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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Own up


    Who was filling up with petrol this afternoon 20th August 2007 at approximately 16:20 at Wrotham Heath Service Station in a mighty Ward La France, it looked like Grasshopper but not sure, I suppose it could have been Markheliops :dunno:



    I imagine it was tootallmike and Vince.


    We had just finished bringing the new WLF to my storage yard in Paddock Wood from Nick Hobbs place.


    Yes, I have another load of scrap - as per previous thread on WLF restoration.


    Mike will no doubt be posting but a big thanks to Mike and Vince for their assistance today. :tup:


    Watch this space for up and coming news on the restoration / repair of my beast.



  2. Could I have a copy of this magaine as I'm very interested in WLF's :whistle:



    Of course Lee.


    Sara Lou is going to send me a copy when it's in print so I will let you know when it's out - and you can pop along to the newsagents. :-D



  3. Envy - terrible thing ya know.


    For answers to previous questions:


    Number of girls - two

    Number of my hands - two

    Number of legs - three - sort of. :-D

    None of the WLF paint was scratched - the girls were very careful.

    Main part of the shoot was for Escort magazine as well as Lifestyle magazine and a calender for Greyhound rescue dog centre.


    Three very differenet shoots as you can imagine.


    The girls were from an outfit called the Fastgirls - I believe there is a web site but not sure.



  4. These two pics were taken by me - once my hands stopped shaking.


    The professional photographer took about 4 hours to complete the entire shoot and he is going to forward me all the pictures he took, once they have been edited.


    Once the magazines are in print I will let interested parties know - but believe me - you will not see these pictures in CMV. :whistle:


    Mike - afraid Sara Lou wasn't in to knobbly knees but you may get somewhere if you let Vince do the talking. :-D


    If I said I have her phone number - would you believe me......? :angel:


    Oh well........



  5. Hi all.


    Don't know what everyone else has been doing to day but I've had a fab day. :-D


    Another photoshoot for the Ward La France M1A1 and the FV432.


    width=640 height=853http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000002-3.jpg[/img]


    This shoot was for a rather well known lads magazine as well as a Greyhound Dog Rescue Centre.


    I know - 2 in one day. That's just being plain greedy.


    I remember a thread a while ago about the lasses not being interested in our Green machines. Well.........


    width=640 height=853http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000001-4.jpg[/img]


    Meet Sara Lou. :nut:


    I must look like the cat who got all the cream.


    The girls were really fun and we had a great time. I now have another mass of photographs taken of the green fleet which is always a bonus.


    Signing off - still with a big silly grin.



  6. I would say this is still On-Topic, as organisers this is the type of feedback we need...


    & you're still not having my tent :tongue:



    Not sure if this will provide valuable feedback Lee.


    All the lucky peeps who own a mil spec tent will say - good idea and all those who haven't will say NUTS!!!


    Any decent ad-ministater would sell me their 9 x 9. :tongue:

  7. If people get the feeling they are being treated like second class citizens because they do not have a military tent -


    They are likely not to bother spending their time and money attending the shows.


    I do see peoples point but once again I get the feeling an elitist attitude will arise once we start to go down this path.


    Live and let live - we are all the same.


    Next idea will be to have all the armour in the best most visible fields and then farm out the wheeled vehicles around the edges.




    All the WWII vehicles in the best field and PW vehicles can fill the gaps.


    See where I am going with this.


    For instance - If HMVF decide to organise a show but rule civi tents are not to be erected where it is considered an eyesore -


    The show will be one Ward La France M1A1 short as I don't have a Mil tent as yet - unless Lee SELLS me his - or lends it to me again.


    Who's going to be the real losers here - me, HMVF, or Joe Public paying at the gate? :dunno:

  8. I too think that civvy tents/caravans in amongst the green stuff can detract from the event and make the field look like some Pikies have turned up.:whistle:



    I object to the above comment.


    Does my Ward La France M1A1 - Best Heavy Vehicle at this years W+P - make the field look like "Pikies" have turned up.


    I THINK NOT. >:(

  9. I think there is a danger of becoming elitist here chaps.


    I do not have a brightly coloured civi tent because I like it that way - I have it because that's what I happen to have. :dunno:


    Lee kindly lent me a 9 x 9 at this years W+P, otherwise it would have been a blue 2-man civi effort with civi gazebo.


