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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. When I was on the plains tour a few years ago, we met up with some soldiers that had just returned from iraq. One of them told me that we gave our stirlings to the iraqi's, and he had trained them up how to use them.

    I also saw a video on youtube of the americans firing a stirling on a range in iraq.


    This one


    Something went wrong...


    Pakistan still uses the Sterling I've seen one recently on the News (last twelve months)

  2. I have a deac L37 mounted in my Ferret - the mounting is currently in peices as it is awaiting derusting - will post pictures later if still interested


    it would be rare to get a deac less than £2,000 at the moment and very rare to find an L37 rather than the L7 infantry version


    I know this is a bit late did you ever manage to take any pictures of the L37 version of the GPMG?

  3. Maybe I'm weird but I love this stuff! It's like touching history. Whenever I fit something to my vehicle I agonise about what to do with the packaging..!


    CAV Ltd part of Lucas. The company's founder Charles Anthony Vandervell died one year after this parcel was wrapped...


    It almost seems wrong to open the boxes!

  4. there is a big

    wheeled ferret there now that gets less and less as time go,s by


    I have a picture of that somewhere sitting on the back of a truck. I didn't upload it at the time as I thought that it might cause trouble. Shame that its slowly dissapearing

  5. This rediculous form of blatant money making makes me sick. What ever happened to being responsible for your own actions?

    If i trip and hurt myself who do i have to blame? ... ME!. My brain didnt send the signal to my body to lift my dam feet and watch where i am going... It's called an accident.. And if i trip and smack into someones MV... ME again.. Like we are supposed to blame the owner of the vehicle for parking it hours ago, in a public area whilst on display... We need some decent high court judges to start throwing out stupid claims and get back to the real world..


    Sorry.. rant over.


    No such thing nowadays an accident is ££££ !!


    I am with you, if I trip over its my fault for not lifting my foot high enough

  6. I understood the term 'Airportable', I just couldn't think of an Allied transport that anything that big could fit into! I know it was possible to fit two Jeeps into one of the British gliders, so that must have been the target aircraft, was the Hamlicar the larger or smaller British glider? As it was the 3.6 a 21 stud flathead would be fine.








  7. Great pictures very impressed in the breadth of the reenactors that attend W & P, its not my thing but you have to give it to them they do make Beltring for the public. I do like the idea of photographing everything not just the people attending for a hol but also the people who work on site.


    Long may the show go on!

  8. Thanks Andy,

    I have an old broken one I can practice with before tackling one off a vehicle, I suppose it starts with bending back the tabs?

    If you have two NOS barrels with keys you are willing to sell I am of course interested.




    I'll sort something out lock wise pm me at the weekend, the locks are residing in the loft so I need it to cool down before I go up. Nice to say that the heat is stopping me going up in the loft.

  9. The barrel isn't the same as a Landrover its similar but not the same. You do have to take the unit apart it isn't difficult if you can pull a vehicle apart and put it back together you can take the unit apart. Incidentally I have a few sets of these locks all NOS. You do not have to replace the switch assembly only the barrel

  10. Several years ago, I owned a Daimler Dingo MK3, F340805 registered GTW 796N. Sadly I sold it in the early 1990s and I have never seen it since. I have checked on a few of the websites but nobody seems to know of it, and I would dearly like to know what happened to it, and whether it is still in the UK. I partcipated in an article and photo shoot with this vehicle on Bordon Camp with about a dozen other vehicles in about 1993 for Classic and Sportscar Magazine. Please let me know if you have seen it. Am I strange in missing my old vehicles or there others out there too!!


    If you use the LEZ compliance checker it doesn't recognise the registration number for the Dingo




    No you're not strange for missing you're old vehicles

  11. I am sure that I enquired about this on the forum quite awhile back from memory I think I was advised to use candle wax or petroleum jelly on the zips. I would wipe the zips off and remove any excess wd40 and use candle wax to lubricate the zips.

  12. Can anyone help with the breakdown of the VIN on an RB44. Does the VIN no. indicate date of manufacture etc.

    I have searched online and even contacted Reynolds Boughton but no joy.

    As far as I can make out, they were only manufactured for 2 or 3 years, 92-44 but it would be useful to know which year mine was made.




    It should be on the cast documents from Withams if you can't get any joy in that direction and you are a member of the MVT you can ask the local verification officer to verify the date of manufacture (might be a fee for that).


    If you look on Reynold Boughtons site they don't even agknowledge that they built the RB44!

  13. Could someone forgive my ignorance and please offer a brief description on the diffeence between a B60 and B80 carb?


    Thank You




    The B60 carb has a smaller throat and the accelerator diaphragms are behind a cover. The manifold connection is incorrect as well for a B60 on a Ferret.

  14. Crowbar & pick axe head. Don't know what goes in the looped bit, possibly a 4-ton screw jack?


    yes screw jack


    Many thanks its always appreciated


    Screw Jack would it be the type in the picture? That type of Jack and handles could be stored in the same area..... Sorry if I sounds like I am on a fishing trip. His vehicle was an ex Radio vehicle converted into a General Service vehicle (GS) the pick, handle and the helve were mounted on the side of the cab leaving an unoccupied space in the passenger door area.



  15. For those that are interested - the article in the Independent was held back a week and appeared yesterday.



    Thanks Neil. You'd struggle to get a more balanced article than that. I love the way it finishes -

    "The slogan on one man's T-shirt perhaps sums it up best: "My mother warned me there were people like this. I just wasn't looking in the right place."


    I'm pleasantly surprised how upbeat the article is :-) nough said

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