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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. Over to you then John! Who knows what else might be lurking in there still. I can't even remember what we went there for but in those days it was probably parts for 1930's fire engines. - Mike
  2. John, Main Motors & Nuffield Salvage Woodside Old Henley Road Ewelme WALLINGFORD Oxon OX10 6PZ Their scrap metal dealer licence comes up for renewal at the beginning of June. Do let us know if they're still there? - Mike
  3. This was over 10 years ago so I don't know now. Try asking in the local garage - they tend to know what's about. I'll bet most of it has succumbed to the great Chinese scrap drive. :-( - Mike
  4. When plugged in of course! I noticed we didn't get offered ice creams in the 'interval'...
  5. I'll post the others when I have the patience to approach the scanner again. I nearly threw it against the wall the other day. :argh:
  6. No comment...! btw. photos were taken 1 year apart (distant one was Oct. '95, closeup Aug. '96) The background is completely different (trees etc) so it was clearly still in use at the time.
  7. It's ok, he thrives on abuse. He'll be along later to say thanks, no doubt. :wave:
  8. As with the photos from Hunts, apologies for the poor quality of these scans. These were all taken in '96 at Main's in Benson, Oxon. Enjoy! CCKW: 2 CMPs & Green Goddess: Logging CMP: 2 more CMPs: Austin K?: Austin K?: Austin Gypsy:
  9. Pioneer 1: Pioneer 2: Green Goddess body & Martian: ex-Billy Smarts' Mack NM: Alvis Salamander: Albion Cheiftain? and Leyland Hippo?:
  10. 2nd Austin K2 fire engine: Other side: Thorneycroft cabs: Another Thorneycroft cab: Thorneycroft with Constructor in background: LHD Mk3 Millie cab on rear of Constructor above:
  11. Unidentified: Martian?: Green Goddess: 1st Austin K2 fire engine (you'll have to trust me on this!): Mk1 Millie: Same truck: Thorneycroft Nubian crash truck: Unidentified lorry body:
  12. I think it's worth starting a new thread for this as there are a number of photos to show. All of these were taken in autumn '95 and autumn '96 as the yard was closing. I also have photos of the lorries, buses and other assorted stuff that was there if people are interested? I've posted some of these elsewhere on HMVF but I'll put them all here as well for completeness. Apologies for the porr quality but the scanner isn't that great :-(. I've tried to caption them but any corrections are more than welcome. Enjoy! Antar: Explorer cab: Matador: Unidentified logger: Unidentified Gulf War 1 truck: Other view of same truck:
  13. Does anyone have a source for parts for these? We were talking about doing the job properly and making it more usable but we need the following to do it: - complete engine - hydraulic control valve mechanism - steering box - clutch seals or master cyl. - Mike
  14. I'm up for it and I'll tell shorty he is too. Don't worry MarkSlipperyops, I'll bring the tow chain again. Can't have you getting stuck again now can we? :-D - Mike
  15. It was displayed flanked by a pair of very nice and still in-service DROPS units so it certainly must have come from a services museum. - Mike
  16. Nothing wrong with them at all :thumbsup:. We did over 200 miles this weekend with a Sankey on the back fully loaded with all the camping gear and it never missed a beat. Great fun too and a bit of a babe magnet :cool2:.
  17. Hurrah! Finally a photo of the finest vehicle there. (so fine in fact, that I forget to take a photo myself :idea:) Also a photo of the finest exhibitor:yay: :tup::. Oi Grasshopper - get on with writing this thread!
  18. I LIKE that! As Markheliops says, we just need 4 FAQs: 1. It's a Ward Lafrance 2. No, not a Diamond T, it's a Ward Lafrance 3. No, it's not French. - Mike
  19. Ouch! You can go off some people you know :n00b: We had one of these moments at the weekend - we were talking to one of the Red Ball guys and he said there was a WLF turning up on the Saturday. I asked the owner's name and didn't recognise it. (I think I know about most of the WLFs and owners in the UK) I said to Grasshopper afterwards "I bet it's a DT", sure enough, it was! :rolleyes:
  20. Well done! Put me down for next Sunday then. Grasshopper will be away disappointing his young lady so I'll be on my own.
  21. Not vehicle related but my Dad is a National Trust volunteer and in the house where he works there is a collection of Ming type ancient Chinese pottery. He says he's lost count of the number of people who've asked, in all seriousness, whether they are dishwasher-proof! He also reminded me of the anecdote relating to the brash American tourist at the Bodlean library who asks whether the building is pre-war? The curator replies "Madam, it's pre-America!"
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