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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Totally disagree Tony, Olaf point was costs.. Why should we spend many hundred coming to a show & others can turn up in their civvy vehicle & display amongst the MV's..


    Also many have to pay £30 for a support pass to park in the support carpark, If those marking up their civvy vehicle are using their vans for that purpose then they should be paying for a support pass like others..


    I agree with the point about costs.

    I would add that I think the extra cost for the support car park is shall we say....a little cheeky.

  2. With respect Olaf, there are many without MV's that attend the show, They pay For Public Camping, If everyone did the same as you do then there would not be many MV's at the show..


    Transport, Fuel & tolls to get kit to the show this year Was well over £500


    As said before it costs people many ££££ to attend the show, I know people in the UK that have MV's that would like to attend but can't afford it but they don't go marking there Civy vehicles up..


    The organisers are to blame for not stamping this out from the start, the answer is unless you can prove that your vehicle is a genuine UN, Military Police etc vehicle they should not be allowed on the exhibitor field & should be charged to go in the public camping area..


    Let me please state that I DO NOT have a problem with ANY REAL EX MIL vehicle whether it be a tank or push bike or a REAL EX UN vehicle. I do however have a problem with vehicles that are not the real deal.

    To quote from the W&P plaque...." THE GREATEST GATHERING OF MILITARY VEHICLES ON THE PLANET" ok that does not include current serving vehicles BUT it does exclude civvy vehicles with stickers put there to get cheap entry to the show.


    Here here........for once I agree with you Lee.


    Olaf, with regard to spending money in a country thats not yours.........

    Plenty of us Brits do that every year,its called going on holiday and I normally spend money at W&P with Dutch traders that I am sure does not go into british banks.......so there :)

  3. I agree too. Costs us about a grand every year to put on our display!


    I can believe that. Although we dont put a display on as such, in past years we taken three pre 1945 vehicles with trailers.

    Last year our fuel bill was a shade under £900.

    This year due to economic reasons we only ended up taking one vehicle on a trailer,it was however 1944 in date and a "true ex-mil" vehicle, unlike the white van with "UN" made from parcel tap.......grrrrrrrr.

    On a lighter note I was glad to see that the problem of kids racing on quads had been sorted, this year it was only adults on motorbikes in Kitcheners field causing additional dust storms....like we needed that.

    All that said great show, thanks to Rex and his team.

  4. Sorry Lee I don't see the relevance to your comment. I'm not concerned with NLBA or their camping arrangements.


    I was just saying that the camping enclosed within the white fence boundary was by & large green which was the organisers were aspiring to.


    Whilst i like and agree with "green camping" IF the increase use of caravans and motorhomes was frowned upon or even stopped then the show would really need to consider upping the amount of toilets and showers. just think if there were 500 "plastic" campers then thats at least 1000 people less using the already inadequate toilets/showers.

  5. Funny I found this post today as I have spent all day making a trailer board for my bofors gun, using LED lights. I wired it all up on the work bench and used a model train controller to test it. Superb bright lights very safe....

    BUT when I attached it to my 6v Jimmy... Nothing. I thought I must of wired it up backwards so reversed it .... Still nothing.

    put it back on the railway controller.. Works fine.. I am baffled


    Just a thought, is the socket on the GMC working ok.

  6. Hello on the 28th of July we are hosting a joint flying display/ pre 1960's car show at the Shuttleworth Collection near Biggleswade in Bedfordshire, the driver and vehicle of any pre-registered pre 1960's cars can get in free and pre-registered passengers can get in half price (£12) for more information click this link http://www.shuttleworth.org/tickets/event-details.asp?ID=201 I have been told we are trying to set aside areas for vehicle classes so I will bring along the family's Dodge WC54, Ford GPW and M3 Halftrack and try to put some of the collection's vehicles with us for a military section and it'd be great to see some of you guys and girls and your toys. Closing date for registration is 19th July and if we have weather like we had last night it'll be a great show.


    When will organisors understand that vehicle owners dont want to pay that amount of money to help create a show :embarrassed:


  7. I'm going to say something that some of you won't like I don't mind seeing kids on quad bikes or motorbikes as long as they are having fun and not hurting anyone. The 'fun' part of war and peace show was and has been the atmosphere of freedom for all and that does includes catering for the kids.


    As a child I remember kids racing up and down the Mersey banking all we did was move out of the way and let them have fun! I suspect now that some well meaning old fart boring nimby would now call the police. We live in sad times in this country when it has gotten to the stage that adults do not want children to have the kind of fun that they had when they were children. Do yourselves a favour lighten up


    Remember its not just an old farts show if you want peace and quiet go and camp in the furthest field away from the action and munch your prawn butties !!


    Health and Safety its common sense or Darwinism for those that don't make it


    No 1, I aint an old fart, No, 2 I dont munch prawn butties. We take afternoon tea with cucumber sarnnies .

    Dont get me wrong I love to see kids having fun, what parent does'nt. What Im talking about is kids charging about on something with an engine in and area where other people have thier pride and joy.

    Its not all about just letting the kids go mad its about respect for other people.

