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Catch 22 LBDR

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Everything posted by Catch 22 LBDR

  1. Your making some fast progress, its looking good. I need to do this with my Stalwart's tank, what are you going to do with the inside to seal the steel from condensation rust? Ross
  2. Well I used "Allied Forces" to make mine. They were so helpful and nice that I didn't bother shopping around, so if I didn't get a good price I don't mind. Do you want me to PM you what I paid, not sure I should put it on hear. Pic's to follow in a few weeks, not working on it this week, and yes it does look good. thanks mate.
  3. Is it hard to find parts???? Ross
  4. The Irish Panhard's are unlikely to ever be released, (its a sore point over hear:banghead:), the rumour is that what ever ones are not used as targets will be destroyed.
  5. Test fitted the canvas cover this week, was a bit nervous as I got the drawings from Shaun' who got them from someone else and I spent quite a bit getting it made with out really known if it was right. I looked at some pics of other Stolly's with covers and compared it to mine and, hat's off its identical. I think if I was doing it again I would have added in about 3 or 4 inches to the length, but that's just personal preference. It really finishes her off:D. Also fitted the windows, I decided to use putty instead of silicon, after seeing the rot around the windows I learned that silicon splits and traps water, where as the putty is easy to replace/ repair and it does't trap water, probably something to do do with the oil in the putty. On a not so good note when we went to start it and move it out of my brothers shed a wire got snagged an the water pump pulley and severed the drive belt, on closer inspection the belt tension pulley was seized also:cry:. Less hast, more speed!!!. So added to the shopping list is a toothed belt and a set of bearing's. Was rather impressed with my Dad's 110 defender which pulled it out of the shed across a field and parked it outside his one, with out so much as a cough:shocked:. One life, live it, Landrover!!!
  6. Finally finished sanding the Stalwart cab:cheesy:, primed and painted one topcoat so far, want to put another coat on before I re-fit the glass, then its bleed the clutch and back outside it goes. A milestone will soon be reached, Will start sorting out the mechanics next, will start with the brakes I think, its not building air. A welcome switch from cutting, welding and grinding.
  7. I think so, you see it on bull-bars and running board on 4x4's
  8. I dont know about hot zinc powder, but I would avoid ordinary powder coating like the plague, if it gets a scratch the water gets under the powder coat and rot the steel. I'm a big fan of good quality paint because you can always sand it and repaint it again and again with out any major expense, But that's just me. Ross
  9. OK, Defiantly no 321 fitted to your Rover, The 321 was a HF set, the antenna' for HF set's are mounted on the sides mid way down, you can see it hear on the right side of this Wolf. [ATTACH=CONFIG]57584[/ATTACH] There are 2 TUAAM's fitted to yours, one on each wing, but only one antenna, so it could be any of the following. 2x vrc353's. or, 1x vrc353 and 1x prc351/2 clip in kit. or, 1x vrc353. or, 1x prc351/2. This is 2 353's mounted side by side. This is a prc 351 man pack. The top part is the radio and the bottom part is the battery. And this is a prc 352 man pack. Note the £52 is the same Radio as the 351 but with a 20watt amp and a 4watt surf fitted. The 20 watt amp is fitted between the radio and the battery, with the 4watt surf on top. The prc351/2 would be mounted on a charring frame and then clipped in to the Rover, the idea was that the radio could be removed easily and remote operated. This is the man pack radio frame that the 351/2 would be mounted on. The frame on the left is the clip in frame for a Rover, this would be bolted to the dexion across the back of the Rover behind the seats. the man pack frame would then clip into this. you can see the radio mounted on the man pack frame on the right. This is a 351 with a 4watt surf fitted, the SURF was used to stop one radio interfering with the other one next to it if the infrequency's were close together. Also note the box on the left, this is a DCCU, used fior charging the batters of the 351/2, this would also have bean fitted on the dexion. This is the clip in kit fitted. The table across the bottom is where the 353 radio would go, under this would be a box housing the two 12v batters used for the radios and charged from the engine, in Wolf Rover's this was normaly painted black with red writing on it. "DANGER ACID". The call sign on the door is the key to finding out who's Rover it was. I hope this helps, Ross
  10. Hay Shaun, this is the guys I used to find the info and pic on the stolly for me, no luck with the Vehicle record card yet. I have bean e-mailing a guy called Geoff, Good luck.
