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Posts posted by Topdog

  1. I set the trip odometer to zero when I got the Ferret and now I wish I had kept a record of how much juice has gone in over the year. Quite happy with the 500 odd miles so far, the number of smiles per mile is more important than the number of £££'s. Mind you, going up Bluebell hill or Detling hill near Maidstone must knock the average down a bit.

  2. Half way through the Pickering War Weekend last year, the back of the silencer and tailpipe fell off ( rustworm!! ). We stopped off at a clothes stall, asked for two wire coat hangers and tied it on with them to get home.

    When the rear prop shaft universal joint died, I just took it off and used the front wheel drive, and when the master brake cylinder failed, I just used the gears and handbrake.




    So tell me Steve, have you got much left that still works (snigger)......

  3. Well done Paul, one up on me by doing it on the road. I did mine in a field. You do need the senior local examiner to agree to the test being conducted off road, but he was the one doing it....

    Mark Heliops, if you are there and want to do yours, he is a contact of mine.


  4. NO, no, no.

    It was given to me by a mate and told to make him an offer. I topped out at £100 but HE wants £500 for it.

    So it goes straight back. Shame really as I had just made up a battery pack for it and it works well.

    What is it meant to fit anyway? Cant see it going in the Ferret.

  5. My Ferret stays out in all weathers on the front lawn (understanding wife) and it is covered in an old lorry tarp. This is getting a bit tatty now and letting too much water. Does anyone know of a good source for a replacement. Not that keen on plastic as it does not last and makes too much noise when its windy.

    Cheers Dave

  6. Can I have some thoughts please.

    I have just replaced all 4 tyres on the Ferret with nearly new runflats but the wheel rims are not as nice and a couple of the inner tubes need new valve outers. How much of a pain is it to change tyres / rims. In an ideal world I would like to put all 4 'new' tyres on the original rims and fit new inner tubes.

    Second question - can I still buy inner tubes and what size is needed?

    Cheers Dave

  7. Along with a lot of MV drivers, I keep a jerry can strapped on somewhere. Tis a Ferret so it's on the nearside rear mudguard.

    What is the concensus of members about keeping them full?

    Mine always has been, just in case I ran out but thinking about it, someone may nick it for the contents. It is likely to cause more paintwork damage by rubbing and it may spill or fall off when driving over rough ground.

    They do afterall have a fuel gauge with a large tank, so what do you all do?


  8. Thanks to Mark Heliops to putting up pics of the AFV night sight which I got from a mate. Unfortunately, he wants a shed load of dosh for it.........He was talking of £500. There were a few replies on here but they were deleted before I could read them properly. If you did post up - can you do it again please?



  9. Is it me or has the post count really gone down since the server problem. I am as guilty as the rest ie I read and reply more than I post up but now is the time to make a special effort to keep the site going. Surely, not everyone is suddenly having NO problems with their mv, or NO more stories to share.


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