    I have spent thousands of pounds on my Ward La France and I think it does look the part. Are we seriously suggesting I should be stuck somewhere out of site because I don't happen to have a military tent. >:(


    Surely all MV owners should be allowed to join in with this hobby of ours, regardless of what they drive and what they camp in.


    If the movement is going down this path then surly we should park the vehicles in one area and camp somewhere completely different.


    I am quite willing to dig fox holes and spend the week in one next to my vehicle if that's what people prefer. I do wonder however how many people would be willing to do the same.


    A bit harsh some of you may feel but I am interested in seeing vehicles and displaying my vehicle. I'm not interested in what people think of my living quarters.


    Having said the above I am searching for a mil spec tent because it does look better amongst the green machines but please lets not get into the realms of banishing people who do not have / can not afford a mil spec tent.


    I once belonged to a military club who rarely gave PW MV owners a look in. Needless to say, I didn't stay in it very long.



  10. I tend to think this is becoming a trend with a small minority of shows.


    I honestly believe some shows and their organisers are beginning to think the shows are bigger than the people and MV's who attend. This way of thinking will eventually bite those who harbour these thoughts in the butt.


    I have never been to Military Odyssey and to be honest I have no real desire to attend.


    I know the show is a re-enactors thing etc but no reenactment will be complete without the vehicles and machines with which the re-enactors work.


    If certain shows want to stick their noses in the air at MV's - then so be it. It does not take long for word to spread amongst our hobby and the end result will be NO vehicles attending what so ever.


    No vehicles equals a very poor and inaccurate portrail of those past times.


    I'm not bothered as I'm not Jo public paying at the gate with the promise of seeing hundreds of privately owned military vehicles.


    I'm not bitter but don't appreciate the way MO treats MV owners.


    SO MO - You know what you can do................................... :mail4you:


    Markheliops :whistle:

  11. As promised-


    Mike was busy snapping away at the vehicles so I didn't bother but I did catch a few unusual shots.


    No show of Mikes would be complete without a picture of:


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000002-2.jpg[/img]


    Yes - it is THE knee of the tall one.


    Together with his sidekick:


    width=600 height=800http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000001-3.jpg[/img]


    The (man) ? known as Vince.


    I was a bit concerned when I stumbled upon Mikes living quarters. Now I always though Mike roughed it with the rest of us but I found disturbing evidence in his tent.


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000004a.jpg[/img]


    Mike made continual reference to his DOUBLE sized air bed - which did make me feel a bit uncomfortable. He took every opportunity to assure me how comfortable it was - yes Mike I'm sure it is but I'm OK in the 432 thanks. :whistle:


    The clothes horse was a worrying site. Not sure what he hangs off it as I only ever see him in those damn shorts.!!


    The tank pillows was a nice touch, to the hardened vets amongst us though.


    Pictures a bit fuzzy but you can just make out a US armoured vehicle. Look Mike - if you want one just go and buy one! :dunno:


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000003.jpg[/img]


    Last pic is of everyone having a good munch.


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000005-1.jpg[/img]


    Cheers Mike and Vince. For those who are not aware - Mikes man (Vince) does the cooking and Mike does the washing up. He's a fair man that tootallmike. Ops, sorry, bigballsmike. :-D



  12. Why is he crying :dunno:



    Just realised how much fuel I had used. :cry:


    Thanks to Mike and Vince for a wicked weekend.


    Sun was shinning and it was bl---y hot - too hot.


    Special mention to Mikes team of eager helpers - always willing to get stuck in when I wanted tea. Very special mention to the looooovely Sarah - or sara - Vince's nookie - who made evening meal on Saturday - with Vince's help I must add. :-D


    I have a couple of pics to add - soon, very soon.


    All in all, although small, the show was good fun and it just goes to show size isn't everything. Where have I heard that one before.!!


    The 432 behaved impeccably, on the way there, during the show and on the way back.


    Even managed to source a supply of fuel for the armour so mega happy with that.


    We managed a night out in Redhill - where Mike managed to pull a biker bird - she scared the hell out of me and Vince so hats off to Mike for that one. I ran out of the pub and battened down the hatch of the 432 - quaking in my boots. :-o


    From now on - Mike will have a codename of bigballsmike. :-D


    I'm surprised by the amount of attention the 432 received, especially from women. Perhaps you were right Vince - it was me and not the tank they were after. :-D


    Anyway, will add the pics - you know to what I am referring Mike - a bit later.



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