  11. OK, now I'm envious :wow:. There is a nice book done by Bill Munro called Alvis Saracen Family.ISBN 1-86126-537-9. In it he says the first Stalwarts were made from Cor-ten steel, then latter BS968 steel and welded with CO2 fine wire welding. Hope this info is useful.
  12. Hi Ron, had a look at the pics of your stolly, you seam to know all the hot spots to look for, and it look's like you might get away with cutting out the rot and weld in new steel. I don't know if your a welder or not, but I found it hard to weld to the old steel. there is much chat about this at the start of this thread. If there is any thing I might be able to help with please ask, had some great input from other members hear too. Ross
  13. Hi Brian, I posted on your other thread about your radio fit in a landrover. Looking at your pic of this Rover I can say with out a doubt its fitted with clansman, Although its fitted with 2 wing mounted TUAAM boxes I see only one antenna so I'm guessing only one radio. This is important because it means its only monitoring one net. The call sign on the door(22 alpha) will give you a better Idea who's Rover it is. Since the Scots DG are an armoured Regt any soft skin vehicles are going to be in support, so maybe the QM'S department or something like that. hear is a possable fit. its a 352 clip in kit in a series 3, but would be the same in a wolf. Hope this helps. Ross
  14. Hi Brian, I was a Signaler in the Artillery until 04. Boman was just coming in, but we didn't have it yet. front line units would have got it first. I didn't go to the gulf in 03 so I cant say for sure if it was used. I think you would need to ask yourself a few questions first. What unit does the Rover belong to, who was using the Rover and for what. EG; If it was my Rover it would have bean the Sigs Sgt Land rover Wolf 110, sigs support fitted with 2 clansman 353 radios set up as a stand by rebro station. and a bty charging system for the 351/2 radio batters. I think I have probably raised more questions than I answered, sorry. Ross
  15. Thanks for the support Ron. will put a needle gun on my wish list:D. Under a bit of pressure at the moment, the Stolly resides in my brothers shed and he needs it out ASAP. They all seam to rot in the same places, would you like me to point out the worst parts on mine so you know where to look, or are you pretty much on top of it. Also do you have any pics???? Ross
  16. Got an in-service picture of my stolly. I cant post it up yet till I sort out the copy right. She use to be an UBRE, probably part of a life extension program. Am well pleased:D. Almost forgot to say,I found an army issue tin opener in the belly of the beast, not the find of the year, (ie the legendary working service revolver under the engine of a Chieftain) but it is dated 1961 (or 81, it's hard to read) and stamped with the crows foot. It's sad but I got excitted:rotfl:.
  17. Its always rewarding when you get to paint parts, but I have had problems in the past with paint reacting when I went to prime and paint over nuts and bolts after parts are re-assembled. Looking good so far. Ross
  18. Sometimes it's hard to see the end, or the work that goes in to it. Sanding the inside of the cab this week, it takes ages, moving all the wiring and boxes out of the way to get at the rust underneath. Once its primed and painted it will look great, but that only takes a few hours. Had to cut out and weld in a new right hand side light housing too, it wasn't as bad as the left but worth replacing all the same. A little concerned about all the box sections and areas I cant get at to sand, I might wax-oil these areas at a latter stage.Also not looking forward to sorting out the wiring, its a mess:nut:.
  19. [TABLE=width: 827] [TR] [/TR] [TR] [TD=colspan: 3] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 23%] Tel 01797 253211 [/TD] [TD=width: 50%] Goteley Manor Farm, Northiam, East Sussex [/TD] [TD=width: 27%] Fax 01797 253189 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 23%] [/TD] [TD=width: 50%] TN31 6NW (UK) [/TD] [TD=width: 27%][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Is prob your best bet for any parts for post war British stuff, but he's not cheep. Also try Past Parts. Good luck. Ross
  20. Hi Brian, love the models, unbeleaveable detail. dabble a bit my self but nowhere near that standard, would love any tips. Are you putting step by step pics of the landrover up hear? Regards Ross
  21. Great Thread. Sorry to hear that your dad has passed away. Please tell me someone is going to restore her. Would you consider doing her your self or passing her on to someone else who can? Regards Ross
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