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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Mark,

    The Landy doesn't seem too bad, hope it is of some use to you. How much stuff was there in the paperwork??




    Hi David.


    The big folder actually only contained a few service bills. The remainder was a LR manual. After my very quick inspection, I am hopeful I will be able to restore the Land Rover. I checked the bulk head and it would appear solid.


    As you know I couldn't get the bonnet open as the hinges were seized solid but nothing a bit of WD won't cure.


    I am looking forward to learning the history of the Landy and I intend to collect it soon.


    Thanks for putting me on to it.


    I also intend to hire a digger and remove the mound in Jan sometime.


    Talk to you soon.




    PS No pictures yet as didn't take a camera.

  2. Petrol prices give me the right hump - but I'm not going to rant on about politics, etc.


    The only difference fuel prices make to the private MV movement is the amount of distance people are prepared to travel to shows etc.


    The Ward La France 8 litre petrol R22 eats petrol quicker than I eat minstrels - and that's fast. :shake:


    However, the enjoyment for me is driving the beast so I begrudgingly pay the fuel prices. As previous threads have stated, common sense would say, put a diesel in it or get something more economical but common sense really doesn't have a part to play in this hobby of ours.


    If it did, I wouldn't pay nearly a £1000 to attend the Plains trip in May.


    It's about enjoying the vehicles, meeting people who make this a great hobby and most of all, having fun.


    The day I don't find this hobby enjoyable, will be the day you find the Ward on Milweb.



  3. The axle lifted off the ground - countless times.


    The trick is it has to come off dead straight and clear the axle before it can release - bit hard when you are on your own and using a crane to lift.


    In the end, I kept the cable under tension and used my size 9 boot to gently persuaded it to come free of the axle casing.


    Not sure of the weight of the diff carrier but the weight of the rear axle without wheels is 3500 lbs.



  4. Just to prove Mark isn't the only one doing this job on his truck, here are some more recent shots of the bogie pivot bearings. I had to scrape mud and rust from them but they seem to be usable so they're going back in.



    Why is there a pair of jeans standing by the bogie pivot. :nono:


    I'd say you've overdone it on the starch Mike.


    Still, at least you can just step in to them when you want to get dressed. :whistle:

  5. if not gone i know of someone who is doing a charity run next year who needs a chassis and body ;-) that dosnt have a lot to spend in sussex :-Dso someone could have the engine and gearbox



    Hi David


    If it's salvageable it won't be scraped.


    If it's a piglet, I'll PM you ref the chassis and body. :tup:



  6. Just got my copy today as well.


    Second month in a row for my Ward La France - nice picture - shot by John Blackman. Lots more of those where that came from - watch this space -


    Wards selling for £10,000 (ready to rally) :yay:


    Excellent pictures and write up of Tanks in Town as already quoted. I will get the Ward there one year.


    Will subscribe beginning of the year as well - deffo.





  7. Did they simply tack weld the drain plugs or did they do an entire ring ? odd that they would have them loosen most drain plugs tend to be found over tightened or stuck from lack of use.



    Unfortunately it was fully welded. Drilled a hole through the drain plug - made it bigger and still it won't shift. :dunno:


    Done some more on the Ward today.


    Bogie assembly is on axle stands, minus the wheels and tyres.


    Can't do a lot more until spares are ordered.


    Oh the joy - can't wait to get the prices.


    8 x bogie bolts are £8 each.


    I need amongst others things -


    2 x upper torque rods

    2 x diff carrier gaskets

    6 x wheel station gaskets - probably make these at a push.

    6 x wheel hub oil seals


    Maybe opt for some new cap needle bearings for the propshafts.


    Doesn't look so bad but the more I dismantle - the more I find.


    Updates as and when but don't think I'll get much more done before Xmas.


    Anyone know of where I can source these - info appreciated.



  8. A friend bid on lot 155, Bedford MJ 4x4 Cargo Turbo Diesel, RHD, 28 KF 55, and WON



    My friend hasn't heard anything about the TM as of today. I would expect it has gone to a higher bidder. Most of the TM's on offer were - needing attention to say the least.


    I was chatting to one of the guys at Withams and he said the TM's are not in great demand. Many people prefer the MJ's as they are less complicated - less to go wrong - excellent off road and spares are easy to come by.


    I will say the road experience with the TM is better than the MJ but they do tend to go wrong more than the MJ's.



  9. I'm not surprised you didn't hang about.


    As you say - not much too see and cold.


    I was p---ed off but my poor old mate travelled all the way from Germany -


    Would like to think he will win the TM just on merit - distance travelled and all that.

  10. Hi all.


    Popped along to Withams on Saturday with my friend from Germany.


    SCRAP - SCRAP and more SCRAP.


    It was somewhat rather chilly as well. In fact - I froze my KP's off. :shake:


    Was very disappointed with what was on offer. For those of you who can't visualise the condition of the 432's on offer -


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/Withams1.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/Withams3.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/Withams2.jpg[/img]


    It does concern me that the Army is so short of funds, recovery aids and range wrecks are finding their way to MOD auctions.


    Even so - my friend stuck a bid on a tidy TM. Had a look over it and it seemed okay. Noisy clutch bearing but I understand it's the norm.


    width=640 height=853http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/TM1.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/TM2.jpg[/img]


    I don't think we will get it as we only put in a lowish bid.





  11. Hi all.


    Been at it again - for the last three days actually.


    Started off by working out how to remove my WLF bogie assembly without the use of a crane. Previous entries will show how I removed the other bogie assembly by using my WLF as the lifting device.


    Had to resort to chocking and blocking by using lots of blocks and 2 x 30 tonne bottle jacks.




    I blocked the chassis in front of the crane mounts on the chassis and jacked the body up until I had enough clearance to roll the bogie assembly clear of the bogie assembly mounting bracket. Once I had enough clearance I was able to chock the body at the bogie mounting bracket to give me a more stable platform.


    Before rolling the bogie assembly out, I had the fore thought to mark the floor with paint to assist me when I come to reinstall the bogie assembly. :-D


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/lines.jpg[/img]


    It was then a - simple - task of rolling the complete assembly from under the truck. Actually, to my surprise the whole assembly just wheeled it's way out - just as the manual said. :dunno: No figure. I had to tow the other bogie assembly out with the Landy.


    I apologise for the video as I haven't quite got to grips with unloading vids.


    Update - video link - :computerterror:


    Once the bogie assembly was out, I used the crane of my Ward - clever eh - to remove the axle diff carriers. Centre one first.


    width=640 height=853http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/centreaxlediffcarrier.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=853http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/centreaxlediff.jpg[/img]


    This was the offending axle which I believe caused me all the problems on route to Bolero.


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/outputshaftdamage.jpg[/img]


    Next came the rear axle diff carrier.


    width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/rearaxlediffcarrier.jpg[/img]


    I have found a number of issues with both diffs. Both contaminated with water in the oil. The rear axle drain plug had been welded into place which is a bit of a pain. Apparently, this is a common finding with WLF. They must have a habit of dropping out.


    I still haven't come across any real issues which would have caused the failure of my propshaft as yet.


    The idea is to swap the diff carriers from the spare WLF on to my bogie assembly. Whilst it is out from the truck, I shall be renewing other parts such as seals, bearings, etc.


    Updates as and when.



  12. Plains is the first outing for the 432 and WLF - (providing the WLF is operational). :coffee2:


    Then Lee's show the next weekend.


    Beltring after that.


    Other shows throughtout the year as and when.



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