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Posts posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Weather & time permitting we hope to get there . Has the parts situation not improved then ? Was hoping to pick up one or two bits for the jeep .


    Its being run by Jeep parts isn't it now so that side is catered for? Not sure if its original parts that you're after that might take some wandering about for.. all part of the fun of going!


    Have fun

  2. That will be Geoff Cosins from Dorking. He says it was a hair raising experence (he does not have a lot of hair anyway) The Ferret started life in Cranleigh i think i got it from Cranleigh School then it got sold on to a local guy in Cranleigh then Geoff who sold it to another collector and then ended up i think in Spain!. It attended many shows in the south and won a pot at Southsea in 1994. It was GVS 612 . I talk to Geoff weekly he Is not a forum guy but he would love a DVD. Philip Bashall.


    Brilliant I'll pass on the email address and phone number to you

  3. Does anyone know who owns this Ferret registration QVS 612?


    I have had an email of a gent by the name of Mike (email below) asking if I could identify the Ferret in the picture below. I can't and as I think its a Q reg it might have changed its identity by now or been re-registered or exported. Happy to pass on the details if need be off this forum


    Quite a number of years ago I was at the airplane museum near Gatwick when the owner hoped to start up his Shackleton. He had a problem with his trolleyac and the day was saved by the above vehicle. One does not often see a Shackleton started with jump leads from a Ferret and I have a pretty good record of this event captured by camcorder. I am currently re-organising my various cine films and videos and came across this the other day. If you know who the owner of this vehicle is now, I would happily make him a copy on DVD. It is, after all, a bit of the Ferret's history. If you can help, many thanks. The attached picture is "snatched" from the tape so very poor quality!



  4. Hi, just enquiring for a friend who's trying to trace his dad's old Austin Champ PUV 985F, initialy to see if it is still around. His dad who has now sadly passed owned it back in the 70's, there appears to be no record of it being scrapped, thank you for any help in advance, please PM if preferred. Ian.


    DVLA search show it was last taxed in 1983


    Have you tried firing an email off to www.austinchamp.com

  5. I'd buy mammoth burgers if I could find them.


    All I can get are low fat with reduced 'Shergar'


    Even then I ckecked the sell by date . And they are..........................OFF


    Sorry I am a bit horse with laughter about the burger issue


    I was wondering when the Shergar jokes would start. But the position is at least Stable!


    Man wa sasked do you want anything on your beefburger? Yeah, 5/4 on!


    My local Foxes will be eating well! I've too many friends called Neddy and Dobbin.:embarrassed:



    I was wondering why I had a hankering for sugar lumps

  6. Anyone going or is to early?


    Its gone tits up for me I booked the meal for my better halfs fortieth birthday dinner with the family for the same day!!! I didn't check the dates :( I did think about going but I didn't fancy my chances of being able to get back into the house without a locksmith :D Plus when I mentioned about going the look I got could have curdled milk :wow:

  7. You have offered biscuits? Try something flash like chocolate digestives if that doesn't work go basic malt biscuits!



    If on the other hand they want hob knobs or fig biscuits walk away the cost is too high :D

  8. A moan :mad:


    For the past week or so it has been forecast that we will be having snow in the UK, it was due to arrive on Friday (11/01/13) then on Saturday and then on Sunday now its due to arrive on Monday. Can they stick to a day or admit that they can not forecast the weather... Is it to much to ask? If you had to rely on these charlatans you would never go out.

  9. Guys, I currently have an old paper license which was last re-issued in 1998 (on move of house). I’ve now moved again (from Cambraidgeshire Fenlands) back home to Gods own county (Yorkshire).If I just send off the licence as is (after taking a copy) are they going to write back to me insisting on a photo and forcing me to have one of these wretched ID cards ?Kind regards to allVulture


    A simple answer to that is yes on changing address they insist that you change you're licence to the 'new' photocard version. Me and the missus didn't get any choice ten years ago we had to change.

  10. The FN9 turret was designed to be fitted to the Wellington, Manchester and Halifax. I've seen pictures of the turrets fitted to Wellingtons and Manchesters but as has been memtioned they were removed as being almost useless. Flypast had an article on an FN9 turret being restored from a crash site it looked absolutely brilliant when it was finished.


    According to the Flypast article the FN9 turret was redesigned to hold a Leigh Light on Wellingtons



  11. This facility is not enabled on the forum, we could set up a seperate usergroup for Friends only access but we would need to have the TM confirm who is & who is not a member, It would have to be approved by a member of the Admin team as the TM would not have access to admin permissions....they would also have to update us when a member is no longer a friend, also members would have to state their full name in their profile so the TM knew exactly who was commenting. If the TM museum are happy for the discussions to take place here then just carry on as we are.. At the moment there are few TM friends here to make a separate board worthwhile IMO...


    I'm not going to disagree with you but as a way of enabling more friends to join the forum and gain more membership to the 'friends' it might be useful in the long run too the T M. Just think back to the Se-x Pi,stols in the 1970's and the queens Jubilee and the BBC banning the song what did everyone want to buy? A closed group could be very attractive and it could be done at renewal. I don't think its a bad thing for user profiles to be a full name. Suggestions are free

  12. You could have a group within a group for the Friends of the Tank Museum to use, it would seem that this is possible as it is on each individual members profile page as (Groups and Permission Groups) as listed down the side. In that way the members could voice an opinion in private as it wouldn't be able to be seen by the great unwashed as it were. Its not a bad thing to do but you would have to be a member of the friends to join. In that regard you would need someone from the Tank Museum to approve membership to a private group

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