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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. MVT Essex Classic Military Vehicle and Vintage Aircraft Show


    11th/12th August 2007 - Damyns Hall Airfield near Upminster.


    Hi all,


    I just thought it was about time to start bringing The Essex MVT show up again, as it's only a couple of months away. The vehicle bookings are over the hundred mark, and the traders are making a strong showing. It's a huge airfield and there is plenty of room. Just to make it a more memorable occasion than it would be anyway, Saturday night is party night once the MOPs have gone with live entertainment and a DJ, and more importantly a beer tent.


    Interested in coming along and displaying? ALL era's groups and nationalitys are welcome, as are individuals in uniform. Just follow the link in my signature and fill in the form.






    Hi Richard


    Sorry - will be at Redhill Steam Fair that weekend.


    Have fun though.



  2. I finished night duty last night - so I took the Ward out for a spin today -


    Done about 20 miles - enough in a 8.2 litre petrol engine giving 1.5 MPG.


    Had my poster on the Windscreen so couldn't put the windscreen down - small price to pay.


    Parked up at a local greasy-spoon for a bacon-buttie and cuppa - chatted to some truckers about the truck and why I had it out midweek.


    All in all - glad I did something - however small. :angel:


  3. Hi Jack.


    Must admit not really sure on your question - after all - there's only one American WWII wrecker to own - and me an knobbly knees own one each!!! :-D


    Seriously though, I would be interested if any members have thoughts on this - or Mikes knees for that matter.


    And as for Mike's signature. :banana:





  4. Hi Chaps.


    I think I know where Scrapheap Challenge is filmed.


    I used to be part of a TA Regiment whose headquarters were in London. I was based with a Squadron located in Bramley, Basingstoke. ;-)


    We were located in a large training area and as far as I am aware - Scrapheap Challenge was filmed in the very same training area - well it was last year.


    The MOD tried to sell the training area a few years ago but the EOD guys found all sorts of - stuff - under the ground and it was considered unsafe for general sale.


    I may give the old squadron a ring to see if I am correct.



  5. Nice one, I'll give them a go. Are you taking it down to Beltring? And is that a GPMG gun ring on the cab. I have a mount, I just need the ring, any ideas where I could get one from? What was the cause of the blow out as I have noticed that one of my tires is showing signs of the tread pealing. There is a prob on the box, it won't go into 3rd or 4th, all the others are OK. The clutch is bearing is noisy, I've been told that they are all like that, is yours?

    I could do with a repair manual for it, but nobody seams to have any, can you help?

    Cheers Simon



    Don't want to get people to suck eggs -


    Before condemning the gearbox, check the linkage. Worked on these in my REME days and they often had problems.


    I personally like the TM's. Much more sexy than the MK/MJ's and be-jesus - did they move compared to the MJ,s.


    Hope you get some joy.



  6. Just bumping this one up again folks. The MV area has just got a bit bigger and Grasshopper has promised to single-handedly get both CVRTs finished in time to play on the off-road course. I've also been told I'm doing a tree-winching demo which sounds sufficiently dangerous to be good fun :evil:



    If you' re tree winching Mike - I'll be watching from a distance - like Gatwick. :-D


    See ya there ya nut.



  7. Hi all-


    Thanks for your comments and condolences -


    Looking forward to hooking up with everyone at War and Peace -


    We can all sit round the beer BBQ and talk about green machines and Mike's knees! :-D


    See you all there



  8. I'm all for the going green thing -


    I wouldn't have my Ward any other colour - just wouldn't look right would it. :-D


    Seriously though - I think it's a matter of people not really understanding how the earth works.


    The earth will get hotter over a period of time and then cool down. I also think the Government has made this a massive issue and oh my - just look at the extra money it brings in for this tax and that tax - all in the name of saving the earth - cobblers!

  9. Hi all.


    I am happy to report my Ward la France M1A1 has all but nearly been completed to the stage I wanted to get to. :-D


    I still have to.


    A. Renew top and rear cover - if I feel the need.

    B. Fit some updated lights to the rear.

    C. Fit my oxygen and acetylene cylinders to the rack behind the cap.


    I have just completed the markings and if I say so myself - they really do finish the truck off. 8-)


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/01010004.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000014.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000002-1.jpg[/img]


    My father passed away a few weeks ago so everything stopped whilst more important matters where attended to.


    My father had a LARGE hand in my acquisition of the Ward so I felt the need to get on with it so he could see it before he passed away. Unfortunately he only saw it in photographs but no matter, he was most impressed.


    The Ward has now become more than a hobby, more like a tribute to my father.


    I may have thought about selling it at one time but not now. It means more to me for obvious reasons.


