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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Ask Vosa and preferably find out which department you want to speak too (Heavy Goods Vehicle section) and put you're request in writing too them on whether the Daf or the Bedford MJ needs to have a tacho fitted if its only going to be used as a Private Heavy Goods Vehicle (going to and from shows). Date of construction and into service will matter I suspect and that might be of issue if you have a Bedford badged as AWD.


    If you do as above and contact Vosa in writing the official line will always be the same for everyone from the date of the letter supplied to you. A verbal response from them is uncorroborated means diddly squat as r American friends would say.



  2. When HMVF teamed up with TTM they were supposed to of notified all members of Friends of the Tank Museum that the forum would be hosted on HMVF, this did not seem to happen as we have had very few friends joining..


    They could still do that via the magazine if they wanted too, data protection laws here in the UK wouldn't have allowed them to pass all the membership details straight onto this forums owners.

  3. It wasnt expired , but did have my old address on there ,that i didnt think to update when i moved house . the Copper was a New Zealander and was quite keen , just doing his job i guess .

    It Annoys me that VOSA cant come up with common sense and issue Number plates up front , this would benefit the police more .


    Ah they have you then I think its free when you change address it was ten years ago. Yep the numberplate thing is an issue

  4. Just to say , i thought it was bound to happen , driving a vehicle with no number plates or tax just to get it MOTed before VOSA will issue you with a Registration number , and it did .

    Got pulled over by the police , and had to spend 20 minutes in back of police car explaining , then they wanted to see all my driving licences etc and actually followed me home , had to produce my passport , driving licence and all the documents from MOD ? They didnt charge me but wants nmme to update my old paper licence to a new PHOTO id plastic one and will be round in 2 weeks to check ive done it ?

    all good fun . anyone else had similar troubles .


    I have driven my vehicle to VOSA as well but I took all the documents with me just in case I was 'pulled'. For once I was organised typically know one batted an eyelid. I thought the paper licence was still legal and I cannot see it taking two weeks to change the licence over to the new photo version. My first photo licence has run out and I think we both had to pay to have it renewed and it only lasts ten years. Make sure if you do apply that you makesure that all you're categories pass onto you're new licence (check the application form). Also when the licence runs out you can be fined for not renewing it!! Joy

  5. I don't see where the director was questioning the point of the Friends, indeed he praises them and the contribution they make. I think his main criticism is in the administration of Friends income, a satisfactory solution to which may be impossible to resolve.


    As to the future of the Friends, hard to say!


    As I forgot to renew I haven't seen this issue but I would of thought that the main income killer would be the editing, printing and sending out off the friends magazine. I see a solution to that going online where more people might see it. And yes I know some people won't be on the 'computer' but book readers r available

  6. as a comparison two year old batts on my fsc no cutoff fitted will start fine after longest i have left it 6 weeks. only prob i had with batt discharge was corroded master cyl causing as stated brake lights to come on half hour or so after parking up.


    I have an idea that it might be the radios or the dccu clansman battery charger but as I haven't made it up to the farm yet I cannot confirm. I haven't used my Ferret very much this year so this might be my punishment as it were

  7. Andy


    I've got a cut off switch on the negative of battery 1 (under air box). It's a terminal mounted switch which I have added as a temp measure until I get round to fitting an switch which it easier to access. From the drivers seat I can "just" reach between the air filter and the battery box to reach the switch, with the lid removed.


    See below:




    Works a treat, but not if I need to cut the batteries off in a hurry!! (if you know what I mean)


    Good for security too.






    P.S. if you batteries have been flattened beyond a certain point, they won't recover i'm afraid. Once a lead acid battery drops below a certain voltage it will never return to the same capacity.


    I have a nice American battery cut off switch that bought of gentleman who sold all the Champ and Ferret locks on ebay which eventually made it to champspares. I'll dig out a picture as I think they were originally fitted to WW2 tanks.

  8. Hi All,


    I have been sent a few pictures of Ferrets, Foxes and a Saladin in service by Neil L, which I'll shift my butt and upload to the site











    00CA03 & 00CA08 picture reversed. does anyone have the technology to reverse or let me have a mirror image of this picture












  9. I've seen plenty of camper conversions that do not have under run bars (DAFS & MJ's), campers are MOT'd under different regs compared to the HGV regs. For a vehicle to MOT'd as a camper it has to have the fittings fixed in place toilet beds and such.


