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Posts posted by fesm_ndt

  1. yep, Its supposedly for a Clansman installation. In what I have no idea.


    I think I will give up running a BV as looks like more trouble than its worth. So now I am just sourcing the bits to power up my ancillary stuff, penthouse lights (plug into this one), and a few other gadgets. Having a nice box like this keeps everything neat and tidy


    I found the cables that plug into the four outlets on ebay but haven't found so far the large input cable that goes in the top

  2. Looks a lot like this one http://www.armouredvehicles.co.za/nonquaiAPC.htm


    "The Nonquai APC is alternately known as the Uklebe or Falcon. It was used by the SAPS (South African Police Service) for riot control, and also to protect high-risk installations."




    Monty's South African scrapyard thread http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19274-South-African-MV-Scrapyard-finds&highlight=Marmon-Herrington

  3. Well as it says on the side Riot Control, Armed Reaction, I reckon thats a safe bet.:whistle:


    damn I need glasses.........


    My favourite vehicle that Monty found was the Marmon-Herrington armoured cars..... but still looking for this one..... wheels look way to small for offroad

  4. Yep this one I'll use to power all the bits and pieces I got. The big plug on this one is for the 12v input.


    The outlets are standard 2 pin. Not sure if this is a later replacement to the 3 outlet Land Rover one or fits into something completely different. When I was talking call signs on the net it was all US stuff.

  5. Sounds like the BV idea is problematic. I got the cables so it would be useful to get the socket though as I gan use them on all the other plug in bits I have.


    I just got this box. Has anyone got the 75amp feeder cable as I didnt see any on ebay just now?



  6. As said above they look like 109 shackles. Some people do it as gives you an extra bit in height.


    but as said the spacers are missing on one set.


    not sure from the picture if that is the steel bushing from the spring or some dumb idea of a washer.


    If you made the front look like the rear, with spacers, I would leave it


    I would check the bolts though as they appear to long so might not be correct quality

  7. Ok I got a BV vessel and cables as the missus likes her coffee :red:


    Is there a junction box they plug into?


    I suppose ditto for the penthouse lights?


    Hopping they are all little boxes instead of hard mount sockets, but if that's the case I need the numbers for those

  8. Are they the correct way round as LED's have a positive/negative side?


    I was really dubious about LEDs as you always see segments of them blown on trucks, cars etc. But same as everything in life, you get what you pay for. The US military is going LED and this mob supply it. My nephew has a 30"lightbar on his truck and you wont get change from $900 bucks



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