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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Big floods in Chichester. Had a diversion to get to Uni!!! With all the traffic it took me 40 mins to get through. It only took me 20mins to get from home to Chi in the first place!!!

  2. Heavy winds and rain battered Rixon Towers over night. Have had some horrendous storms recently across the country here in the UK. Hope everyone here is safe and sound and not too wet. We appear to have come away unscathed but haven't ventured further then the kitchen yet!

  3. Thanks guys!!!! Well apart from JB I'll give you what for next time in Dorset!

    Been to Brooklands and had a wonderful day! Met up with some old buddies as well.

    No sign of the transfer box as yet but do have a lovely new car stereo that runs off my iPhone!!!!!

  4. Advanced early years and education, learning theories in childhood, working together to safeguard children-a guide to inter agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare if children.

    Ready for my next 3500 word essay! My last essay before my final piece (6000 words!!!)

  5. No snow here down near lulworth.


    In fact it's quite sunny!

    same here must be the sea air, nice and sunny now, had a wicked storm through the early hours and into the mid morning, torrential rain and f8-9 winds.

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