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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Just watched the film 'Sink The Bismarck' on TV. What a load of inaccurate sh**e it is. I watched it as a kid and thought it was good. Watching it now 30 odd years later when you know the history of it, was very disappointing... Still love the 'Battle Of Britain' though :-).


    Very few war films stand up to what the memory remembers them as. A lot of these films were made in the fifties early sixties when the full factual accounts hadn't become available.


    Ever watched the film Full Metal Jacket I went to see that at the pictures when I was seventeen and I knew then that the main scenes had been filmed in Londons docklands courtesy of Film87 / 88. Didn't stop me enjoying it and I still have it on video somewhere.

  2. Yes Please!!!!




    (Still would like one, funds etc permitting!)


    (pps, if it isnt to cheeky, how much did you pay?)


    I have sent you a PM on the price I'll start another thread on the things that you need to do to get it registered and MOT'd.

  3. If it's 7.5 tonnes gross it'll be a Ministry test at the GVTS. Class 7 is goods vehicles 3 to 3.5 tonnes gross.





    Get it insured and book a test at your nearest GVTS. You can do both of these on the chassis number. Once it's tested fill in your V55/5 and submit it with MoT and insurance cert to DVLA or your local VRO with the money for the tax and get a registration & tax disc. Make sure you know and have evidence for the date of manufacture or date into service so you get an age related plate. Let the insurance people know the registration, job done.


    Many thanks I have sorted the insurance it cost me an extra £20 on top of my Ferret insurance.:D


    I'm part way there

  4. thats a nice bit of kit, am not jealous at all, no I am not!!!


    Did you drive it home on trade plates? If so, what was it like to drive?




    We didn't drive it home we hired a truck to pick it up but what a good idea... let me go and bang my head against the wall at this point... ah damaged the wall.


    Driving wise I reversed it back down the road to the drive and thats about it. Couldn't do much more than that as my Mum has a policewoman living next door, doesn't pay to upset them. I'll have more fun when I sort out the MOT bit. Getting used to first gear being where second gear is will be interesting as well.


    I'll let you know if you should be jealous or not lol.


    I might start a blog on the registration process.

  5. Few pics pretty happy with it apart from the ripped canvas which I knew about when I bid on the vehicle. I wouldn't mind a few suggestions on how to get it registered V55 , MOT'd?


    While it may not hjold long in traffic at least while its parked you could use a bit of duct tape to keep the rain out for a little while until you can get a new tilt .


    I'm thinking of repairing the canvas I have some used canvas of the same type that has seen the weather and will hopefully have shrunk and dried many times.

  6. The RB44 made it home tonight it just about fits on my Mothers drive. No chance of putting it on ours the road is being dug up for the Metrolink tram work and we can just about get the cars past. What will happen if an emergency vehicle has to get up the road I don't know!


    Few pics pretty happy with it apart from the ripped canvas which I knew about when I bid on the vehicle. I wouldn't mind a few suggestions on how to get it registered V55 , MOT'd?


    I guess this is a rumor started by post war vehicle owners who have been refused entry, and have even threatened to block the entrance if they can't bring their land rovers. :yawn:



    If us Post War guys wanted to throw a spanner in the works all we would have to do is place an advert in a local rag for a jumble sale...


    Just think of the carnage hundreds of grannies with zimmer frames descending on the area... those little old ladies can be mean when they want to be

  8. Guys, I've got an issue when i try and use a CPU (10 pin) in the ferret, connected to the commanders crew box. It seems to work but then the 10 way coil lead starts to get really warm, then hot! I've tried a new cable and CB2 box but still the same, does the CPU need a ANR headset? As I'm not using one. I've not managed to try another CPU yet (all my harness boxes are ANR) (see pic)


    Flip the cpu over and see if it has a black or gold mod plate on it. Depending on the colour that will be the clincher whether its ANR or not. I think I have a spare ANR headset I think that showed it to you and the reason why I wouldn't use it... downright filthy!

  9. Two more both suitable for the Black ptt only. The top helmet is for me the best one of the lot comfort wise and was available new until quite recently.


    The bottom one has an integral ptt and no chin strap which is a problem as it always feels like its going to come off or slip forward and its heavy to boot. The integral ptt which is a pain if you want to switch it to live voice which you will if you're driving.


    The green ptt's only work correctly with the gold faced boxes / ANR headsets.


    I can understand why you would want new headsets some of them can be stripped down and cleaned and fitted with new foam (the bit that goes against the ear). The ANR headsets seem to be sealed up and meant to be thrown away rather than being repaired.

  10. Does anyone have a picture of a Mk2/3 with the GPMG mounted? Mine served in NI and was converted as well.


    I have not got a picture of a gpmg in its mount inside the turret I have a few with the barrel sticking out of the turret

  11. It all seemd to flow through alright when I flushed the system. I'll try running it on the reserve side, as you say, maybe it could be the cork gasket, or even the union in the bottom of the main tank.




    It might flow through the tap but just not fast enough to keep up with demand, have you put the tap back to where you normally have it? You might find that you have switched to the side that you haven't used.

  12. i'd love to put it on my signature,trouble is i don't know how, can one of you boffins let me know.





    Click / press settings top right next to log out


    It should then be on the Settings page


    On the left hand side of the page you should see My Messages


    Follow the column down and you will come to My Settings


    Follow it down again and click Edit signature


    On the right of the page fill in what ever you want to in the Edit Signature box ''MK 1 Carrier etc''


    If you want to add a picture its directly beneath this box Signature picture


    Clear as mud?

  13. We used to tow a trailer with our ferret when we had it.We towed it for 3 years with no problems. We had so much gear there was no other way of going to shows without it. I made a drop plate, and bloted to the rear armour, which had the nato hook on. I made up a metal box for the lighting block and wired it back into the conector blocks inside the crew compartment. All worked well with no problems at all.




    I'm sure that I bought a jack off you at Beltring one year when you had you're Ferret

  14. We had a little bid on an RB44 which didn't look to bad we don't expect to win it as the bid was quite conservative and it had a bit of accident damage, but still looked to be in good overall condition.


    We have won the RB44 quite surprised as usually they leave an answer phone message on Wednesday if we have won anything and to get the call this morning nicely surprised we have even got a days grace to pick it up on the 8th July.

  15. Good luck. I got my Bedford MJ from Whithams with what I thought was a very low bid. Don't pay any attention to the guide prices. Think you may be surprised as there were quite a few RB44's in this time so the competing bids will no doubt be spread around a bit.

    Did you bid online? If so the system won't let you bid below the reserve which tends to be around scrap metal value, so a good chance you may win it.


    I did bid online I've been bitten before on low bids having nearly everyone accepted and at that time I nearly bid on an MJ which would have been o.k. for throwing all the bits in the back but it would have killed me on the pennies front. It was bad enough having to explain to the missus anyway it could have been a cold night and Christmas. Brrr

  16. They have dutch Land rovers, rarely available.


    Jacksons have quite a number of these, are they jacksons old stock or are Withams whetting our appetite.


    What are they worth??


    I wouldn't pay more than £2000 for one but thats my opinion they did look unmolested and fairly tidy. Even the bulkheads looked good on the two that I viewed. The chassis had a thick coating of underseal which looked fairly fresh. That might be a good thing if it was done whilst they were still in storage but if its as recent as it looked a barge pole comes to mind.

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