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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. To my knowledge Mark - no licence is required but boy, do you have to be careful.


    Check with the show organisers if it's OK as people tend to get nervous when firearms start to appear.


    Always advisable to check things like liability insurance if it's a public event.


    Advisable to inform the local Police as well or you may well end up with SO19 pointing real guns at you.




    Never, never, ever point a loaded weapon - even with blanks at anyone or anything. Some people presume a blank is harmless - not so - seen many serious injuries with blanks. They do fire projectiles and can give a serious burn.


    Not saying you would and don't want to teach people to suck eggs - but some people are very blase about blank weapons.



  2. Cheers Mark.


    As I understand - Tootallmike and Vince will be selling some tracked armour soon.


    Maybe have a deal with Mike involving a pair of long trousers -

    Or Vince with a pair of shorts.





  3. Snapper.


    How would one get on the photographic side of War and Peace.


    I can shoot a half decent pic and it would be great to tour the site and snap away for 2008.


    Plus - guaranteed to get your own vehicle in somewhere. :-D



  4. I tend to agree.


    If I hadn't won a prize or been towed free by a halftrack - my WLF wouldn't had have it's picture taken at all -


    Despite being there from the Monday prior to the show and having all the bits out - oh er missis. :?



  5. Lee,


    Did they give any hints as to when I'll get mine back? Rex won't answer his mobile! :?





    I saw his lowloader on the A21 this evening about 1830hrs. Was pulled in a layby with the Wellington / Lancaster cockpit on the back.

  6. Better man than me if you can squeeze any out of the Fox.. needle bouncing the other side of E....



    Oh well - never mind.


    Thought it would have gone by now Lee.


    Garden of England Show at the weekend - are you entering the Fox as a Mud Plant!!!

  7. Marc


    Just out of curiosity, as several people have mentioned things being stolen this year at W & P (and similar things seem to have happened in previous years) what do W & P intend to do to improve security at the event. I am contemplating hauling up one of our WW1 trucks for 2008, but am very reluctant to do so if i we will have to put a 24 hour guard on it during our stay.





    I think the most sensible thing is not to leave your vehicles unattended.




    Get your neighbour to keep watch on your pride and joy.


    I know it's not ideal but helps me sleep at night - plus I had a ferocious dog in the tent at night time.



  8. Just realised why a lot of people steer away from tracked vehicles.


    Post War and Peace -


    As I am a law abiding chappie and I don't want to give the Police or residents the hump -


    It had to be done.








    I will be steering away from muddy puddles in future - I blame Vince when he took it for a spin. :whistle:


    Your absence has been noted Grasshopper. :-D



  9. Mark as an ex Reo owner the personal visit will be much better, as you can then see what the premises are like and talk face to face, much better to get what you want and explain NO ANTI FREEZE PLEASE.



    Top tip Mark - Thanks.


    Any contam left in your garage mate?


    Your Jimmy won't appreciate it. :whistle:



  10. Nice one Mark, start checking out all your local breakdown/recovery garages for a source of free fuel?..they usually end up with lots that have been drained out of vehicles that have been filled with wrong fuel, diesel/petrol mix, the multifuel 432 will be fine on it :-)



    Thanks Nick - started letters to local garages already.

  11. As if you didn't have enough to keep you occupied at the moment.........Thanks for letting me have a play. :-D



    No worries Vince - thought the booster cushion was a bit OT though. :-D


    May need your services as hatch jockey for Redhill mate. I know I can go without - but only as a last resort.



  12. nice one fella :-D


    one thing you might want to check is the fuel catch tank that the pump is bolted too just under the floor near the back door, quite often very dirty!

    -according my old man.





    Hi Baz


    Spot on about the fuel catch tank by the fuel pump. Told about it by previous owner. It knackered the fuel pump as the fording plugs were still installed. I drained it out yesterday.



  13. Hi all.


    Got some details from the vehicle plate.




    Army reg - 09EA60

    Mk2 Type B

    Class 1 repair / 10/89 / 37RW Wksps.


    Ring any bells with anyone?



  14. Too right Chris.


    I took the For Sale signs down myself after Steve took me for a test drive - :whistle:


    to Somerfields and back!!!


    I thought he would just take me round the fields - top bloke Steve.



  15. Hi Jonathan.


    It was parked opposite the mad lot.


    Actually, it belonged to a great geezer called Steve - part of the Essex crew.


    Wanted to downsize his vehicles.


    Runs and drives a treat and came complete with slave lead, drivers windscreen, helmet and intercom, all radio bits, track tools and pins and 24 new road wheels and a big box of spares.


    Very happy with the purchase.



  16. Thanks sirhc.


    The army reg is on a plate next to the drivers seat.


    I will get as much detail as I can and post it on here.


    Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction as to what literature I need to purchase.


    Haven't really had a good look at it yet - too busy playing.


    Any idea when the pack needs changing - I presume they do it on hours.



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