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Everything posted by Joris

  1. The thing is, I have the 12V version of the WC51 but the wiring diagram of the 6V version looks more like the wiring of my Dodge....
  2. This is the location in photo's: This is the right side (steering side) of the engine, the black thing in front is the generator. When I was looking for the wiring diagram I stumbled across the following two diagrams which clarify it a bit but not 100%: If I'm not mistaken I have the following version:
  3. I'll post some pictures tonight, that will clarify things a bit.
  4. On my Dodge some wires for my headlights are no longer connected to the terminal block. I tried to reconnect them but all my tries resulted in a short circuit. What's the way to reconnect these wires? I've studied the wiring diagram but that did not help matters much.
  5. All was quiet on the Dodgefront for a while but that does not mean nothing has happened, I just couldn't be arsed to write it all down. The short version is that we sorted the fuel problem and I found outwhat was causing the short circuiting. Fuel problem We drained the fueltank and all the petrol that came out was crystal clear so there was no need to clean the tank from the inside. We did replace the fuel filter and found out why the fuelpump failed, a rubber seal was missing which caused the fuelpump to suck air and not fuel into the carburator. All in all a pretty easy job to sort out. Electrical system This was more complex to sort out but in the end simply following and checking the cables proved most effective. The small blackout lights were not functioning anymore and this happened around the same time the electrical problems started. I assumed that this might be the cause of the problems, which it was for about 50%. After checking the cables and connections I found out that somehow the cables were misconnected. After sorting this the headlights suddenly failed but the rearlights were still working, which was another riddle for me so it was back to following the cables to see what was wrong. Suddenly, while moving the cables, I saw a load of sparks comming from a location near the bobine. This is the location where a terminator block is located and a number of wires were loose there, everytime they touched the framwork it caused a lot of sparkes. Saturday I'm going to reconnect the wires there, after I found out how to reconnect them and the Dodge will be ready for it's next failure eehrm I mean trip
  6. Were there no Dodges WC51 and WC52 in british service?
  7. Hi mate, welcome aboard!
  8. Thanks guys! I checked around Keep them Rolling (an MV organisation in the Netherlands) and theres a guy who wants to do it very cheap.
  9. Well done, didn't see this one before, looks very nice!
  10. Holland still is only availble in low-res photo's so I can't show you my house. Let's hope they'll fix that soon. But it must be cool to see your house in Google Earth
  11. How / where to get WWII style stencil letters to mark your vehicle? I've found some free stencil fonts (http://hans.presto.tripod.com/fonts/stencil2.html) on the web but are these correct? I plan to print them, paste them on cardboard and cut them out. Would this be smart or are there better ways?
  12. Actually they were on their way to Nuenen, which lies to the east of Eindhoven, Arnhem is up north. :oops:
  13. This movie is so bad that it becomes good again, it's proper cult and should be treated with respect :wink: There are so many things wrong with this movie that you can only categorise it as Sci-Fi but as I said, it's cult and I really enjoy watching it!
  14. Google earth now has the whole of germany sharp and in 3D, you can now see the eagles nest in 3D! (okay, the mountain). Not to mention the Berghof:
  15. I wish I had my Dodge at my house...
  16. Nice photo's! What's wrong with your fuel system?
  17. My Dodge has the same type of shock absorber, nice to know they used the same parts on different vehicles.
  18. Welcome! Nice looking jeep you have, finally something different then all the standard jeeps!
  19. Welcome mate, we need more Dodge owners!
  20. I've got a siren on my Dodge WC51, doubt if it's orignal though.
  21. Yeah I got the feeling he had judging by his signature!
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