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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. A Christmas laugh along :D heard this on the radio in the week also posted it up on facebook as well. Doesn't seem like Christmas but hey ho I'm not in work till the New Year so can't be bad :D


    Something went wrong...

  2. Hi


    This is probably a common question, but I am planning to put my Ferret back together this year, the only mechanical issue that existed was with the gearbox, I think the issue was with the brake bands, as it did not like changing gears and if moved back and forth the gearbox got hot and did not want to move.


    Does anyone know how straightforward the bands are to fix or if it is more realistic to source a replacement box?


    Many thanks




    A reconditioned box could cost you £1000 if you can find one, replacing the bands is the way to go. Have you checked the condition of the bands and tried resetting them via the method in the manual? Can you see the threads on the adjustment screws of the brake bands?


    If the gearbox has overheated you might have to change the fluid fly=wheel seal. I have a gearbox that has overheated in the back of my car its not a pretty site, the heat transfer can be seen on the drums (one doesn't want to come apart)!


    Plenty of pictures here of the gearbox.

  3. Now that i do agree with , I took my M4 HST upto Damyns Hall in Essex ( I assume its Essex !!) It is the other side of the river from me !!! and the Joe public were a F---ing night mare ,there were probably 12 kids in it with out asking at one point , when in the end I got pissed off with it and told them to get out there parents were not happy , i think that because they had payed to get in then they thought they could do what they wanted .

    We did love the show so will hopefully go again this year but will rope the vehicles off from the public.


    Had that bit of fun with the Ferret kids just love armour :-) best thing to do is to rope the vehicles off. Sad but its got to be done

  4. After being scammed recently I received some good news today via Milweb






    Please see this link - Norfolk Constabulary: Man jailed for fraud offences




    It appears the same man is targeting some of our "Wanted" adverts despite his conviction- please be careful not to get caught by him. He does call himself various names eg Mr Jones and Mr Turner - he normally phones and asks for payment to a bank account and the goods never arrive. He is a very convincing talker – do not be fooled.




    Collection should be somewhere in the conversation when you're speaking to someone who wants payment directly into his or hers bank account. If they don't want you to collect the thing they are offering you have to decide whether you can risk the money or walk away from the deal. They have the advantage as it were as they have something you want it depends on how desperate you are for the part.


    Just like the real military a lot of dealing is done in secret on a need to know basis dodgy dealers rely on this.


    Obviously this only applies to the country you are living in, buying from another country relies on some sort of trust / reputation.

  5. Kevin,

    Did it have the remains of the engine and box in it when you brought it or had that been removed many years ago?



    Having seen the vehicle in Bobs yard I seem to remember it had its transmission and engine in place. I'm pretty sure that I could see pistons so the engine was slightly un-serviceable :-D

  6. Pardon us not replying. We've been busy siting the 20mm Quad mount for the Fat man and his Flying Reindeer! :cool2:



    I am looking for a heat seeking missile to take santa out of the sky forever :evil: If I get lucky I might even get Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer crew.

  7. I remember the blue crosses being used on Buccaneers, Phantoms and Lightings that were due to be destroyed I presume for the same reason that Clive mentioned.


    I was going to mention something about Ferrets on this subject but I don't think it needs to be aired on a public forum.

  8. Looking at this comms box set up the one I have just bought has been fitted out to the same specifications its just missing the radios and the mapboard.




    Does anyone have a spare box for the gap above plus the box to the side which isn't in place either?




    It has a few leaks from the top hatch which looks like a design fault as the water can pool in the recess.

  9. The cold start system isn't needed unless its sub zero temperatures - 18. Check the batteries and the connections and see if they are fully charged if its struggling to start.


    The RB44 is drum braked front and back, if its pulling to the right I would suspect that one if not both brake cylinders has gone U/S and has deposited brake fluid all over the shoes.


    All the RB44's have round headlights and as far as I am aware there isn't a MK1 or MK2. Some RB44's were fitted with winches, comms bodies or different fit outs on the load bed.

  10. What a mess! Look like they've been there a long time.


    As a pair they might be worth buying one could supply bits that the other hadn't maybe?? It all depends on whats coming out of Withams.... The backdrop to my recent purchase of a comms body for the RB44 showed a few CVRT's.

  11. The shows up North whilst good or even great do not have the same numbers of traders or exhibitors but I can't say I bought a great deal at this years W&P show.


    I thought this years W&P was a great show because people had to move away from where they normally would have set up camp. Will this years W&P be the biggest military show in the world I suspect it will, thinking about it thats possibly a great reason to go as it will all be fresh and new. Lets hope they don't go backwards in regards to the facilities !!!


    Its not the best idea in the world to cater to just the european market either its the turkeys in this country that make up 3/4's of the show!! I'm surprised that the Hop Farm team haven't thought about setting up a rival show without having to rely on Rex.

  12. On the War and Peace website they normally have a countdown to the next show have I missed it on the site or have I added to the conspiracy theories lol !


    If and I say if again it has moved locations I suspect it won't be a bad thing as these kind of things naturally develop a resistance to any kind of change to the status quo even if it is for the better.


    Wait and see its to far south for me I'm for a new event up north if only it wouldn't pee down so much!!! :undecided:

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