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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Andy,


    EMER V627 Mod Instruction No. 79 states:


    Sub Title: Mounting M.G. L37A1


    1. Introduction

    In order to standardise weapons in certain infantry batallions, the mounting 7.62mm, GPMG, No. 6 Mk 1 wll replace the existing mounting .30 Browining, No. 4, Mk. 2


    4. Vehicles affected: Only vehicles selected under GS(OR)17 authority are to be modified. After modification the vehicle mark is to be annotated GPMG eg Mk 2/3 (GPMG)


    The mod instruction is 8 pages long, I have issue 2 dated Sep 70.






    Could I have a copy of that? I'm sure that we can arrange something

  2. I've seen Robs Stallion and even though its not my cup of tea vehicle wise it looked the business to me.


    If I had £12500 to spare I would buy it, lets face it on rarity value alone you can't go wrong and the price will only go up. Try buying this vehicle in three or four years time for less than £20,000 it won't happen.

  3. My Ferret was initially a Mk 2/3 VHF (0130 - 4231) which was converted in 1972 -73 to a Mk 2/5 VHF (GPMG) (0130 - 4255). In the column next to the conversion it says as per EMER V627 No 79. I doubt its as simple as being converted from the .303 to 7.62mm

  4. I have been passed this problem by email and I'm wondering if anyone has an answer.




    We have a problem with the gearbox on Nicholas's Ferret. we've stripped it down and replaced the brake bands on 2nd gear (worn to nothing so couldn’t select 2nd gear).

    Having re-assembled it, we can select 1st to 4th no problems (have adjusted the bands and bus bar clearances), but 5th gear will not engage.

    When selecting 5th the bus bar rises and the pull rod starts to move the 5th gear clutch, but it all locks up before fully engaging.

    The adjuster ring looks out of position to the photo’s we took before the strip down. The pull rod is well down the adjuster ring thread. If the ring is tightened up, then the bus bar and pull rod simply locks up without moving.

    We cannot see anything misaligned in the 5th gear pull rod, hooks etc. Could something have slipped in the 5th gear clutch plates when the box was lifted off the gear train?


    Any other ideas? Can you pass this on to anyone who can help please.

  5. Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) is supposed to be good for surface-prep of aluminum; not sure what you're supposed to do with the nasty wasteproduct though...?




    Stick it down the drain its the stuff in a lot of drain cleaners.


    Caustic Soda depending on the strength of the solution used will completely dissolve Aluminium if left without being checked.


    It also good for removing paint from steel items and can be used with a great deal of care with Aluminium.

  6. hi fella's

    i thought i might catch out a few ranters with the bit about no nails and caulk, i'll have to be more subtle next time. let's not worry about the engine for now it's the steering i want to sort out as that's the one bit i think i'll struggle on and i'd like to have all the big bits together and ready to go on when it arrives in the uk, my goal is to get it running and driving within a month so i can get a bit of fun out of it and then do what i'd consider as a rolling restoration, so any leads on steering assemblies ? any carriers on the ranges that i might get the range officer to part with :cool2: have a think for me, i'm sure between all the people that read and post on this forum that there are parts for just about every vehicle ever built, someone will have it.


    cheers eddy


    Running and driving in a month I like you're optimism! Lol


    Have you put an ad on Milweb asking for bits? If you put it on Milweb I think the ad is eventually listed in Classic Military Vehicle.

  7. Should you need any help with transportation once you get it back let me know, I also can recommend a very good local sandblaster in Marple. (Where I had the M578 done)



    He wanted to charge me £800 for blasting my Ferret it was cheaper to send it to Wigan and back. He shot both his feet off with that quote with me

  8. that's it fella's, now you know as much about the condition of the carrier as me, i'm looking forward to getting my hands on it, already sorted out the blasting and priming and spoke to a guy today that told me i could have dabs on a good g/box when he remembers were he put it,as far as i can make out the steering shaft, bevel box and wheel are gonna be the tricky bits to find but to be honest i'm quite enjoying searching around for parts and meeting some great blokes along the way.




    Thats half the fun meeting people, the MV world is a great place to be it beats sitting in front of the TV cutting you're throat watching Soaps.


