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Jessie The Jeep

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Everything posted by Jessie The Jeep

  1. About a week prior to the Ursel 'Wings & Wheels' show, a few members of the MVT(NE) went to France for a mini holiday. Those who couldn't make the trip early due to various other commitments were to meet us on the Friday of the show so we could enter together as a group. The 'scouting party' drove to Hull to catch the overnight ferry on Friday 10th, arriving at the campsite in Eperlecques on Saturday around mid-day. Lynne and myself towed our jeep to Calais on Saturday, arriving early Saturday evening. A fairly clear night gave us a good view of the International Space Station passing quickly over head. The attached picture shows a 15 second exposure showing the movement of the station against the background stars.
  2. I don't know I'm away a few days, the place goes all to ****, the site admin is helping take threads off topic, and everyone is letting cats out of bags left, right and centre!!!! :-o Anyway chaps, I got home today, quite knackered and in need of a holiday. Had a great time with the guys in Holland, amazed at home much driving Joris does without holding the wheel ( must be a clever dick!! ). He did give us a great tour around though, and it was good to meet Enigma, even if his excuse for not bringing his vehicle was poor!!! We did 630+ miles in the jeep over the two weeks and saw loads of stuff. I have many pics to post which will follow in due course. Steve
  3. Oh, OK, just enough time for a few quick pictures. We got some video when off roading but that will need editing before loading. Steve
  4. Excellent day. Not long arrived back at the campsite having done 216 miles in the jeep today. Plenty of photos, but I think they'll have to wait until I'm home on Monday. Nobody mention Joris and Hedges!!!!!! :-D Steve
  5. Yeh. We'll work out the fine details in the morning. Logging off now. Off out for the day in the normal car. Steve
  6. Could do. We just need to keep an eye on the time as we want to get back to the campsite in daylight. Steve
  7. You wouldn't believe what I'm doing to get a wireless signal right now! I'm holding a concave metal drinking cup close to my wireless internet key to boost the signal I'm getting at the tent!!!! Technology is wonderful!!!! Steve
  8. Yes, I've done about 500 miles in it so far this holiday!! Steve
  9. While driving the jeep over the past few weeks, it seems hotter than normal, though the gauge ( french and in funny numbers ) doesn't suggest any major problem, that seems to be around normal. My feet seem to be getting much hotter than usual with warm air blowing in through the pedal openings. Radiator has hot water after a drive, and the various pipes around the water system seem to be getting hot, so I'm guessing that the hot water is still being pumped around the system. Dipping my finger in the radiator water, it is hot, but not scalding. Does everything sound ok, or can the jeep experts see a problem there somewhere. If the thermostat is stuck, it must be stuck open as the water is still circulating. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Steve
  10. No rocks, just about 1200 photos to bring back home. Re meal, already done that, and we have a two ring ( plus grill ) gas stove, and she did the washing up before the ironing!!!!!! She's well trained. Would have had a BBQ, but it rained while we were food shopping, and Wifey left the tent doors open ( as it was sunny when we left ) so we spent an hour mopping the water out of the tent!!!!! :shake: Oh well, at least we bought chocolate!!!!!!! Off back to the tent now to pig out. Steve
  11. It's ok, Lynne is here with me; Ironing!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) Steve PS will try and get online again later in the week.
  12. Hi all Just got to our campsite in Holland after an enjoyable weekend at the Ursel Wings & Wheels show. Pics will have to wait until I'm home and I've worked out what will go to CMV, plus the wireless connection is poor by my tent and I'm currently online from the laundry room!!! Joris, looking forwards to seeing you soon at Arnhem. Have fun all, See ( virtually ) you all soon. Steve
  13. The trouble with your ideas Jack is that they are 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration! Steve
  14. I could spill the beans, but since I'm off on holiday shortly, I wouldn't be able to clear up the mess. It's probably better left to the 'Great Pink Nine Wheeled Orb'. :whistle:
  15. OK, I'm doing it now. :-o
  16. Oh no!!!!!!! I've been summoned by the great pink one! :shake:
  17. But I'm going on holiday on Saturday. It could all be over by the time I get back!!! Steve
  18. It's now the day after tomorrow, tomorrow being yesterday; so what's cooking?? Steve
  19. What could possibly be better then a pink mirror cushion??????????
  20. A free pink cushion for every new member? :dunno: or perhaps a mini pink cushion to hang from your rear view mirror?
  21. For it to be pealing, it sounds like it has gone on too thick. How viscous was it to work with? A friend of mine did his jeep canvas, and he said the canvas paint was quite thick, but I think he warmed it and it went on much better. Steve
  22. It was REAL dust, Honest!! not the spirit of dust from years gone by ( though if you asked Lynne, she'd say the dust has been in my workshop for years!!! ) Steve
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