    In the RB44's case the Box body is tiny with enough room for two beds down the sides and a cooker somewhere near the door or in the middle of the aisle towards the front of the body. Underun bars not needed VOSA here in Chadderton would have mentioned it by now. RB44's were always MOT'd at the local VOSA station or the equivlant by the Army or its agents. My better halfs company had the contract for repairing and servicing the RB44's, Bedfords, Land rovers and the like for Manchester at one point.





  10. Its a public forum where everyone can see what you write, so if you don't want to drop yourself into the beep don't write it, pm them with you're opinion. If they then choose to take that advice without checking with the local or national body that checks whether the vehicle is roadworthy, registered and taxed correctly they only have themselves to blame.


    Use you're noggin you're words could come back to haunt you in court. The last statistic that heard of for a death on the road was over a million pounds. I heard this at one of the schemes that Greater Manchester Police runs for passing through a red light. As far as I know only Liverpool and GMP runs the scheme in the North West.

  11. New AC/DC live dvd, and some socks. I can officially now rock my socks off!:)


    The Family Jewels ACDC is quite good as well worth buying in my humble opinion


    Ooooo would have liked the DVD!!! Can we have a video of you rocking your socks off?


    O er Madam

  12. are your brake lights coming on after u have parked up?


    The batteries should be isolated but something isn't right and at the moment I'm up for thoughts on what it could be. I'll be pulling it apart tomorrow to see if anything has come loose or dropped down near the prop shaft on the petrol tap side.


    :banghead::banghead::banghead: That how I feel at the mo one step forward two steps back :D

  13. What I do with my ferret is to disconnect the earth lead on the batteries,I usually disconnect the battery under the air filter as I find that is theeasiest one to get to.



    My master battery cut off is on that battery under the Air-filter and I know what you mean about access, I have a seat on that side rather than a bin which makes access easier. For the other side its either take the bin off or drop the escape hatch and tyre. Its not a runflat but its still heavy.

  14. I to would like to fit a voltage dropper so that I can charge my phone and sat nav any idea what to buy that delivers a stable voltage?




    I bought one off e=bay last year I'm not sure if its good enough but they seem to go kaput regularly so my better half says as they bill hauliers for new ones. Its usually the case that the more you pay the better the quality.

  15. At the moment I am having some fun with my Ferrets batteries in that they keep on flattening to the point that I can not encourage it to start even with the starting handle cranking away. I have a battery cut off switch fitted (air_filter side) I forgot to use it on two occasions and used a trickle charger on each battery to bring them back to life. It seemed to work in that I had it running from the batteries last weekend (27/12/2012). Today when I wanted it for the Frostbite run both batteries were flat as pancakes. Lights off internally but obvously they still draw from the batteries hence the cut off switch, VR 353 and DCCU were connected any ideas on where else that could be drawing power from the system? I am checking the battery connections and the batteries tomorrow when I have tools and the trickle chargers have been running overnight.


    For those of you that do not know the Ferret is fitted with two batteries one under the air-filter (black) and the other under the electrical boxes (green). Not the best picture its the only one I can find of my own vehicle.




    As the batteries will be exposed tomorrow I will be fitting my trickle chargers semi permanently to the battery terminals and I want to fit a 24v to 12 v voltage dropper at the same time, so that I can run a sat nav if I need too. What is the best way of fitting the voltage dropper to the batteries or to the inter-vehicle slave lead socket?

  16. It nearly went pear shaped fpr those on the ground near to where the Transall landed. The newspaper below reports the story as if it happened recently it didn't the youtube video is dated in October so its a regurgitation of a story (old news).






    Something went wrong...

  17. SNV30930.jpg


    Happy dog with his crimbo bone;




    His name is malcolm, right little git!!

    Sat at the computer one night, I think to myself 'dogs very quiet', went and found him, little git had nicked my reebok trainer!!!!





    The missus's Jack Russell when she was young used to something else with his food and playthings... you wouldn't want them back !!

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