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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Given up for now.. first I was accussed of misleading people & making the place look to muddy & wet, now people are having a pop as my last lot of photos showing the site in sunshine & again is misleading people... :yawn:


    Seen quite a few HMVF Members today & during the week... there are still people arriving all the time.. there are the odd vehicle getting stuck but they are soon moving again..


    Sorry to be....shall we say a little suspicious,but Lee was doing a great job...welldone.

    BUT was this censorship from the W&P organisor's.......lots of money invested here.Dont want to scare too many people away too early on,but noticed the small comment about weekend campesr invited to ring if they wanted to. Come friday lunch how manywill be advised to stay away.

    I'm not knocking I'm sure that everyone is working VERY had......Keep calm and Carry on !!!!!

  2. We have to much invested not to go. We pack up from two locations and set off

    During the night. I am walking in a green orange jacket with my forum name on it. Cheers arjan


    WE all have a lot invested,none more so than the organisor of War & Peace,thats why its good to have these reports. Some positive and some less so....but it helps us all to make an informed decision.

    As some one said earlier on this thread" it is after all just a .....show", its not a matter of life and death.

    Enjoy we will,


  3. My take on the current situation.


    It's been very nice today, and, yes it is very slowly drying out, but it is still a mudbath.

    I had a wander around the stalls today and thier field is a quagmire, very very muddy.

    Some parts are ok, but they are the parts with nobody/no vehciles on them.


    The routes around the site are very very muddy, and you will need a 4 wheel drive to get about.


    TBH, we are going to need at least 2-3 days of hot sunny weather to make the site acceptable, it will take alot longer to dry out completley. The river behind the site is very high and running very fast.


    I must admit, I have never seen w+p this muddy.


    I have yold the rest of my group not to bother comming.


    However, the marshalls are working hard to keep things moving, but, they need about 20 tonnes of gravel/woodchips to make a difference.


    Booking in can be a nightmare, you have to queue on the approach track and this has been leading to traffic tailbacks on the main road. When I arrived sat morning, there were only 2 people booking us in, which caused delays.


    It's a hard one to call overall, if you don't mind slurping around in the mud, come to the show.


    I like to troll the stalls and drive around the site looking at the vehciles and seeing what people are selling outside thier tents, this is almost immpossible at the moment.


    However, i'm sure I will still have a good time!


    I'm going to stay till tuesday, if it has not improved, then i'll be heading home.


    IMO, the w+p facebook page is making the site sound better than it is.


    Just my opinion, and i'm not saying that i'm right.


    Thankyou,its nice to hear a straight discription of what its like.

    Of course the sun may shine,it might stop raining for more than four hours and Hope Farm MAY dry out.

    But at least with your report we can all make a more informed choice.

    My personal worry is not our "MV'S" they would almost go anywhere,its more a case of our accomodation.


  4. There were 4 but one succumbed to mechanical trouble early on and was forced to retire with a not to pleased crew (me included) But i have to say that it was unfortunate that more tanks chose not to come and participate!

    for us it was nearly a 600 mile there and back trip so it becomes expensive!




    That was a shame,was it the Hellcat that had problems ?

    Im not sure about 11 tanks there were 16 + another possible shown on the official A&E website along with 6 Halftracks.

    I counted 4 tanks and only 1 halftrack in the convoy. (Its a shame as the key was in the word ARMOUR)

    Now, we had a great time anyway,but that does seem an awful lot of no shows,I'm sure Jack knows the reason...maybe a sign of the times moneywise or perhaps there were too many shows on that weekend and people deciced to attend a more local one.Still one of the best weekends I have had in the MV world.....thanks again to all.


  5. just lucky that was at the start of the weekend when in a fun mood not at the end when stressed as hand would have been throwing things:wow::wow:at the camera



    you did a superb job and I am sure nobody really minds that you got a little upset .

    If anything was to be arranged in the future then maybe a rotor should be arranged......no help NO food.

    Once again,thankyou for your efforts especially under quite difficult conditions.


  6. I know its another thread but i thought it may be good to have one thread to say THANKYOU.

    So here is my bit....and where should I start.


    What a cracking location and view....even if sometimes it was through pouring rain.


