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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Yesterday out and about in the warm sunny weather :-D


    Cloudy and overcast here today :( has the bank holiday weekend arrived!!


    Plus I have to start decorating as the added kicker

  2. It is an addiction and you most definitely won't be encouraged to give it up and yes a great many others on here have no space.... plus small houses to boot but I suspect we wouldn't have it any other way. :D The missus on the other hand tolerates the habit

  3. i'll do my bit on the the pan bashing, just don't ask me to cook and please keep the food covered at night time ! i had a couple of mates who broke into the cookhouse one night looking for a midnight feast, which they found but they also had the bright idea of peeing in the large pan of beans that the chefs had left out ready for the morning. when we were all at breakfast the next day they laughed all the way through it until we'd finished and that was when they told us :undecided: a belting prank, i could tell you of a few more but the mods would delete them. anyway please keep the beans out of sight :D




    Urgh extra flavour


    anyone who thinks breaking into the cookhouse fun wouldnt laugth in the morning handcuffed to the truck

    ask steve the photographer who called me a monkey once on the plains invasion


    Inquiring minds would like to know why you were carrying handcuffs with you... pink fluffy one I could understand and camping with the missus...

  4. Hi all Ferret owners, and 'Keeper of The Ferret Register', I have just been given a couple more in service photos of my Dad's old ferret, (-well, one of the 3 he remembered using), only until now I didn't know this ones reg no. It is 39 BA 22, does anyone know if it still exists?.... Even now, 6 and a half months after my poor Dad died, it brings a lump to my throat when I see old photos of him and his escapades in the Army, to know this ferret still exists would be great, and if it is in the U.K., that would be fantastic, since the chance of me actually seeing it would be REALLY great!, sadly the other 2 ferrets seem to have disappeared without a trace.....

    please take a long look through your 'Ferret Piccies' for my old Dad's Ferret!

    ...thanks guys!

    (P.S. I'll post them up as soon as I've scanned them into my P.C.)





    Could I use one of these pics please, I know I slagged off you're super cool motor on Facebook :angel: :D but I wouldn't having the use of the pic. :D

  5. TOTALY WRONG shape Flash hider for the variant you need Im afraid.

    It SHOULD have a 'Cone' Shaped version for the L37, which was what was utilised in the Ferret & Fox.


    Please explain what the 'cone' version looks like I have a picture on my phone of a GPMG barrel






    Picked the wrong photo below can't delete it even though I thought I had

    MOD Edit.. Sorted!!

  6. A great many RB44's haven't been used for a number of years, my own RB44 had sheets of paper in the visor dating back to 2008. At the last tender sale one of the vehicles had a docket dating from 2002 when it was shipped back from Cyprus.


    I would suggest that you have someone look at the brakes before driving it again, it certainly won't pass its first MOT at VOSA.


    Every now and then my RB snatches to the left but Reynolds Boughton were supposed to have cured these problems. Changing the braking system would be notifiable change I think with VOSA.

  7. The butt on the real Gpmg is detachable so you could fit it in vehicles, at least the ones we had were, you could fit them into the cupola of the Spartan, or in its ground role.


    I'm glad you know what you're talking about :-D

  8. At War and Peace last year there was a seller selling all metal GPMG's which looked rather good and if I had enough money I would have ordered two off him on the spot (good deal as well). I picked up a leaflet planning to contact him later but I have lost the leaflet!! With a bit of luck someone will know who the dealer is.


    A deac will be over £1000 if not over £2000! So unless you have just won the lottery not really an option, not really an option if you have won the lottery either.

  9. andy , cheers for reply prior to to restoring my ferret all the the camping guff was stowed on rear deck , now bit more precious about paint so i tend to drive ferret on my own to shows whilst bruv drives support vehicle ,so space in ferret not so much of a issue , 353 radio would be good starting point for radio set up? can u post pic so know what i am looking for whilst wandering round beltring , think we met last year at w and p when u and eddy were getting measurements for eds carrier.


    W & P seems such a long time ago now we should have stayed for an extra day, it took more than six hours to drive back four of them with me asleep in the back of the rb44. Have a wander over to the Cromwell this year grab a ride / cabby. If you want a 353 give me a shout I bought two of those £50 353 radios. Small house....

  10. having got a nice clansman intercom setup in my ferret am now thinking about a radio set up any one got pics info and or thoughts about such plse? mines a mk 1/2 ferret . at present have larkspur tray but can get hold of clansman angle iron mount.


    The PRC 351 and VRC 353 radios can be bought quite cheaply off ebay but you might be better waiting for Beltring to pick up the cables. Might be cheaper to buy the radios at Beltring as well. It wasn't that long ago that someone was selling working 353 radios for £50 each on ebay.


    Having the radios fitted is nice but they do tend to get in the way of the person sitting in the commanders seat especially in the MK 2. I realize that the MK 1/2 has a bit more room but its something to think about. Having said that I do not sit in the commanders seat and the earache on the comfort front comes from my better half.

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