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Posts posted by rosie

  1. A good idea for a thread so thank you gas 44 :)


    yup agree with everyone else the DRs were fanbloodytastic! :kiss::kiss:


    All the other drivers and passengers, you all looked fab :kiss::kiss:


    A mega mega thanks to Dave and team for the prep and cooking of the food :kiss::kiss:


    To all the forumites who did come and introduce themselves to us, nice to meet you :kiss::kiss:


    To all who popped into chez cubed for a cuppa or beer and a chat, shared some good laughs! :kiss::kiss:


    To everyone who offered and helped on Sunday when we packed up, and for making sure we were ok, and those who have messaged me since. Everyone is much better today! :kiss::kiss:


    But of course, the biggest thanks goes the man himself who without his sheer determination, blood, sweat and tears, guts, and grey hairs!!!!! This wouldn't have happened.


    So Thank you Jack Beckett :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

  2. Wow what a weekend!!!!!!! Thanks to all who have asked, we are all getting back on our feet again. Youngest cubelet George began to feel poorly on the way home as well :(

    We did have a brilliant time on Saturday and such a wonderful atmosphere in the back of the mans truck!!!

    Lovely to meet up with friends old and new. :)

    Didn't take many photos but here a few if them

    Chef Ives showing his other side!







    G506 and his new bigger tent




    Teaching the G506 boys early!








    I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?q5yxgb

  3. And a few more

    Just love the French Resistance



    loved that French truck hey!!!!!! :-D


    And just a few more.

    Including a the laid back DR's



    The DR's did a blimmin marvelous job on the convoy. They risk their lives nipping past some of the trucks!


    excellent pictures everyone, thanks.

  4. Oh dear, sorry to hear about eldest cubelet :( It's no fun when your kids are ill, even worse when its away from home. Glad to hear you got to enjoy some of it anyway.


    Thanks Vulture :)

    Unfortunately I started a little while later and am still 'going'

    It's an unfortunate end to a wonderful weekend. I have cried on Jacks shoulder this morning (literally) as I'm devastated I cant go today but that's life.





    I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?4a2obq

  5. Daily Mail Man (gritineye) is on site too - been busy signing autographs. Chef Ives is set up and is looking happy :)


    Ian, Cripp - (Jack Dee of the MV world) and Mark on site too. Jim and Sherman due in Midday, Adrians M10 around the same time and Hellcats and everything else throughout the day.


    Can't wait to get them on the roads! This is going to be an impressive looking convoy.


    - everyone is awaiting the arrival of Rosy!


    Party on.



    Oh blimey!!! Hope I don't disappoint!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked:

    The cubed one had strict instructions to hoover that carpet you know, i want it might smart when I arrive! how do you like his new hair cut then?!!!!!!

    See you all tomorrow chaps

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