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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. I have a No.12 Diesel cooker and the valve seems to have gone U/S in that it won't shut of the flow of fuel to the burner. The only way to stop it feeding fuel is to de-pressurise it. Who makes the cookers can spares be bought for them? Does any one have any spares?


    Its a belting cooker other than that




    Thats just plane showing off my Airfix kits never looked as good as those did.


    Sorry about the 'plane' bit it had to said

  3. A good friend of mine has a mk1/2 and is looking to mount his bren.The small mounting post is there its what goes on top of it to mount the gun in hes after.

    Would anyone have a pic of what he needs or better still the item.:red:

    He has a modern gpmg mount if anyone is interested in doing a deal.

    Many thanks



    A few pics any use?

  4. Thanks for all the tips I'm spoilt for choice!


    I have covered metal Items before with copious amounts of grease, but I can't see me ever using these parts. I would like to make sure that some one can at a later date.

  5. What would be the best way of preserving / storing these Ferret gearbox parts? I had thought about heating the parts up (in the oven) and then dropping them in to a liquid grease would that work any better ideas? They still have bearings attached and I would like to get the grease or what ever in every nook and cranny.


    Top picture shows the damaged casting thats about to go to scrap now that I've removed the useful bits.

  6. OK chaps, what I will do is to fit the new one to my Pig this w/e (instead of the reconditioned original), fill with brake fluid, leave on test for a week and report back.

    However, if you can get them for around £60 as Clive suggests, you won't want one anyway - I will come back with the results regardless just for interest sake.


    To fully answer previous questions, this is a Lockheed packaged item and does not bear a FV number.



    Regards to all



    Ferret type below, is it the same type / version as used in the Humber Pig?



  7. Another one slightly larger scale at 1/48 and an increase in price but its a mix of resin and white metal. I haven't seen an Accurate Armour kit for a while so I can't remember what scale it is.




    Not impressed with some of the detail the drivers front hatch looks a bit ahem untidy and basic

  8. This is a clear picture (well it is on my PC) send me a PM with your email and I will send over my copy - its definately 09



    Hi Jim,


    I've sent that list back to you as pdf so that you can attach it to this thread. I'm not stealing you're thunder by doing it myself


    I had 00dc09 on the site as that number I had thought that it might be my Ferret 00cc09 it looked like it could be if I squinted the right way. I'm still happy though as the list has my Ferret 00cc09 on it. I'll be emailing Bovington and asking for a scan or a copy.


    In the list that you sent how would Bovington go about finding a particular picture are they in volumes or albums?

  9. I have been hunting the net with no success, does anyone do a scale model of the Ferret. I know about Accurate armour but that is nearly £60 for a plastic kit and I really wanted a metal one.

    Failing that, I am looking to do my own in brass or ali if I can get some plans with the dimensions on.




    This any good http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250563373246&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1475wt_939


    Item number: 250563373246


    £11.99 HO Scale (trains) 1/76

  10. There was a picture of a ferret 00CC09 , black and white , appeared to be on an aircraft. You may have seen it before - it was in volume "A" of the ferret pics. (There were about 6 volumes, each quite small)


    Best bet if you want a copy is to email the librarian at Bovington and see if you can get a proof copy emailed to you - shouldn't take him long to find that pic. I made a comment on my record shet that it was on an aircraft - being loaded?


    I would get a proof first as I had alot of numbers to write down and some of the pics were hard to read.


    Hope you hit the jackpot !


    Nothing on 08BB48 - Sorry !


    Its not this one is it? Its just to small to make out the registration, I've enlarged it and that doesn't help and inverted the colours still no joy.


    Thanks for looking anyway

  11. hi folks

    not sure if this thread should be here or on classifieds but i think it's relevant to trackies as much as anyone else.

    how do you fancy a krug radar m for £12000 or a tracked amphib pts for under £3000 or a tracked missile carrier for £3500,there's even an ot 64 for £1800 negotiable.It really is a great site .can't do a link i'm afraid maybe someone a bit more technical could do it for us,go to google type"allegro.pl" when the search page comes up,allegro should be at the top, click on the" translate this page" option this will take you to the allegro home page,go down the categories list on the left and click on" automotive" then on the next page click" cars" then on the next page scroll down to near the bottom of the page and click" military" which is in the specials list,then sit back and figure out how to get to poland and back without the missus knowing.by the way the exchange rate is 4.55 ztl to the pound.

    all the best eddy


    Here http://moto.allegro.pl/18048_specjalne_militarne.html


    They could be o.k. but you would need to know a bit more and have a contact more pennies me thinks

  12. Was not quite sure where to put this post, so here will do.


    Anyone seen the Vigilant Mk2/6 Ferret that Withams have in their auction at present?




    Its in a bad way, but this has to be one of the rarest ferret varients and would be nice to see it restored.


    I had a look at it during the December tender sale and thought that it looked o.k. it had most of the bits that a restorer would want. Inside was reasonably complete and the inside / outside was to be expected from a vehicle that’s been a gate guard.


    Either the MK4 or the 2/7 came with a free birds nest and egg


    I've a few more pictures to add



  13. nearly forgot, i get the blanks laser cut at a local fabrication shop. much easier




    Hi Baz,


    How much do the blanks cost? I could do with some for my Ferret



  14. I havent got a repair manual. So need the advice on here. I cant seem to see the markings on the flywheel. Thats why i asked first. Have you got a pic to see the markins i'm looking for???.


    I'll take a pic tomorrow its to cold to go out to the shed tonight brrrr

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