    I'm pretty happy with the results. As you all know, restoring a vehicle is all about -


    A. The facilities you have available.

    B. The amount of money you have spare.

    C. The amount of mechanical knowledge you have.

    D. The amount of knowledge and time your friends have -


    Unfortunately, A, B, C left me struggling but D helped me out - (Thanks Mike and Vince). ;-)


    The important thing for me was to finish the Ward to a certain point before War and Peace. It is by no means finished to the standard I want and there are still bits to do.


    The electrics want ripping out and starting again and next year I would like to strip the vehicle to its chassis and do a better job - i.e. take my time.


    When I get time, I shall write a bit for the forum detailing what I have done and the trials and tribulations of the project - and there were a few.


    See you all at War and Peace or Bromley Pageant of Motoring - 24th June at Norman Park, Bromley.




  10. Hi Andy.


    Hope you are well.


    Long time no speak. Didn't realise you were on here as well.


    It's about time the Munga profile was raised.


    Are you going to War and Peace? If so, be good to finally meet up with you. If not, will hook up at one on the HMVF runs.





  11. Hi Kyle


    I had a Munga 4 and a Munga 8 before I purchased the Ward.


    I am not about for a week or so but have a think about what you want to know and drop me line.


    I have loads of Munga contacts and can get spares, etc.


    Quickly - Mungas are great fun - rare at shows - 3 stroke / 2 cylinder engine so not much to go wrong with them - cost effective roofless toys - spares are cheap and easily obtainable -


    Costs - Good Munga 4 about 1500 - 2000

    Good Munga 8 (rare) 2000 +


    Try to stay away from non-original engine models - lowers the value.


    If looking - listen for noisy engine bearings and watch for dodgy electrics.


    All in all - a great introduction to MV's and quite an interesting vehicle to have.


    Sorry all Jeep owners - A Munga will beat you off road - no contest. Official!!


    Munga 8

    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/09020005.jpg[/img]

  12. Hi chaps.


    In relation to the helicopters at War and Peace-


    I use to work for them and what the guys normally do is fly one chopper and park it up at Old Hay airfield, then fly back in the other chopper to Biggin Hill.


    As these things are worth nearly half a million - I can't see them leaving them in the field for the night.


    FUN IF THEY DO - up and away!!! :-D



  13. Hi Grumpy.


    You seem to have your head round all the rules, etc - :-D




    If I purchased a pre 1960 Reo M52 and trailer to carry my Ward la France -


    Would I be except from plating regulations????????? :dunno:


    Driver licencing isn't an issue as I hold all cats on my licence.





  14. Welcome back you mad loons.


    Looks like you had a great time - and top picture of the beer. :-D


    Wish I could have made it but not happy with the Ward as yet. Couldn't chance the distance as it has a mind of it's own at the mo. :dunno:


    Well, hope to make the next meet.


    Hopefully I can hook up with you all at War and Peace.


    Well done for the chaps who organised the event as well. Takes some doing to make something like this happen.


    Cheers guys.



  15. Woops!!!


    I am a fireman with a local Fire and Rescue Service and we have this racial equality and diversity stuff thrown at us every day.


    In certain organisations and in the workplace, equality and diversity issues should be considered and adopted and I think they are a good thing. :-D




    In my hobby!!!! Enough. >:(


    Every single person who owns a green machine does so for their own reasons. Me, I'm interested in the machinary and history of the equipment and the troops who used it. I'm sure we all have our own reasons for doing what we do.


    I think it's great other like minded individuals are interested in the hobby I enjoy but I do not seek to encourage or promote my interest in military vehicles to other people, regardless of colour or origin.


    It's a very thin line between promoting our hobby to others and trying to badger others to join in. If someone - anyone - wants to chat to me about MV's, I will talk with them all day long but I do not look at ways to draw people into the fold.


    I'm not having a pop at the person who started the thread as the HMVF is the place where members should feel able to raise issues they want too discuss but this is a very difficult subject to debate - without getting people's backs up. Mention equality and diversity and people automatically go on the defensive - much like I'm doing now!!!


    For what it's worth, if you like green machines - you're okay in my book. Likewise, if you can't stand the sight of green machines - that's okay as well. WHY - because other people's views about my hobby do not matter to me in the slightest. As long as my hobby doesn't hurt anyone and I am not demeaning the memories of the fallen - I'll just carry on doing what I do.



  16. Thanks for all the information and advice chaps.


    The M52 fell through but I haven't given up on the idea yet.


    I am looking into the possibility of having a unit and trailer licenced as recovery equipment.


    Not sure of the implications as yet but as far as I am aware, if licenced as recovery, plating should not be an issue. :dunno:


    May be barking up the wrong tree but there are ways around the issue of plating, etc.


    Will keep you all updated and any other thoughts or info will be greatly excepted.


    May admit defeat and look for a decent civi unit and trailer.





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