    Do steering wheels cross over into civvy street equivalents? Personally I would go down the road off seeing what comes up in regards to the engine be it a ford petrol or a diesel

  9. hi - ill have a look at yhe flywheel altho the manual says i need a special tool to undo the nuts - any idea where i can get one ? i have a feeling it may be the brake bands as the pickup in third is good suggesting the brake bands are the problem is this sifficult to get to?i.e do i habe to get the whole power pack out?


    If you undo the nut and it drops its a pack out job pic attached of the tool, I think the Ferret one is the same but someone else will say if its right or wrong.


    Not having a Fox I can't comment on how difficult it is to get at the gearbox but I suspect that its similar to the Ferret in that the area over the gearbox has to come out to check.

  10. no workshop unfortunately :( im looking for a storage solution or mechanic tjat can do this tbh - the servicing etc i can do but work like this im not sure about


    Do you pedal up before starting six good pushes down on the gear change pedal in each gear.

  11. We took the fox out for a fairly big run of 50 miles and although he ran well there were two observations we made - theres virtually no power in first or second gear - third fourth and fifth the fox cracks along with no problems but i have to rev pretty high to get movement in lower gears and the second is the engine runs incredibly hot - 30 minutes after stopping and the heat coming off the engine is incredible - the coolant gauge doesnt work at the moment so im thinkibg the rhermostat doesnt either


    problem is u dont know rhe fox from adam so should first and second gears not be that powerful in terms of they only get the vehicle to 20 or so as third really kicks in with a big difference


    any ideas uf there us a problem?


    The over revving could be the fluid flywheel lack of fluid in addition the brake bands might also need adjusting or could be worn out in the gearbox.


    If you're not sure if the thermostat is working your going to have to test it or replace it.


    Do you have the manuals?

  12. It would be easier to find another B60 and swap it out. Dropping diesel down the bores might work, if its cold seized or rust is suspected the head will have to come off for a look see. It might be better taking the head off for a look see anyway


    The engine in the pic was seized but after a soak in diesel I could rotate it 3/4's of the way around, it took another 12 months of soaking in diesel for me to be able to rotate it all the way around. One of the pistons still has to be removed as its dragging rubbish up on every stroke on the side wall of the bore.


    If you have to take the studs off buy a stud removal tool its easier than doing it the old fashioned way (two nuts locked together 39 studs).

  13. Eddy


    George Sanders owns a Universal carrier he might be worth having a word with even if its only to have a look at how things look inside, his yard is in Urmston.


    I haven't got a better picture. The first time I went to his yard he said have a wander about wow absolutely all sorts in his yard but what really impressed me was his attitude about looking around the yard.


    Don't rush it parts will naturally come to you if you wait long enough usually at a cheaper price than when you rush

  14. When I visited the collection a couple of years ago the vehicles were packed in cheek by jowl and hard to look at.


    I dont think that they were run up very often and stayed inside all the time.


    Some have been "smartened" up since being acquired, some were as released.


    When I asked how much an "as is" CVR(W) Fox would be it was GBP 9,000 and when asked how much fully sorted and painted it was the same.


    I would say the Saxon is one of the rarer vehicles from the UK MOD side of the collection, it looked quite tidy.


    It will be very interesting to see what money they all make.





    At one point they were cheek by jowl but one of the vehicles or more started to drop through the floor and they were subsequently moved to (Bolton not been) and (Rawtenstall Isle of Man Mill).


    If you don't know all ready the B & E Boys r property developers and you will signs all over Bury and Rawtenstall for various mills and industrial parks. I suspect that the turn over of vehicles just isn't enough, if they were towards the South of the UK I suspect that they would have been picked clean of useful parts and would consequently sell more vehicles.

  15. I couldn't help one more fun post... to all of you experts and very bright Ferret owners... why not pull it through? Daaaaa... because high performance wires are 8.5mm versus the original issue which I am guessing is more like 7mm... ever try pulling a sausage through a straw? Soldering it doesn't help get it through... simple engineering principal! Good try though... :cool2:


    Its been done by many owners but hey you're right what do we know. Easy way to pass a sausage through a straw use a blender and suck it up!

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