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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Sadly it is all scrap, each link has worn right through to the track pin, it came with the carriers from the range, the wear kind of corrisponding with that of the sprockets:cry:


    It would o.k to use as vehicle decoration wouldn't it? Save good track for the vehicle and pass the rest onto other restorers who would like to dress the vehicle up a bit (waste not want not).

  2. Have finished the turret bowl today and am in the process of putting it back under the turret. Am getting fed up with working on the turret - looking forward to the hull work - and have all summer to do it.

    The bowl is now 95% perfect and am glad to see the back of it ! :-D[ATTACH=CONFIG]58838[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]58837[/ATTACH]



    Disgustingly GOOD very nice work :D

  3. I suspect that we have all done this at some point in that we have been to a show and wandered round the stalls and seen something of interest and its in the back of you're mind that you should buy it and you didn't. Looking back be it days, weeks or years it still grates that you didn't buy it. What is it and when?


    Mines Ferret related it had to be didn't it; Ferret rear mudguard on Marcus Glenns stand at Stoneleigh five years ago at £45 nos. It still grates it really does peanuts thinking about it now suspect I ran out of pennies.

  4. I suspect that the main reason that people launch stuff into the skip is that they want it out of the way and if they don't do it when the skip is outside they will have it forever more. Not good

  5. It was on the Aussie news also as it is a commonwealth grave yard


    I feel quite strongly about these graves as they are scattered all over the place and are abused, moved, untended or destroyed.


    The policy of conveniently burying our soldiers in the nearest graveyard instead of bringing home is a penny pinching practice and they should of been and still should be repatriated. Up until mid Vietnam war Australia continued the practice and policy was fallen were to be buried in the closest commonwealt grave yard, in that case Malaysia. When the first conscripted soldier was killed in that war there was an outcry and after that they get brought home.


    Oddly enough was reading an article the other day about the Malaysian historical group that found a British aircraft from ww2 in the jungle, the UK government wanted nothing to do with it. Yet the locals knew if found by others it would be cut up for scrap regardless of remains


    Its still policy of HM government to leave aircrew with the aircraft, it isn't right and it shouldn't happen.


    As for headstones not being cared for I can think of one headstone in a cemetery in North Manchester that isn't cared for. From memory when I happened to wander through the cemetery it looked like the headstone had been just hacked out of the undergrowth. I suspect that the innocent reason is that the family have died or moved away late 1940's early 1950's headstone.

  6. Idiots over here kick over headstones for the 'fun' off it. I suspect that if we had a more enlightened form of punishment removal of benefits or the Singaporean method of chastisement we would not have these problems. When I was at school many years ago the woodwork teacher had a wonderful method of encouraging pupils to pay attention..... he threw the blackboard duster at them.

  7. Not done too much recently due to me pulling all my neck muscles (again :( )

    But have managed to begin adding the black. Jack has had to take over all ceiling painting as I can't tilt my head back or raise my arm higher than shoulder level!!!!! He is doing a sterling job must admit.

    Was hoping to have had all painting done this weekend but the painkillers I am on make me feel like s**t.



    Best to let someone else do it I stripped off the ceiling in the old dears house (term of endearment honest) and ended up having years of neck pain which only sorted itself out when I had flu for two weeks. Best cold that I have ever had

    :-D My neck still clicks but at least I can sleep now without waking up in agony.

  8. If you're feeling the urge for a challenge the Chinese tracked vehicle that is in the tender might be worth a punt. Its full of water and lacks an engine but it would certainly be different on the show circuit.


    The RB44's on the other hand were dreadful one vehicle had a movement order dated 2002 for back loading to the UK from Cyprus, it didn't look like it had moved again under its own power. Quite a few of the RB44's were covered in moss from sitting outside somewhere unused and most definitely unloved.

  9. What a beastly machine, one day I hope to get down to Slab and have a look at it and your other kit in action


    You're not the only one who would like to visit


    we will be out on sunday 11th march at slab common,borden with the conq and may be we will have the antar out for a drive


    Pity you're so far away I would like to visit at some point, all that hot air coming out of a green machine wonder how much the congestion charge would be. Its very green but not very friendly to green people if you know what I mean. :nut: I'm going for a kip I've been exposed to too much air today

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