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Posts posted by fesm_ndt

  1. Something I notice.

    They wear their beret emblems above their noses instead of above the left eye.


    Any significance in that?

    I never noticed that but yep your right, I'll have to ask him. I think in the champ shot he was saying they wore the poppy behind their badge.


    I also noticed the grille and wheel nuts where painted white

  2. These are around circa 1957, Sussex area. Interesting as he could remember a few of his old rego numbers








  3. I think I figured out why the tool box and jerry can don't line up as the front of the chassis is angled up. So my guess is the rear bolt goes in the top hole and the front bolt goes in the second hole (not the top).


    Sir Walter Richard Plummer's box is just a perfect size :D



    All packed up to be sent for stage 2. A bit disappointed the work that was supposed to be down prior to my visit hadn't been done but it looks like the new plan and schedule will achieve something I can trust on the overland tripSouth Cambridgeshire-20131103-00475.jpg

  4. I always see that the front toolbox and jerry can holders are often bent. I can see why now as they are a bugger to line up. Just loosely fitted at the moment




    South Cambridgeshire-20131102-00468.jpg


    Didn't take that long to bolt most of it back together

    South Cambridgeshire-20131102-00458.jpg


    One day to go to finish packing

  5. Still packing up the last of the stuff but paid a visit to the Oakington boot sale enroute to the Acmat.


    So picked up to bits. First bit is a cannon ball. Pretty fragile and needs to be stabilized.

    South Cambridgeshire-20131102-00472.jpg


    The second bit is a metal box :D. It is an old gun case and after doing some searches it appears to have belonged to Sir Walter Richard Plummer Esquire former MP for Newcastle upon Tyne. Entered Parliament on 1 October 1900 and Left Parliament on 8 January 1906


    South Cambridgeshire-20131102-00466.jpg

    South Cambridgeshire-20131102-00467.jpg

  6. The two things I see changing is:


    - Environmentalist demonizing everything which really annoys me given a restored vehicle has no carbon footprint as it is still be used far after a plastic Tupperware box with wheels. Plus said person often has the latest phone gadgets that they change every 6 months which is a far higher carbon footprint or waste........ yep I'm ranting.


    - The other thing I find interesting is a lot of people have zero skills, in a mechanical sense. This is not a stop to the hobby just a change to having more work done by others. Case in point I was in a panel shop this week where the guy is restring an E type Jag, the values of these have jumped up as they are in the 50th anniversary. Said restorer has an open cheque book virtually to do the restoration and the owner has no interest until its complete.

  7. Mike, it might be worth you listing the types of work you need doing as I'm sure that many members can help with recommendations for firms for particular types of jobs. BTW I was interested in seeing that the plates in the cab were in English so perhaps its a vehicle used by the Irish Army?


    It seems to be working its self out now after a bit of frustration. But I would think a thread with recommended restorers etc would be quite useful..


    Not a thread of negative comments as that can end up being a legal wrangle, but some contractors are worth sharing.

  8. I am spending the last few days packing the Acmat up for it's short hibernation. Quite relaxing now as fly out Monday morning, back to the warmth.






    Never did work out what the light green part is, so needs further investigation and a closer photo :blush:



    This is the tool bin that is fitted on the front bumper when a winch is not fitted. It came as a shipping box of spares from France




    These I presume are the central GPMG mounting holes from the trip to Somalia



    The future Roo spotter:cool2:



    Glove covering the intake................ an idea learnt on hmvf



    Fastener missing off the master cylinder, but possibly more annoying is the bleed screw is snapped off


  9. Thanks, guys. (I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you are all guys.)




    We do have some long haired types in here plus a few of the fairer sex. I am sure you will get plenty of advice about your radial. Last time I worked on one was 25 years ago and mine was on a test stand. I believe Supertrack in here was selling parts for a radial, not sure is same type

  10. The famous 'Lace with one end' , though I'm clueless how it works.


    it's, well for me easier than 2.


    you pull it around to the right, form a vee with the loose end going around the top and back through the vee, then reverse direction and tie off. Gives a lot of leverage and you end up with a collar ring at the top of the boot. The other advantage, I feel was that its quicker to lace up or down as only loosening one, not trying to loosen two sides at once.

  11. Funny, that's why I bought the Saracen!


    you win...... but I guess yours is far more practical as you can load stuff direct into the back door.


    glad you're keeping it and don't be disappointed these things never go as smoothly as we would like, infact the more I get into the hobby the more I accept delays are inevitable, I still don't like them but that's just the nature of the game. in answer to your question yes I will be working on mine on Saturday, come to think of it I haven't stopped since war and peace Saturdays task will involve fabricating 2 hull ammo stowage bins (if the steel is ready in time from the profilers). I keep telling myself it will be worth it when it's done


    just looking on the RAC map and you are around 3 hours up the track from here. I am going to spend a day or two loosely bolting bits back on and tidying up my mates barn, then it will hibernate until stage 2 starts. May do some more small/easy welding jobs on Wednesday night but the main push is to get it ready for the next stage.

  12. The standard way of lacing for British Forces was always straight across: IE: Looped over from side to side like a ladder. The reason for this was simple & effective. If you had a foot/leg injury, & the Medic had to get your boot off quickly. It was a simple matter to run a sharp knife down the run of loops. To cut through them all rapidly, thus ensuring the boot could be removed quickly for treatment in the field. :-)


    Same in Aussie until about mid '93 when the quality of new boots was poor and the eyelets fell out to easily.


    The other option I preferred was to tie a not at one end, and feed it up as a ladder, then it is tightened on the side of the boot. So in effect you have one lace

  13. your best bet would be to start a new thread entitled " reputable restorer needed near Cambridge" or something along those lines, that way you'll get both the restorers and guys that have had work done replying (hopefully). as to cost, most guys will be charging £15-£25 per hour. it's a hassle and a disappointment (welcome to my world) but i'm sure it'll all come together and be worth it when you're cruising along the road back in oz. I've never been to oz but the roads must be really sh1t if you need an acmat to get around :-D


    The main bugger is I can do most the work myself but not enough time to stay in the UK. I could perhaps quit my job and stay here on welfare :-D


    I got a good lead now so I am rather calm and collected now. Regarding the roads in Oz, I just need the Acmat to go grocery shopping at the local version of Tesco (which we call Woolies).


    Are you working on yours on Saturday?

  14. Whether you like it or not, it wouldn't be a proper round Australia trip if you didn't go through all of the mainland capitals, bonus points for going to Hobart :D


    I been just about everywhere, but Coober Pedy and Hobart. Never had a reason to go to Hobart perhaps I should as I could visit Cadbury's :cool2:

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