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Everything posted by Jack

  1. LOL..best post up some pictures and I hope you charged Joris a fortune :-D.....he comes from Holland, he can afford it :-D
  2. Yes you are right mate, time to come clean.......the fact is that the driver is scared of the dark so needs someone to read him a book along the way :roll:
  3. ......Neil, just ring the bell - we need another log on the fire :-D
  4. Got one thanks mate.........if I didn't, would you know where I could get one :shake:
  5. No need for the 'sir' bit Neil as there is no rank in here as we are all equals :-D We had better get another chair as it looks like Karoshi will soon be joing us on the sofa. I had better get some more Malt in.
  6. Degsy, you are more than a good man! I will list up I actually do have so we can work back from there. This is all Lloyds fault anyhow - can't quite see what is wrong with a Shell Suit and wellies :oops:
  7. Actually, thinking about you actually said that I HAVE to ride in one as they may need may mechanical skills as and when they break down!
  8. Ok folks, below is a list of what I need help: M43 jacket with or without pile liner M1936 Woollen overcoat or M1938 Mackinaw (NO PONCHOS) Wool trousers (dark or light shade mustards) Wool shirt Double buckle boots (preffered) or at a push Service shoes and Leggings OD T shirts/vests Wool scarf..(not a pink fluffy wooly one ) Web gear for weapon( You will be a private so M1 Garand preferred)Carbine optional Cartridge belt or pistol belt (for carbine) Mag pouches Canteen and cover Light or dark OD as its late war First aid pouch Fighting knife M3 or private purchase M1936 suspenders and Musette bag (No M1928 Doughboy) M1938 wirecutters and pouch (optional) M1943 folding shovel and Cover Sleeping bag and OD Duffel bag Woollen blankets Shelter half (optional) ....to make "hobo" roll with blankets in lieu of pack Personal kit (at your own discretion) So, the only thing that I have is not needed - a GMC :cry:
  9. for the thick amongst Neil..........what the hell is it all about??
  10. Well I did beg Lloyd to let me march but he said someone has to keep the driver company 8-)
  11. See Neil, this remark along with Mr H Ferrets is the sort of thing you have to get used to1 Hows your leather chair?
  12. blimey - he is up to 1002 already :schocked:
  13. Neil. It is going to be an honour and a privilege to welcome you to an elite and noble group. You are 1 post away from being a right honourable member of the 1000 + posting group, until now this elite group has been kept very secret, you now have a massive burden of responsibility resting upon your shoulders but it is a burden that you must bear as you are among the select few but responsibility does have its privileges. You will now see a special section on the site that only 1000+ posters can view – bit like club house, it has leather chairs, open fires, 100’s of cigars and free drink forever, you even get to have a massage, a sauna, a haircut and manicure once a week! It has a comprehensive military library and a comprehensive DVD library too and I am currently watching Kellys Hero’s whilst I am waiting for my Champagne to cool. So welcome aboard my friend, the door is open……… and for Christ sake, please make sure you shut it behind you as we don’t want any of the riff raff getting oil all over our leather sofas.
  14. I rather enjoyed reading the Falkland article and I must admit that I open to conspiracies like that, I always like to see the other side of the augment, I think it helps you to come to an informed discussion.
  15. Welcome Colin and a great way to get into the MV and would like to see some pictures of your M20 :-D Also you are a bit of a landmark as you are our 500th member and Mark did say that he would send a bottle of Whisky to the 500th member so you are in luck and you also have the Dancing Girls to look forward to and Joris will send them on over as soon as he has finished with them :roll: Cheers Jack.
  16. mate, with that amount of kit I not sure if I will last long :cry: - I need someone to carry it for me.......Joris :naughty: :bow:
  17. Flipping heck Lloyd :-o ....is that all :cry: Can you point me in the right direction mate of where to get all of this kit :shake: :schocked:
  18. Its the 'kipping' in the snow bit that Lloyd was saying is whats worrying me :cry: I have asked them if they could move it to Dorset.......needless to say they where very unhelpful on this matter
  19. Hi Steve. That is very kind of you mate, I am going to wait for Lloyds list :cry: I reckon I have have/can get most of what is required - it may be the odds and sods that I can't get in time 8-) Again, many thanks for the offer Steve! Jack Inbedded Bastogne reporter for HMVF
  20. Gentleman I will be joining M8 Greyhound and nine Halftracks and 100 plus people to the trip to Bastogne. I have next to nothing in the form of kit and relevant clothing so I am going to need to 'hire' some kit from my chums on HMVF :greatidea: Would any one be willing to help.......I will know what I need as soon as Lloyd has let me know. Yours begginly. Jack
  21. ##Lloyd. I am in! Could you call me over the weekend :-D .....this is going to be exciting!
  22. Front page ladies & gents.
  23. The stange thing is when I save the gallery page to send of the Hosting company it shows all of the images :? :?
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