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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Maybe they just lost interest in your band Dave!:-D I like the idea of HMVF radio, think that would be great, any help, please let me know.
  2. I forgot about Angry Mitch and his GMC, has he not stalked anyone yet?!
  3. Mine always said "could do better", apart from art where I spent most of my time "He needs to spend lees time in the artrooms and more time on other academic subjects" Sport was odd as I got a "He is doing well." as I spent my time in town rather than doing any form of sport, apart from rowing where a couple of us would park up in a rowing boat behind an island and have a crafty fag and share a bottle of cider before rowing back at the end of the day...aaaah....those were the days..
  4. Id have to do the same, hide it, then strip it. Trouble is the transport from Fife would be about £500 to me.
  5. Yes its back on ebay again, seems to have travelled up to Fife now. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DAIMLER-FERRET-1964-SCOUT-CAR-CUSTOMISED_W0QQitemZ290248192345QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item290248192345&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1308
  6. Ah apologies to you both! Must learn to pay attention in class...
  7. Quite correct its a T34! PLease see Jack for your goodie bag.
  8. Well done Lee for orchestrating that, seen the video, it was priceless. I have found a whole load new of friends, spoke to far to few of you, yet hope to meet more in the future. My interest and knowledge in this hobby has exploded over the past few years of being in it. With a very young family and being tied at home most nights it has been a lifeline. Keep us updated on the radio, Ive got some classic tunes to liven up the dark evenings in the garage! Snapper, Ive not forgotten you still owe me a beer!
  9. Well deserved, without this place I wouldnt have had such an interest in MVs, more than that its a great place for a chat when you are stuck at home with the sprogs! We are going to some locla shows this year and fingers crossed will be at W&P next year. (I think I may have to trade that for Mrs W going to a folkie fest and me babysitting for the weekend!).
  10. Welcome aboard, Im sure you'll find all the answers here, though some not so sensible! Just sold my FFR, though ata drastically reduced price. Hope you have better luck!
  11. "Do you want the phone number of my hairdresser..."
  12. It certainly is look forward to seeing you there. I cant do the Saturday til late afternoon for a few hours, but will be doing the road run in Snappers old Iltis on the Sunday, fingers crossed!
  13. John Marchants place, Old Stratford just outside of MK.
  14. MVT in this area seems to be quite active this year. Village at War on October 4/5. Vehicles and re-enactors, trade stands and a whole lot more. Anyone coming?
  15. Anyone else on here going? John Marchants farm, MVT members only, no public. Free military car boot followed by a road run to MK Museum.9th 10th August SE Midlands MVT. Im going as I live up the road, be a great chance to meet other MVTers, and hopefully HMVFers as well.
  16. Yep, you got it. Well done.
  17. Rick W


    Well done mate! The sleepless nights will get better, after 3 months ours is just going through the night. Keep him awake before you want to go to bed!
  18. Now I dont know what this is, it looks military, can you shed any light?
  19. A shed on wheels just in case the wife gets too curious...
  20. This is one of those age old arguments archaeologists face. The roman site Ive been working on for several years has a superb bath-house which stands over 6 feet high since we excavated it. during the few years it has stood exposed to the elements it has begun to decay and the decision has been made to cover it back over next year to prevent further decay. If we had not have excavated it we would have lost a valuable piece of knowledge of the building complex and its surroundings. If we had left it, the knowledge would be lost and it would have been lost to plough damage. Some of the sites near to it we have identified as villas we have only explored through test pits, "keyhole surgery", to preserve remains for the future. There is no right or wrong answer in my opinion. www.whitehallvilla.co.uk
  21. Does that mean he has to eat all the peanuts?
  22. Just over the road from where I am sitting at work now, during the war. There was parked up a Spifire to raise funds for the war effort/ scrap metal drive. It wasnt a complete Spit though ist was just the cockpit and fuselage, no wings. Maybe its the same?
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