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Posts posted by fesm_ndt

  1. I am coming to a grinding halt on my Acmat project http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?37439-Acmat-TPK4-20-SM


    So I am looking at my options, one of which is to sub it out to finish it off. I seen heaps of sites, with some doing hourly rates and some doing lump sum.


    So any recommendations from end users on anyone. I am in Cambridge/Haverhill area the next week so I need someone I can have a face to face with to list the areas need doing or parts that need making.

  2. mike just sub it out to a restorer to finish off, if it's not far off from being finished and you can get a reputable guy to do the works then it won't cost the earth ! good luck with it


    That is what I a digging around for some prices to do, being a weekend doesn't help. If it was in KL it would be easy as I have all the gear and resources to do it myself. Typically it is impossible to send to KL though but I have asked the question regarding temporary imports.


    Going to spend the next week loosely bolting it together and tidying up the mates barn I am in.


    PS Any recommendations for "a reputable guy to do the works"?

  3. scrap ? re sell ?


    Don't know as yet, as the plan was simple, tidy it up, do the mechanicals, ship to Aussie and do a planned around Australia trip.


    The truck cost me 7000 and I have since spent over 5000 on parts. If I go to resell I wont even get the original 7k back. Its fixable but I have run out of time as I can't send it to Australia unless its ready to go, I cant stay here longer and I can't send it to Malaysia where it would be easy to get the work done.


    I got some feelers out with the guy in France and have asked around UK to see what type of money it will cost to do some work.


    Tempted to go up to Withams and buy a pre '89 90

  4. Well nothing done for 2 days and a week to go.


    Extremely frustrated as I was just supposed to be painting it on this trip as the only rust I was told of was in the battery box. All the work that was supposed to be done prior to my arrival hasn't. As I cannot stay longer I need to decide whether to scrap it or pour more money into it.

  5. Still battling away, now pretty much need the guy who welds to pay a visit so I can get stuck into the more interesting stuff


    New headlights from Nick at Canmec



    Still have to reduce the height of the rollbar



    The normal door handles don't lock but I bought these off Ebay some time ago and they are a perfect fit.



    The LH wing :mad::(:mad::help:



  6. Mike,


    glad to see your making progress, getting creative with your talents reversing that box around.


    Did you come over on an open ticket?




    I wish an open ticket. When I get back to KL I have to fly direct to Hong Kong. Fairly annoyed with the amount of rust as was discussed at great length, but if I have a good day today I will be on schedule.


    The toolbox was one of those interim jobs that one does when feeling knackered, annoyed and just want to sit down for a break.

  7. Well a late 0930 start as had a conference call earlier. Pain is have to do 3 tomorrow morning..............fffffffffffff


    I ordered a RH front bumper toolbox, but got a LH one. Anyway I reversed the lid, the latch and presto an almost complete RH one (just needs a dab of weld to fill the hinge rivet holes and to hold the latch on. Interesting trivia = you can have 2 toolboxes (RH & LH), you can have 1 tool box and one jerry can mount, but you cannot have 2 jerry can mounts as the power steering ram mount is in the way.




    Cut 100mm off the rear tray as it was mangled up and am going to weld in some checker plate. The existing tray looks like checker plate but it is a pressed plate.





    I got my moneys worth out of that grinding disc :D



    Made the round plate to fill the old turn signal hole and tidied up the new square one



    The RH wing was my better one then I found this underneath with bog coating it on top. So I have to cut 2 big holes in the top to get rid of these rust creators.



    RH tool bin floor needs a patch also :-|


  8. Got the 2 most difficult patches done eg the LH cab pillar and the battery box roof (an awkward spot to get to). Still got a few small patches to do on the cab so tomorrow will be cutting bits of metal to fit.






    I put some putty on that I brought from Malaysia and it don't seem to like the cold weather here. Hopefully tomorrow it will be rock hard.




    Lifted the new seat up for a look. It is extremely heavy and not much room. I have to see how much I can adjust it, before I make mounts for it.


  9. With tongue in cheek, as Mike and I have had a couple of sidebar email exchanges and I sense some cameraderie, I could be tempted to put a caption to the picture of "a tool, holding a tool" but some would say that was cruel;)


    All meant in the best possible taste:-D




    I resemble that comment :-D

  10. REME or in Aussie RAEME (Royal Australian Easy Money Earners) :-D


    The toolbox I got off ebay had around 7 chisels in it which have been getting a hammering (excuse my pun) as really useful at slicing metal that the angle grinder cant get into.


    Apart from a hammer we also used the calibrated drop method for fixing electronic or other fiddly things. The method is hold said fiddly item 1 foot off concrete and drop it. If it worked, its fixed, if not repeat as necessary

  11. Well made several patch panels today out of the lid of the old toolbox.... lots to go though. This is for me perhaps the most complex on the cab. The wings are a different story altogether :nut:



    I took the 'non-original' RHS step off and managed to find more rust. Seems the term 'no-rust' has a different meaning to some people........





    0630 start tomorrow so hopefully some patches will be installed by the end of play

  12. Mike,

    Just a standard marking on army tools, the last two groups of the NSN. It looks like a gouging chisel, but cannot see the end to be sure. You will find this marking on anything from hammers to sockets. A check on the NSN says it is Punch, drive pin.


    cheers. I was concerned I was whacking a special tool with a big hammer.

  13. Don't seem to of achieved much today. Fitted the new fuel tank fittings, removed the batteries, removed the lhs step, reorganized a lot, started cutting the rust out above the battery tray and of course went to Halfords.




    There was no hot water when I got home last night and it seems tonight is going to be the same. Call me soft but I aint getting into a cold shower. I am really hoping the caretaker comes in soon, preferably before dinner.


  14. I wouldn't smoke those.........




    .... They cause cancer it says so on the packet


    So I guess you're saying they don't improve with age?


    Started drilling holes in the tailgate for all the accessories. Was one of those things you do when another bit is annoying you



    Cut a hole to be able to get access for the welder to fix the air intake pipe. It was really rotten on the top and bottom but after a bit of bodgery, I managed to get the whole thing out :-D






    Cut out the rotten area on the LHS.



    Minor rot on the RHS



    Finally got the non-standard customized tool box out. The last nut took me 2 hours to get out in between stress breaks


  15. I have a sneaky feeling that folding the windscreen is going to be problematic with the mushroom intake fittedIMG_2406.jpg


    More disassembly with both wings, bonnet and front panel off. Snapped 3 bolts






    Found extensive rust on under the LH wing and above the battery tray :mad:



    Seats are out and found another ID plate, almost full pack of fags and 50 Euro cents






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