    As for camping in the furthest field, I'll camp where I like/can, ferrell kids won't drive me away but I suspect/hope they might be

  8. Very well put Mark. There has been quite a few trying the hardest to put a negative on the new show since it was announced, unfortunately some of the negatives are from forum members (the usual anti Rex Team) all I can say is it's their loss in boycotting the show.

    Best wishes to Rex & his team.


    I'm not in the know as regards people putting negatives on the show.I have always thought that Rex puts a good show on, sorry i dont know his team.

    I for one am looking forward to it as I always have, MY only negative thought is that I can only get there on Wednesday eve.:(

    I'm glad to hear that the problem of kids on quads has been sorted,I look forward to that. But may I ask without being negative, should one see that type of thing going on, where and to whom should it be reported WITHOUT being verbally abused.

  9. Hope fully with a brand new venue, things like kids on quads, large areas roped off with only one vehicle in , guns going off in the middle of the night etc etc should all be things of the past, well we can all live in hope !!



    Yep.....or bury our heads in the sand ;)


    But in all the years I have been to W&P there has ALWAYs been a problem with illegal driving, its time that now the show has moved its stamped out...of course thats going to be down to marshalling.

  10. Hi folks,

    I thought I would copy and paste part of the "Rules" for the show which are given to all participants as part of your pack including vehicle entry numbers, thus you should have read and be aware of the content since you will have signed for it.



    Also, UK Road Law applies on the site with regard to insurance requirements and licence requirements.


    "Tracked Vehicle Movement


    All movement through the site must be with at least one escort person on foot in front of the vehicle wearing high visibility attire. The 5 M.P.H. speed limits apply unless you are in the Arena where 25 M.P.H. applies. Do not enter the 20 ft crowd safety zone. All passengers to be seated in appropriate seats, not on vehicle turrets. Under section 1, 2 and 3 as amended by the Road Traffic Act of 1991 you could be prosecuted for driving recklessly at this type of event if it was considered you have endangered the lives of other exhibitors or members of the public.

    Vehicle Movement


    Vehicle movement is to be kept to a minimum. No vehicle movement is allowed in the trade stand area on show days between the hours of 9.00am and 6.30pm. There is also no vehicle movement in the pedestrian area at any time, unless part of an organised display pre-agreed with the Organiser. Only persons licensed to drive may operate vehicles. Children may not ride motorcycles, quads, etc. during the show days. All Entrants must abide by this. Emergencies excepted unless pre-arranged with the agreement of the Organisers."


    Its there to make sure everyone is kept as safe as possible.




    That will be interesting to see how that is policed re the out of control kids on quads.

  11. So you know what the next step is :shocked: What you need to do is get contact details of the vehicles for their current owners and try to sort out a GMC gathering in a central area convenient for all.


    I'm up for that. :)

    The shame is as Vulture says fuel prices make it hard. Some people I know have all but moth balled their Gmc's in favour of a Dodge or Jeep......shame but thats the way things are at the moment.

    I'm lucky I suppose we split the running cost of ours.

  12. I remember that gearbox change on the Stuart, my Dad and I had the chance to get on the hull and chat to the guys inside doing all the work! Think I was 16 :-) Did I get sunburn that day, the worst in my life!


    Out of interest was this an MVT tour/camp ?

  13. STOP PRESS - I am going to say something!


    I kind of thought the same as Andy when I read this. I think anything you are in or on going at a speed that it isn't built for is more than scary. I done this once in my GMC on the motorway - nearly hit 60mph and it wasn't a nice experience. A DT at speed would be a lot to handle as previous members have stated.


    Just enjoy the ride, less stress, less wear. You aren't going to gain a great deal really unless you really tune it up.



    - can't believe I just made a half sensible post :)



    JACK.....we want our money back you told us YOUR truck had NEVER been raced or rallied you fibbed....no wonder you were always running out of petrol......;)

  14. If any company displays their price not including vat and then add it after the sale then they MUST advise the buyer, prior to a contract agreement (ie a sale) FACT.

    They should also provide either an invoice or receipt CLEARLY showing their vat number and the amount of vat charged.

    I must admit MOST dealers I have purchased from do this BUT I always ask "is that + vat or inc vat"

    Its interesting, lets visit this again say after W&P and see who bought what and who got a VAT receipt for their purchase I for one have never been given or offered a receipt of any kind....to be honest I'm not bothered.As I trust the people I deal with.

    I understand vat needs to be paid in the same way I have to charge it simple.

    To save any problems later just ask.

  15. I think both are seen here as being the same thing.


    Seems to me that saying like/thanks for just one post in a thread does a lot of good for both parties, it does not affect the content of the thread, it is a bit like the on line equivalent of nodding in agreement during a real world speech or conversation.


    I dont think I could have put it any better.

    I have used it on another forum,its just a quick easy way of say thanks.

  16. Hi, not really protocol as such but I have noticed that when a question is asked some people (me included) will press the "quote key" to reply when saying thanks.

    SO my question is to admin and mods could you put a "thanks" button embedded into each post. When a sensible answer is posted the person that asked the question could press the "thanks" button which would log against (in a positive way) to the poster or posters supplying the answer.

    I may not have explained this very well but I'm sure you get my drift.

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