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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Well done Vince - I like the way you work.


    It's a great idea for you to attempted to remove Mikes bogie assembly before you do mine.


    That way - all the mistakes are made on the tall one's WLF and mine should be done without any bother at all.


    Cigar for the young man under the WLF. :-D



  2. Hi all.


    Back from Bulgaria.


    Pee'd off. :banghead:


    Only green machine I came across was a Gaz doing an off road tour.


    Wanted to check out the World War II armoured story but it would have been a 12 hour round trip and there was no way "she who must be obeyed" was going to agree to that one.


    Weather was pants but still had a good time.


    Anyway, good to be back amongst the green machines and now planning the way forward with the Ward repairs.



  3. Hi all.


    Off on holiday Monday for a week away. :-D


    Me and she who must be obeyed are off to -




    Wonder who suggested that location. :whistle:


    Whilst there, I shall attempted to point out to her the dangers of laying in the sun all day, in a crafty attempted to sneak off and get some pictures and info of the WWII German armour, as reported on the front page.


    I shall also keep a look out for any other green machines.


    Shall report back on my return.


    I shall miss you all terribly and rest assured you will all be in my thoughts. :tongue:




  4. The Munga will outdo any other vehicle off road - and that includes Jeeps. Don't just take my word for it - it's a fact.


    They are bundles of fun, easy to maintain and pretty cheap to buy.


    By the way - does my FV432 count as a two stroke - I think it does.



  5. Bob Day has two Mungas - a Munga 4 and a Munga 8.


    There is a chap called Dave I think who purchased my old Munga 8 and lives near Maidstone. It was at War and Peace this year.


    When I purchased it, it was fitted with an Astra engine and it was a right bodge up. The engine mounts were welded M10 bolts - (scary). I restored it with an original 2 stroke, 3 cylinder engine.


    Also had a 1952 German air portable Munga 4. Never got round to restoring that one.


    Mungas are great fun and an excellent way into military vehicles. Cheap at the moment but the prices are creeping up as they become more widely known.


    There were a few at W+P this year and a couple for sale. Nearly tempted to get another one.


    Andy Roberts is your man for Mungas. Knows basically everything there is to know about them.


    He is on the forum.





  6. Hi Mark.


    PM sent.


    I'll take all of mine and the HMFV shots.


    You took some excellent pictures of the Ward La France.


    Let me know if you need any of the green stuff - (folding green stuff) - to cover costs, etc.



  7. I agree.


    I think enough has been said on this subject and if allowed to stir up argument and strong views, could damage the very things we hold so dear.


    I have said my piece, so have others.


    I respect everyones views on this matter and I have my own.


    For me - nothing more to say.



  8. Whatever the moral stance of allowing the right to say what you want or act things out, the fact is that some people do want to glorify and be associated with despicable acts. I will stand up and say I would support a ban. Some things are indefensible. The SS is one of them. There is plenty of scope for portraying the German army without the need to recreate/advertise/promote the SS. It is not something which can be done 'sympathetically', there was no human face to them. Some heads need to be removed from the sand.



    Disagree I'm afraid.


    If you start banning the portrail of some military units - IE The SS - you will have to ban the majority of re-enactors.


    I refer back to my original post in relation to the SS and I repeat it again.


    The majority of ex SS soldiers feel ashamed about what went on in the war. The crimes committed were by a minority and I think it sad that all ex SS soldiers are tarred with the same brush.


    The majority of these troops were combat hardened veterans who fought bravely for their country and fellow soldiers.


    If you put the SS in Allied uniforms, they would have been hero's or classed as doing what had to be done.


    I wonder if anyone knows the exact number of SS soldiers who were executed for failing to obey their orders to murder allied soldiers and civilians. There are well documented incidents where SS soldiers deliberately went against their orders in helping Jewish persons and Allied soldiers to escape to safety.


    Undoubtedly, there were murderers and evil people within the ranks of the SS. There were also the same in the British, American and Russian Armies.


    The Russians were well known for there brutality against civilians, men, women and children. But as they were part of the Allies, I suppose it's alright - IS IT REALLY.


    And why does no one voice an opinion against the Croation / Serbian re-enactors. The crimes committed in Bosnia were just as horrific as those committed in other conflicts.


    I for one feel ex SS soldiers should be given the same considerations as our own veterens.


    They were all brave as hell, endured real misery and deserve our respect - whatever side they fought for, unless they as a person are identified as having committed atrocities, in which case, they deserve what they get.


    One more thing to think about.


    In those days, failing to obey any order meant certain death facing the firing squad. Do we have the right to condemn someone who was following orders. Unless we have been there and experienced it for ourselves, I feel we can not criticise those who have endured the misery.







  9. Hi all.


    Am taking the FV432 to a Fire Services Benevolent Event on the 30th September.


    As this is the Fire fighters charity - it's close to my heart.


    I need to transport the 432 from Beltring to Hickstead Showground (M23) on Sat 29th, returning on Sunday 30th.


    Have tried Rex's low loader but not available.


    Can anyone help.


    The event is for charity and my donation will be fuel used.


    Don't really want to drive the 432 to Hickstead but running out of options.


    Any help greatly appreciated.



  10. Hi Sam.


    Why the screen name Val. :dunno: No figure.


    Anyway, you will find all the info you need to assist with MV ownership on here.


    I have posted RE your Saracen - congrats - I think. :roll:


    Welcome to the strange and frightening world of Armour.


    Any props - scream on here but don't expect any sense. :-D


    Have fun.



  11. Well if he was Kewelde's apprentice. Does NATO have stock number for Zimmer Frames? :-D Growing old ain't an option, growing up is. But it is a bit of a bugger when you wake up one morning and its 'Good bye 18/30, hello Saga.





    Am I missing the point. :dunno:



  12. Hi Val.


    I changed a Saracen alternator a while ago.


    Ruddy great thing it is. Pain in the butt to fit.


    Batteries are 2 x 12 volts = 24 volts.


    If you have to change one - best get hold of someone with lifting gear as the armoured front end has to come off.


    PS. Watch ya feet when you undo the front bolts. :oops2:



  13. I got home at 12 last night... our trucks were pulled by customs coming through Ramsgate for being radioactive (honest, it's the truth..) and all the guns checked which delayed us a bit, anyone else have problems?


    It's a good show, and the last day is a lot of fun, but to anyone thinking of going be warned, you need to be fully self sufficient or in a hotel, the campsite is just rough ground and there are only 2 portaloo's and no showers, and by the end of sunday the woods are getting a bit stinky :shake:


    The vehicle run is better than Bethune, but the camping lets it right down.





    Ah, rough eh. Just like real field conditions then!


    Excellent. :-D

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