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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Talking about Mick...........is still alive - haven't seen on here for yonks??
  2. Jack


    That is funny Joris! Can you add that one please +-
  3. Hear what you are saying Spood - on Question Time last night they were saying that our front line troops are paid half of what our Fire Fighters are, that was a freightning stat and a very sad one too. Where the hell does all our money go?
  4. Ok. So decision made +- Oddballs logo for mugs, caps, etc etc and Bodges and my work for screen stickers etc etc So Oddball and Bodge - what happens next &* 34 Cheers Jack. (might of noticed that I have uploaded some more smileys to day &^ ( )
  5. Right - I think that we may be getting there but keeping posting up if you have any problems &$
  6. Books that changed your life or the way the you look at it.... What are your two favourite books and why? Jack Hargreaves - Out of Town This was my favourite TV when I was a boy and always adored the opening music. When I was given his books some years back, I just couldn't put them down and it has always taught me about manners, respect and what we have lost in our society and that is, elegance....... The Power of Focus. Amazing book and has be responsible for so much change in my life and is the book that I have recommended to so many people and it has changed the way they do things too. If it wasn't what I learnt from that book then HMVF and many other things wouldn't be here. Feed up with your life and want to change it then this is just the book you need.
  7. So was this the day that ultimately save Great Britain?
  8. ..........I haven't even had time for a cup of tea this morning so I am off to go make one and maybe I will gotten over your offensive remarks by the time I get back.
  9. Sorry mate, but you have had your chance of driving a proper vehicle, I am not interested in American rubbish.
  10. Actually gentlemen, that is a dam good idea...........and glad that I thought of it :oops: I must at this point come clean as all of the above is Bodges work :oops: judging from the abusive PM's I got I reckon I was bubbled from the start :oops: :cry: I think that this is now highly workable as a window/vehicle ID............ So the HMVF logo is Oddballs design? Lets get this wrapped up.
  11. Hold on a flipping minute - no one said nothing about a Reo........I have a reputation to keep don't you know 8-)
  12. Oh flipping heck..........Bodge and I have been working on that all day - I thought I was being well clever with that idea :cry: So, Oddballs idea it is then?? [still like mine, text JACKS to 9087 or ODDBALLS to 9088]
  13. Umm - just for the record folks......my Jimmy has a like a winch on the front. Please do pay attention. :roll:
  14. ok chaps, just keep them coming as I know quite a few folks are having trouble logging on. Maybe we need to look at another host
  15. Not sure........... ......would like everyones feedback (not on my talents) on if they like it or not, what it should have on there etc etc.
  16. So here is the list then - just copy and paste and add yours. Jack Jerry
  17. Bodge I have told you before - I am the funny around here, ok :evil:
  18. I quite like it too.............just busking in my moment of graphic designers glory :cofee:
  19. Hey Bodge - we have both had some good ideas today then :-o
  20. Ok everyone.......I have been busy this morning with my logo idea and what do you reckon: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b107/richmorris/RupImage.jpg[/img] Has the boy done good or what? ..........I thank you, I thank you :bow: :bow:
  21. Front page folks.........click on the HMVF banner for the front/home page
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