SLOW DOWN, when there is 15 tons of 432 coming down a narrow country lane towards them. Tw@ts........ and breeeath deeply.

    Gave Mark Heliops a hand with the WLF today and although we didnt unbolt a great deal, we got it in position for the main assault on the engine, which involved towing it and backing into place with the 432. Well, seeing as it was out and running Mark decided to go for a spin 'round the block'. Hmmm, dammed big block mate! Loads of the lanes round Paddock Wood 'aint too wide when you stick an APC on it and these people have no idea how much space we need.

    Brilliant afternoon Mark, do it again sometime.


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