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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. hi i know this is old news but i still dont know the proper answer. there was a crocadile tank off jnct 35A on the m1 chapeltown where the newton chambers plant was ! it disapeared in 2008/9 i heard budge donated it then removed it due to vandalism . i also was told a private collector purchased it from the council ! still i dont know where it went is it restored and running again or just sat in a shed somewhere gathering dust ! anyone know where it did go .it would be good to hear its running again . :???


    The rumour is that it was in a legal limbo with no actual owner.

  2. Which cable ties are correct for 1942 WD/CO, rubber or ally?




    You might be better putting up some pictures of the items that you are looking for. When I first read the title I was thinking plastic cable ties that you can buy at you're local car spares store for holding wheel trims on to wheels

  3. we held a d day event at my place of work last year and there where a number of folk walking around in para reg uniform and beret's . it has never bothered me before but i could feel myself getting angry at these men . i took me and a lot of other guys a lot of blood, sweat and some tears to earn the right to wear that beret and somehow felt cheated. please don't even get me started on the wearing of medals not earned :mad:


    You could have given them the chance to jump out a perfectly good aeroplane, bet they would have taken the uniform off pretty damn sharpish!

  4. I have no issues at all. May be he has just started out in the hobby and has yet to 'find' his way? May be someone in the future will guide him in the right direction, because, cleary he hasn't quite got it correct - if the gentleman knew his history then I doubt if he would of got this wrong.


    BUT - to me, he is 'out there' enjoying life and to a certain degree may well be a point of contact for some members of the public to ask about history.


    I have no issues at all with regards to wearing medals or uniforms - I don't understand the hobby's line of 'I didn't earn it so I can't wear it' - doesn't that mean that no one can wear a uniform from the past? Can't be a Roman, Civil War re-enactor for example? The best war film/series ever made was Band of Brothers - they all wear uniforms, medals etc - never heard anyone complain about that fact.


    When I was a lad my grandfather threw his medals in the bin when he was clearing out some stuff - I picked them out of the bin and kept them. My grandfather spoke of the war and it wasn't good and may be that's where I get my views on war from. He couldn't care for his uniform or medals. He hated Churchill and he hated Hitler - because they took him away from his family (my mum and uncle). He never earned his uniform - he had no choice - he was forced to wear it, his words, not mine.


    I know it can be frustating to folks like yourself as you have done more for history than many other have or will ever do but may be to this gentleman he may be silently 'doing' his personal bit by just having a connection by wearing what he is wearing?


    That said - I think the whole hobby needs a shake up from the top down and the bottom up - it needs to evolve again.



    Its not my cup of tea to wear a uniform of any sort, I much prefer civvy clothes with a touch of camo in the trousers. I admit to being one of those that didn't earn it so I won't wear it brigade and I can see the absurdity off it if when you mention reenactors wearing Roman or Civil War clothing. For me its probably more to do with my Grandparents either serving or being involved in war production during the 2nd World War. The respect bit must have been really driven home without me consciously being aware of it.


    In regards to a shake up I think its ongoing the younger generation who have not had Grandparents who worked or served have now become more aware of WW2 and now buy uniforms instead of vehicles. Thinking back to War and Peace I saw more young ladies dressed up as Land Girls, Waaf's and Wrens than I ever have before. Where you have young girls you have the corresponding lads as well, good for the hobby bad for the vehicle side of things.


    Stoneleigh has changed from being mostly parts to mostly uniform and deacs not that interesting to me anyway (side issue)

  5. A few pics from the same event good weather on Saturday and Sunday amazing and at a weekend too!






    I have more but I'll upload them to photobucket first and add few more of the event in general Classic trucks, Stationary engines and Traction engines.


    First visit for me enjoyed it

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