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Posts posted by fesm_ndt

  1. there is a military LR site in Aus but cant recall where. I just did a search on AULRO but didn't get a hit.


    Interesting as your one has the standard front wings, wheras most Aussie ones have them sliced out for more clearance. Also in my picture the front edge on the wing looks raked back. I never knew we had standard wings ever fitted, maybe originally the the jigsaw came out

  2. Well the wings, I bought in January, supposedly will arrive at the UK workshop either today or tomorrow. Not really holding my breath as we been told this story for nearly 2 months now :mad:


    With all this waiting I figured out the new ones I bought are different in shape to the old ones, but nothing a bit of sawing and welding cannot fix.


    Another load of bits is expected from France also, once shipping is agreed upon

  3. she advised him to trim off the edges of his moustache.




    I learnt recently in one of those history channels that the moustache style was from shaving to fit the gas masks and many of the units he served ex soldiers used to retain the style as a badge of honor?

  4. The very nice ones in the first post is in the Kerling yard... but he is not worth visiting.


    The others are in various yards in Ipoh. All of them need lots of work, rust repairs and cannot be registered on Malaysian roads.


    I should of bought 2 a few years back, but jumped into another project

  5. Time, that would be an interesting thread on its own......... I am a weekend warrior with my projects and with my real job starting to be long hours it is hard to drag myself out of bed on a weekend to go play.


    I don't have to worry about the cold but the heat sucks the life out of you. But this is all the hands on work, how much time is spent on the other bits, finding manuals, chasing parts, chasing suppliers. I wonder how many restoration people are workaholics.

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