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Posts posted by Rover8FFR

  1. I need to pull my finger out and get on with mine. It's been too long and I must make more time as there is nothing more therapeutic than wielding the spanners and getting grubby :D. Recent images below.







  2. Looking very smart Clive. You have been busy over the last few days.:wow: Thanks for looking at my 'Avometers'. Much appreciated as always. :D I have noticed in the images that the chromate primer on your box originally was a little brighter than on mine. I suspect that is down to the usual issues associated with paint batching. All done to the same recipe, but subtle difference should be expected. Looking at my architectural paint colour swatches RAL 1018 appears close and is named 'Zinc Yellow'. I am now asking myself. 'WHY' did I not think of offering this up before. DOH!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::angry:angry.............. Your Piggy will be out soon though no doubt, wearing the cleanest undergarments on parade.......... ;):yay::yay::yay::drive::drive::clap:

  3. I've done a couple of camps there. Nice to see they have updated the gate guardians. I remember a Churchill there, the last time I stayed for a battle camp. Lovely pictures ;)

  4. ambulances our not meant to carry weapons a turret could have a weapon fitted so as to be no misunderstanding turrets removed the press or the ira could not pretend they thought it was a regular troop carrier

    Ironically it never stopped them being a target......

    War and Conflict is just that. Geneva got ignored. Sorry to say.

    Falklands and Iraq / Afghan conflicts confirm scenario .


    So of I went to Gloucester to Allcap who I used when I lived there, and they were able to supply 60 large size 5/16 unf bolts for under £10
    I will remember that one for future use. Do they have a Website Dougy? Cheers :-\
  6. Can anyone help with the batteries for this type of Avometer.


    Does it use the BLR154 15V cell (Internet search?????) Or other types or can I improvise just for testing.??????


    I need a battery to test one that is being offered to me for chicken feed.....


    I'll post pictures later, but seems genuine and original condition and if it works then it will cost me a couple of bottles of wine to someone via work :wow:


    Doesn't have the leads or case though, but have those reserved from my favourite FV retailer :cool2: Does come with original cardboard box, manual and original test certificate from AVO.

  7. Guys........

    'Guess all the cool LR guys are over on this site? :cool2:




    Yep! Blanchards are a very good company to deal with and I will echo what others have written. They have a sister company that deals with parts called 'LR Series'.......... I believe the son or other family member runs that site.


    Both have extensive LR knowledge and parts access.


    I have bought many older and rarer items from them for my 1964 Series 2a FFR 24v 88" with the older 40amp system :D

  8. Well done Mike.


    They are used extensively by 22 as a gun platform, as they don't bounce around like the pinkies with a 50cal in the back.


    I borrowed one once for an Army Cadet school recruitment drive in Hereford.


    They are an absolute 'Beast' in the flesh!


    It had the desired affect in the school entrance :wow:


    Keep us posted mate on progress........ And of course lots of photos :D

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