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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi all.


    Going to be a bit topical here.


    Let me start with I am not a Nazi nor to a condone making money from peoples suffering, like selling items from concentration camps.


    I am in agreement with all that has been written so far but I would like to raise this point.


    I have visited Auschwitz and believe me when I say it is heart breaking to see and hear what went on. These grisly camps were the scene of much misery and human suffering beyond most peoples imagination.


    The SS will be solely remembered for the atrocities committed in the Second World War.


    It should be remembered the SS were a fighting unit and they were a formidable fighting force. It is a shame the SS will only be remembered for the horrible things that went on during the war.


    All crimes against humanity should be deplored and it should also be remembered the Russians were no angles either. Some of the crimes committed against German civilians were no less brutal than the Jews suffered against the Germans.


    The Allies were no angles either.


    I hope people are not silly enough to think war crimes were only committed by the Germans and Japanese.


    War is War. Unfortunately, whilst in Bosnia I experienced and saw brutality which I would not reveal to you on this forum.


    I will never condone it but it will happen.


    The British have their fair share of crimes against humanity throughout the ages.


    I will repeat I have no time for Nazi's or their followers.


    I have spoke to ex- SS soldiers and read many books. Most feel deeply ashamed for what went on during the war. They also feel ashamed and saddened for their fellow soldiers who died during battle, in that they will not be remembered as soldiers fighting for their country. They will only be remembered for the atrocities.


    Some SS Soldiers were murderers and committed disgraceful acts against women and children and this should never be forgotten - other SS soldiers were brave, fierce and formidable opponents.


    A balanced view.


    One fighting unit can not be blamed for what went on during the war.


    I blame the Nazi party and the people who committed these acts.




  2. Hello Mark,i was a bit unsure about the red flash myself.Thing is,i dont have the correct shade of green to match the rest of the vehicle if i paint that bit out.I didnt really want to go down that route for vehicle that im only going to have for a couple of months.Did the RAF EOD vehicles have a similar scheme to this??



    Hi Mark


    Not sure about the RAF thing mate.


    My experiences were with RE EOD teams. As far as I am aware, only the front wings were painted red. In the early days, EOD vehicles use to display red flags at the front.


    I wait to be corrected but I have never seen EOD vehicles with red rear wings. Some owners like to paint the rear red but I don't think its correct.


    I wouldn't worry about repainting the wings. The Landy paint job is quite nice. Be a shame to ruin it for the sake of the rear wings.



  3. If you are like me (a superior mechanic) then you still want to look good whilst you are crawling around under and over your vehicle? Then visit the shop!


    Perorders at this momement in time - book early to avoid dissapointment :whistle:




    Hi Jack.


    Are these HMVF coveralls button fastening, zip fastening or that horrible velcro stuff? :argh:


    As long as its not velcro, can you put me down for two pairs please.


    I'm 5ft 10 tall, 34 waist.


    Suspect I will need large size please.


    Many thanks



  4. Why stick to WW2? As some of us have old and new? IMPS have aregister for film TV use etc. Why not the same here? (Any money always grateful, Dodge, Land Rover 101 and others to feed)



    Hi Tony.


    The vehicles used in the calender - if it gets the go ahead - are HMVF members vehicles - WWII or Post War and any nationality.


    The photo-shoot will be purely on a voluntary basis with all proceeds going to whatever charity we happen to specify and as such, no payment will be made to members for the inclusion of them or their vehicles.


    The idea is to;


    Raise the profile of HMVF

    Raise funds for whoever

    And have a bit of fun.



  5. Can I suggest if the project goes ahead -


    In the case of having more than 12 vehicles - more than one of the same type of vehicle appears as a single month.


    IE - 2 x Ward la France's for Jan, 2 x Foxe's for Feb, 2 x Jimmy's for Mar......


    You get the idea.



  6. I remember that Muppet.


    He splashed mud all over my WLF information display board. :argh:


    Impressive vehicle though - and the girlie's in Polish uniforms was a rather welcome sight. :-D



  7. Right chaps and chapettes.


    Yazmin and Sara Lou have been asking me if there are any WILLING persons who would like to use their vehicles in a photo-shoot.


    My photographer friend has been asking the same.




    Can I put forward a suggestion of doing an HMVF Calender for 2009.


    Lets get one thing straight first - the photographs will all be done in good taste.


    My idea will be to have a number of vehicles with their owners and the girls, snapped for a calender.


    The forum could sell these calenders at War and Peace 2008 and the funds maybe go to a servicemens charity or British Legion, etc.


    I know a printer who could print the finished article and they could also be sold in the HMVF shop.


    Something like the firemans calender - you get the idea.


    Not sure on any of the red tape, etc with a project like this but the idea is quite feasible.


    Could probably do with someone designing the pages with info on the HMVF and other information.


    Have a think and let your thoughts be known.


    Jack - the forums your baby - what do you think.



  8. You're not wrong there mate. I'm in that line of business myself. It pays the mortgage - but after 20 odd years is bloody boring..,,at times.. Mark, does this mean my snap of you with the WLF at Beltring prize giving with a Spitfire passing over is of no interest???





    Glad you brought that up snapper. Can you send me the pics you took at W+P. They were top pici's.



  9. must admit to likeing a little more in the way of curves,................lassies, wise. :-D :-D


    How come we only got to see one of the models,.........thought there were two, involved................ :whistle: or are the other pic's, 'under the bed', ones. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-D



    As soon as I decide what pictures will not get me banned, I shall post a couple up. :-D


    If any are borderline, I shall send them to one of the ad-ministaters and they can give their valued opinion. :whistle:



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