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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Cure for oil stains on driveway. :?


    Well, I sent the girlfriend out complete with scrubbing brush and it came up a treat. :-D


    Failing that -


    Depends if the stains are fresh and wet or old and dry.


    If wet, anything works, saw dust, spillsorb, fullers earth, etc.


    If dry you can purchase specialist cleaners from most D.I.Y or motor factors. You have to put in down and leave it for a few hours, then wash it off. Can't remember the name of it but I used it many moons ago, when I was young and stupid.


    When I didn't know any better, I attempted an oil change on my Mk 1 Ford Escort on my Dads driveway.


    Acquired all the tools, etc to complete the job. Got under the car. Loosened the oil sump plug and caught the oil in a .................................... pint milk bottle. :schocked:


    Should have seen the panic in my face when the oil over flowed and didn't seem to be easing up. My Dad went bonkers and made me go up to the local shop where I purchased this cleaner. Worked a treat though.



  2. I second the above -


    Mark can make the tea - whilst Mike changes the wheels. :-D


    Vince can supervise and I can supervise Vince - (management being my area of expertise).


    Mark, if you park the Jimmy in the sun, chances are Mikes knees will get some colour. :goodidea:


    See ya there.



  3. Austin Champ -


    With what I can only describe as a hideous customised roll cage - never seen anything like that before.


    It deserves to be cut off and buried.


    Oh, why do people do things like that. :cry:


    If it's complete, give it a sand blast, coat of paint and bob's your uncle. :-D


    Oh, and don't forget to lose the horrible roll bar.



  4. Snapper took a nice pic at the prize giving.


    As I was having my pic taken with prize, the Spitfire flew over head and he caught it in the shot.


    So pic of me, Ward La France, prize and Spitfire in the same shot.


    What more could a man want. (apart from a tow out of the arena). :whistle:


    Rather nice of the RAF to give me a fly-past.


    Well deserved I thought. :-D



  5. Hi all fellow FV432 owners.


    Can one of you chaps / chapetts kindly scribble a quick list of the POL's involved when servicing the 432.


    I have not received my servicing schedule yet and don't know what lubricants I should be using. I want to make sure all levels are ok for Redhill show.


    Many thanks



  6. Thanks Neil -


    The Ward should look the same but hopefully will drive a lot better and not have the grinding noise I have become accustomed to.


    The surprise I may have at W+P will be what I am going to do with the donor Ward - lots of ideas but will see what I am left with after repairing mine.


    A few ideas are:


    Throw a box body on the back - cosy sleeping quarters - and tow it about as a casualty vehicle.

    Make a Ward La France trailer - out of the rolling chassis.

    Make a ridiculous, outrageous off-roading machine - kind of scrapheap challenge.


    If I do one of the above, I can keep all the spare parts, gear box, transfer box, etc in situ, available if I need them. Kind of like towing my own stores about.




    Sell whats left for scrap.


    Will see what happens.


    Anyone have any bright ideas and I'd like to hear them.





  7. Hi all.


    I have been getting more depressed as shows come and go and my Ward la France M1A1 sits in the shed, not being able to attend. :-(


    As most of you will be aware I had a disaster whilst trying to attend Bolero and it was a struggle even to attend War and Peace. Luckily my WLF is stored 2 minutes from the Hop Farm so I made temp repairs to attend the 25th anniversary show.


    I have decided to crack on now and sort the problem out. I have been trying to source parts for repairs but found I can't get the bits I need.




    Today I have agreed to purchase the Ward that Nick Hobbs purchased as a restoration vehicle. :-D


    In all honesty, the WLF is a bit beyond restoring without spending silly money on it.


    I will now have another WLF for a donor vehicle with enough spares to hopefully keep me on the road for a fair old time.


    I intend to do a proper job over the winter and roll out the Ward next season.


    I have started a new blog and will keep this updated as things progress.


    I haven't decided what to do with the skeleton donor vehicle but I may decide to do something a bit wacky with it, once my Ward la France is repaired.


    Here's hoping - nothing else goes wrong. :angel:




  8. Wanted to put my thoughts in on the matter of uniforms, etc.


    As an ex-soldier I do not have a problem with people who wish to wear uniform of some description to shows, etc.


    I am in agreement that uniforms add to the atmosphere of shows and the majority of people who wear uniforms to complement vehicles and reenactments go to extraordinary lengths to ensure the items they wear are correct in every detail.


    I do however get the hump when I see people wearing a military uniform who look like they have just rolled out of a hedge backwards. Sorry, but army uniform and Mohican's hair styles just don't go.


    If someone wishes to impersonate a member of the armed forces - and lets be honest - that is what wearing a military uniform with a vehicle is doing - they should at least attempt to impersonate a soldier in every detail.


    I don't mean "impersonate a soldier" in a bad way.


    I for instance sometimes wear a WWII uniform with my Ward La France. Even though I am a ex-soldier of the Queens Forces, I am still impersonating a member of the US Army from the WWII era.


    The only thing I think is a real no, no is when people wear medals to which they are not entitled to wear.


    Last year I was in the bar at W+P when this guy who wasn't more than 18 years old walked into the bar wearing a full American Marine dress uniform. His chest was covered in military decorations - and I mean covered.


    I had to leave before I vented at him.


    I have medals to which I am entitled and I have ex-colleagues who were killed whilst on operational duties. I find someone who wears military decorations to which they have no right very disrespectful to the memory of those killed whilst serving their countires.


    So to sum up-


    No problem with wearing uniforms - but do it properly.

    If you wear medals which you are not entitled - please remove them.


    The only time I am okay with people wearing medals who have not earned them is on remembrance days when relatives display medals their grandparents, fathers, mothers, etc were awarded during the various conflicts.





  9. Any directions to this one Mike, might try to make this one as I am not working that weekend.


    Markheliops, if I can do this fancy a "convoy" down there :whistle:



    Could do Mark -


    Bear in mind i am taking the 432 as the Ward isn't up to a road journey as still have dodgy torque rods.


    I'm happy for a convoy as long as you don't mind being restricted to 30mph. Obviously I am taking the B roads.


    Up to you mate - if you fancy taking the motorway of speeding down there on your jack - no offence taken.


    Can you let me know whatever as if I am making the journey on my own I will leave Friday afternoon as I have the day off.




  10. I know people rave about WD40 and alike but I swear by using brake fluid as a nut releaser.


    Obviously not near any paintwork and you have to give the components a good washing down afterwards but brake fluid seems to move things the commercial stuff can't.


    Hope this helps.



  11. Do you intend on using it on the road Mark?.Have you got a H on your license?



    I am one of the lucky ones with a tracked vehicle - Cat H- on my licence. Got it in the green machine.


    I will be taking it on the road - 1st one is Redhill 11th-12th August.



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