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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Would these bits be for holding box type bodies (can't remember correct term) onto the vehicle? The DAF we looked at had them in one of the bins. I seem to remember that Robin was looking for pictures of these bits??



  2. I have used it as an acid bath paint stripper and cleaner on a few items and they came up quite well and the paint just fell off.


    Does anyone know what effect caustic soda solution has on rusty / siezed parts and rubber seals out of interest........??


    Caustic soda removes paint from rubber without causing any damage. As far as I know it doesn't have any affect on siezed or rusty parts, it might reduce the build up of rust on the parts initially.

  3. Is anyone aware of a program or software that can be used to place hyper links over a picture? I would prefer not use layers as the layers have a habit of separating in different formats of internet explorer type programs.


    For instance if you look at this page in Chrome http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/intercoms_&_radios.htm and then do the same internet explorer you will see two different outcomes at the top of the page. I suspect that its not showing in Chrome for one of two reasons, its a microsoft product or I need to upload the whole drawing/gif to the server.


    Any ideas?

  4. Andy -


    On the website the wiring diagram links are broken (image001.gif and image002.gif) so they don't display. Also the text about pressels says "The green ANR Ptt's work correctly only if used with ANR headsets" which should probably read "The ANR headsets only work correctly if used with the green ANR PTTs"? The only difference between the black and green PTTs is that the green ones have an extra wire to pass power to the headsets. ANR headsets need that power wire to function.




    Hi Andy


    Those first two images gif 1 and 2 show up in internet explorer but not chrome its something I intend to change. The original gif files were drawn using MS powerpoint and this seems to be the reason that Chrome isn't picking the files up.


    Many thanks for the correction it looked o.k when I wrote it so I left alone.:(

  5. Intercom




    You need either an IB2 or an IB3 box








    Drivers Crew Box (CB2)



    One lead with two twelve pin plug ends



    Two pin power plug



    If you want the ANR system to work you need the correct headsets and green PTT's


    Example of headsets, ptts, cables and boxes




    1. IB3 Box.

    2. Drivers Box.

    3. Power Cable 2 pin female with ring connectors.

    4. 12 pin IB3 – Drivers Box connecting cable.

    5. Ptt (Press to talk) x 2. (wrong colour)

    6. Headsets x 2 (Prc351 radio type easy to clean).


    Must get some ANR headset pictures

  6. Caustic soda in a plastic tub with a scoop of washing powder and a squirt of washing up liquid will remove oil based paints from steel parts. Care has to be taken with alluminuim parts as the caustic soda will erode the alloy to nothing.


    Caustic soda does not work on two pack paints but as most military paints will be oil based you should be o.k. for awhile.


    Not to be used near children or where animals may access the liquid.

  7. I have a manual thats been downloaded from the Yahoo Clansman & Larkspur group that shows a box that can be used in conjunction with Larkspur and Clansman. I suspect that you won't find the box easily as I have only ever seen one on ebay. Radio Adaptor Box (rab). I can send you the document its a Windjview file though send me a pm and I'll send you the document. You could just omit me and join the Yahoo Clansman & Larkspur group and download files from there and ask any questions of the group.




    Best regards

  8. Welcome to the forum


    May I ask the identity of your poorly ferret, hope she gets well soon!




    I think I know the Ferret in question if the owners name is Patrick


    hello im a geordie live in northumberland, and have a poorly daimler ferret and a 109 landy thats poorly to, one day will have them running before my pentions due


    Welcome aboard

  9. In my own library I have a considerable amount of contemporary material regarding drawings and technical information about WW1 lorries and tracked vehicles covering virtually all the 'popular' and even less 'popular' makes and models. At some time in the future I do intend to abstract this information and publish same for the purposes as requested and for those in the more long term future who will be interested as much of the material is not easily accessable or readily available in our nation of declining reference libraries.

    Richard Peskett.


    If you publish any drawings on here or elsewhere don't forget to put a watermark or some such thing on the picture otherwise it will end up on ebay. A s***ehawk has just done that very thing in relation to my Ferret manuals page. At least two numpties have bought the cd's even though you can download them for free. I'm not bitter just twisted

  10. Woodvale Rally 4th & 5th August 2012




    Statement from West Lancs MVT


    Dear all


    It is with sad regret that we have to inform you that the West Lancs MVT have took the decision to withdraw from this years Woodvale Rally. We have been informed by the rally organisers that due to asbestos contamination on the airfield site the rally cannot take place at RAF Woodvale. The only site at short notice that they could find was Victoria Park in Southport, and the only date they could secure was the 28th/29th July, as contractors start preparation work for the Southport Flower Show on 1st August.


    Due to the size of our section, Victoria park is far too small to accommodate our needs as we have had huge interest again this year and based on the applications we had received so far we would have had well over 100 vehicles at our event (including large and tracked vehicles), plus military bands, displays and re-enactors and there is no way, (due to the space we require) that they could accommodate us at Victoria Park.


    The organisers have informed us that they will continue to look for another venue where they can resume with the flying display and other attractions again in the future. This is sad news and hopefully we will be back there next year.


    We will hold on to your self addressed envelopes for next year and use these to send out application forms for the 2013 Rally. We will also keep you informed of developments for next year through our website and hopefully see some of you soon at other military shows


    Maria & James

    West Lancs MVT

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