    During the drivers breifing on Friday we were all asked to keep tight to the left to allow the DR's a safe passage through.

    Not being on a "proper"convoy before I had not realised just how important that statment was the DR's did a fantastic job sometimes on very narrow lanes. They kept the convoy rolling without a hitch (at least as I could see).....so



    On the Saturday morning we marshalled up to leave the site again I'm not sure who actually placed the vehicles in order because there was a lot of whistle blowing and arm waving but it worked very well..so whistle blowers and arm wavers...


    The Cook House, not much needs to be said here except that how the hell did you cope, talk about value for money you did a great job guys and gals


    To all that attended to make a great weekend and specticle for all those 1000's of people on the roadside


    And of course NONE of this would/could have happened without the vision,hard work,cost,time and shear determination to bring our hobby and movement to the public. I'm sure we all do the "static" shows but they come nowhere near this experience and its down to one man JB.


    So a VERY VERY special THANKYOU to you........




  7. OK folks.


    Entries now closed. I am more than full :sweat:


    I have enough vehicles to contend with now and thank you to all those who have booked in. There will be of course those that have booked in who will not be able to make it as sometimes life 'stuff' gets in the way!!!


    This year I will be strict on anyone who arrives and isn't on the list - I am afraid they will be turned away as I am governed by strict numbers this year. I have worked long and hard on this and infact as we get closer the work load increases dramatically so I am not having anything screw up my work.


    I have created an email list of everyone who has booked in so keep your eye open for 'round robin' emails with updates and finer details etc etc :)




    Best wishes,




    With only FOUR days to go I'm still waiting for those "round Robin" emails with details and "finer points.........

  8. Thankyou David that should help them.

    I sort of understand their concern.......


    "Can you transport our Gmc to a field some where in Dorset ?" we said


    "Delighted" they said


    "But could you give us a glue as to which field in Dorset "


    I sort of exspected an email with details.......waiting for that......but i guess Jacks busy arranging a small gathering somewhere.


    Thanks again and looking forward to your food !!



  9. Good evening all.

    I know I have asked this before....with some answers, BUT our transport company are asking for a more accurate address for the campsite and destination for delivery of vehicles.

    I know head office said emails would be sent out but with only 8 days left, the transport mob whant to plan their day and route.


  10. Tags make or break some items. For example: Say WWII #7 has a cast brass plate and post war are steel. That strengthens the buyers position as its not a WWII item, just a post war one.


    On most items you can add/lose a few hundred dollars just for factory tags alone.


    At the least I would expect a tag for SN, DoD, capacity, manufacturer. How else would they get parts?


    I've asked for pictures... we'll see what shows up.


    So,to hell with the set no seven just buy the cast brass plate if that makes you happy :shocked:.

    Ours has no plates and a later post war block...but did not cost us a lot of money and will make like much easier.

  11. How far out of the back does it stick out? Any area's I should check that would make it just an ornament a workable unit?


    Are there any tags I should look for???


    At a guess about 3 to 4 foot but not measured that.

    Workable unit ? that depends on if you need to use it. Its not something I would fit just to make the Gmc look pretty.

    Not sure about tags :-(......if you need a "set seven" you need one.......if you want tags you probably don't


  12. Hi Ian,

    Thanks for the heads up I dont know why i had not noticed that :red:.

    It must be well out of date as we booked a GMC in late Jan and thats not showing.


    An open question to "old hands" when do we get told where the camp site and RVP is.I keep looking on the "updates thread" but just seem to see comments rather that info......of course thats my stupidity again ;) not for being in the right thread right time.....





  13. Well not such a good turn out this year as last....but fun all the same. The organizer (who interestingly has no vehicle) took us "off road" to a crash site of a B17 then onto a local model aircraft club flying day....(not exspecting that one).Then back to display in Baldock.

    Five vehicles attended 2 X Gmc 1 X Dodge and two Jeeps. Weather as it happens was not too bad at all.

    Enjoyable for all.

  14. Hi Lewis,I'm not sure about that (I'm not the organiser) but I would think that as the guy was asking for military vehicles the clue might be in that :laugh::laugh:.

    Good turn out last year if you remember.


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