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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. I've started to take the gearbox apart and have found a fair amount of aluminium particles in the bottom of the box plus the remains of a bearing.


    The gearbox has been cleaned out and mostly put back together with the exception of the side that had the welding. That needs a new bearing


    The last thing that I did today was to investigate why I had no pressure on the gear change lever.


    This is what I found its the busbar spring, its not a recent break as it has rust on the fractures.

  2. I have the whole thing, complete (apart from the contents), in the back of the 101. That being the frame, the top and middle packs, the spare battery holder that goes at the bottom, the aerial holder that fits down the side and the actual radio pocket that sits nearest your back.


    I don't know where you are, but you can have it in exchange for some beers if you would like it...(I'm in SE Kent)


    I think we can sought something out

  3. Thanks Andy


    When I get permisson from the owner I will post the whole picture of 02CC12 taken in about 1980. (the one I posted was only a quarter. Shows some great detail. At least I am now 100% on which squadron it was with at that time .


    My dilemma now is which colour sceme to choose. I now have a steel water carrier on the left rear wing ( I was informed by an ex hussar that on exercise they used to put it on the ashes of the fire last thing to give them some warm water in the morning...)


    That could be nasty if a fuel can was put on the fire in error .... Boom !


    They would be warm all over for a while if they got that wrong.

  4. A good mate of mine DaveP posted a thread for me a couple of weeks ago ref a bren gun mount for my MK1/2 Ferret.Somebody kindly came back with a photo, but I it was for a Mk 1. Is there anybody else out there with correct info or even said item that is for sale.





    MK 1/2 Ferret 01 CA 70

    Champ 08 BF 17

    Champ 73 BE 12



    Do you mean the mount that fits to the front of the fixed turret or the gun mount itself. I've seen the the part that mounts to the front of the fixed turret not the gun mount itself.

  5. Someone sent me these pictures a while back. I think they said it was canadian but I don't remember the reason for the paint job!


    Its a Russian helicopter mil 24 rings a bell somehow

  6. Matt,

    The only torque settings I've read are the head nuts and the wheel lug nuts. I'll have to get some brass nuts then for mine. Let me know if you find out. I turned my fingers raw trying to renew the stud threads. I finally got a 2 ton crane so I can lift off the engine deck. More room now. I still have to get the hull exhaust off. It seems to be a tuff one. I'm also going to paint the exhaust with hi-temp paint.



    Clean the threads off on the bolts and add plenty of penetrating fluid (rag underneath to catch the run off) and leave to soak. When you do set out to undo the nuts from the bolts try undoing them gradually and switch to another bolt when one of them has started to undo. I have undone them before by using a nice long extension bar / socket and wedging a spanner on the bolt head up against the wing.

  7. I have at least 1 of the brass nuts thats stripped. What do I use to replace it? Could I use a brass spacer and hex nut combo?

    About sealing the loose pipes. Could a little high temp RTV sealant do it?


    Ferret 00 EC 55



    Buy a pack or two of these and use a spacer made out of brass of course




    The same person has studs as well not sure if these would work but I suspect that they would do.




    You should be able to buy the brass nuts at your local car spares shop.

  8. you dont need poor weather to see some crappy driving in a chelsea tractor!!


    Having and using a vehicle in 4WD drive won't stop you sliding on ice. Plenty of people in two wheel drive cars drove stupidly in the recent weather. I lost count of the times that I saw drivers racing up to junctions and not being able to stop.


    Good old fashioned genetics can give some indication about eyesight do you're parents wear glasses if so when did they start wearing them

  9. Hello,

    I am certainly no expert on welding in particularbut I have worked metal my entire life and I can tell you that welding cast of any sort, aluminum, steel, iron, magnesium, whatever, is always a crap shoot. There are enough variables and wide tolerances in the material itself, and then an endless number of built in stresses in the way the casting is done. The finest welders in the counrtyside still listen for the depressing "tink" as their handiwork cools. Welding cast consists of doing everything you possibly can and then offering up a quick prayer to the welding gods and Murphy, and just hope for the best. Thanks for listening. Regards, Bob


    Hi Bob,


    Have no fear I'll be praying on this one for a while, it will either work or it won't. At least I'll have tried rather than just scrap it


    Best regards

  10. Whey Hey !!!


    Its gets better - The above photo has led me to another - a close up of Ferret 02CC12, its driver and two other RTR crew being inspected / spoken to by Colenel Jeremy Blacker . I will post the whole picture as soon as I get approval from the pic owner. It shows 02CC12 with a diamond triangle (headquarters squadron) on the hull and a mount of some sort on the front - i presume its a gun mount


    can anyone tell me what the mount is for and why would it be on parade without its spare wheel?


    There is a partial numberplate visible from a ferret mk 1/1 parked next to it if anyone has an ex RTR ferret Mk 1/1




    Does you're Ferret still have the front left hand bin with the indentation for the spare wheel?

  11. I have it on good authority (the photographer) that its not going on a range but is in fact to be preserved. I spoke to the person named as the photographer last week. It came of the gate a while ago along with another vehicle that was due to go on the range, which is where the possible confusion arises.

  12. After looking at the ferret yesterday , its tempting but after sleeping on it ITS BECOME MORE TEMPTING !


    I am still only half way through my first ferret , but already I am thinking about another. Its a definite case of FERRETITIS


    If it oficially a 2/7 then it is 98% complete, As a 2/6 its sadly lacking !


    Do it... you know you want too! I might even be able to push you in the direction of someone with the correct Turret (he might not want to sell it though).

  13. My concern, as a welder and fabricator, is exactly that, because is the casing bears stress you will likely see cracking in the 90 degree corner first if it was not properly prepped.


    It good to see a job like that done to keep a vehicle running. You mention the vehicle having been a target, can you explain more? Perhaps pictures before as well?


    Very interesting and a bold route to go down and hats off for that. Could I be more rude and ask what you had to pay for that work?




    It cost forty pounds for the job


    I'll pm the rest to you

  14. Did they make a full penetration weld ie the complete thickness of the casting or did they just lay a weld over the joint line? Did you see it welded? did they use pre heat at all?




    It looks like a tidy weld to me as well.


    The person who welded it said he would v the edges of the weld, I'm presuming that knows what hes doing as he welds aluminium as part of his business. No I couldn't stay and watch it being prepared I would have liked to though.


    I'm not a welder so you can only trust someone with a job, whether they can actually do the job time will tell.

  15. I have a gearbox that has been damaged due to it being used as a target. The damage was confined to the casting on one side of the box. As it happens I also had another gearbox with damage on the same side but in a different position. So I decided to use one part of the casting to repair the other. Couldn't see the point of wasting a part if I could have it repaired.


    I am not saying that the gearbox hasn't been damaged in other areas either, that needs a bit more investigation on my part. I still have another gearbox to attach it to if it is completely U/S.


    If you need alloy welding a good place to ask is your local motorbike repair shop, think broken cooling fins on an engine casting. If you can find a good metal fabrication shop (notice the if bit) they should be able to do it as well. Anywhere that repairs or supplies outboard motors might be a good place as well to ask.

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