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Posts posted by sharky

  1. we havent killed a 432 buy towing it yet backwards or forwards to be honest i cant see the need to tow one very far backwards ? any doubt disconect prop shaft then no worries .

    on a slight tangent tow starting is interesting its a bit like back to the future and hitting that critical speed but in the case of the 432 its 15mph instead of 80 something for the delorian and much to my disapointment i wasn't transported back in time to 1957 only thing that happens is the engine fires up oh well i'll keep experimenting .

    perhaps my ideas on time travel may work with a saracen an some lengths of box section oh yes also a flux capasitor but i have already said to much ssshhhhh :wow:

  2. due to popular demand :laugh:

    here we go .

    After a lot of oxy/acet and even more bashed knuckles 2 of the suspension units have been removed ready to check and refurb






    suspension unit stripped


    discovered 1 broken spring and knackered wheel bearing seals.

    Next we removed the transmission unit even more gas and even more skin loss






    the eagle eyed will noticed the tyres on the jcb think we may need to drain the oil and remove sprockets to shed a little weight it definately made the machine grunt.


    any questions as ever comments or questions welcome



    The bit that puzzles me (if we are going to be so PC and pedantic) is that people are so alarmed at the naming of a historical fact, i.e the naming of the dog yet find it acceptable to make a film concerning men getting shot out of the sky and civillians getting drowned....


    Its a strange world.


    well said my thoughts trhu out the whole thread

  4. But the are clues in the song

    Two solar eclipses ("Then you flew your Learjet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun") were visible from Nova Scotia in the early 1970s, on March 7, 1970, and July 10, 1972.

    The line "I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse naturally won," refers to the Saratoga Race Course horse racing season held in late July, August, and early September in Saratoga Springs, New York. The season is frequented by the rich and famous of New York and other cities on the East Coast.


    Whoever He was owned a Lear jet and was flying in it on one of only two possible date, and lived on the East coast of America. and owned a Saratoga winning race horse or at least you had backed a winner, depending on how you interpret "your horse won"... Can't be many people who fit the bill, so if you have a Lear jet and you saw the Eclipse, and your race horse won at Sratoga, then I think it is safe to say that you know the song is about you, therefore you do have the right to be vain......


    apparently it was about warren beaty but that rumour has never been confirmed .:cool2:

  5. some more progress today .

    as the picture above show we have been stripping the interior, so after much climbing up and down it is nearly done .

    so today we decided it was time to remove the tracks so we could remove transmission to complete interior strip so heres some pics

    Captain chaos applies some gentle heat to retaining wedges


    with tracks split we towed her forward



    tracks removed and Captain chaos misses he cue to pose



    rolled the tracks up for a later date left hand track is ok,but the right one has some dead links but in the words of baldrick "we have a cunning plan" ,more of which at a later date .


    cheers for looking


  6. Even the end of the world has ben delayed! :yawn: Daft thing is, the profile of most people here, independent, used to adapting, capable of solving problems. Being detrmined in the face of adversity, makes for top end of the suvivor catogrey.

    apart from our ownership of gas guzzling over complicated machinery and the lack of fuel to run or use our joint knowledge .

    now me personally any sign of revelution i would be watching re runs of ray mears and fill in that application for my firearms that i been meaning to do for ages .

    Iain :D

  7. I'll start this one and hopefully new member Nitro will takeover or fill in the blanks seeing as he has done the lionshare of the work on this vehicle.

    It came from a scrap yard and was badly mauled . had also been stretched to take a steyr diesal engine .






    this last pic shows the extention on back end

    cheers for looking


  8. Hi, my names Nick AKA Nitro. I work at Armourgeddon on restoration with a couple of the lads on this forum. I'm about 2/3 rds the way through our M8 greyhound which is the 3rd one in a row that I have restored with help from Sharky. I hope to gain a bit of 'Knowledge' from you chaps as well as give any I have. :D

    heh up me duck you took your time joining i'll see you at work wednesday :cheesy:


  9. whats the loader your using to lift things thats in the background?




    A jcb 540 /70 great bit of kit it lifted the turret plus gun but the tyres went a bit flat and the engine grunted so we thought it best to remove gun its a good bit of kit lift about 4 ton


  10. looks like the black hole of calcutta inside that hull :D, when it's cleaned out and painted white it'll be like a different tank and a little nicer to work on.


    you're doing a great job , i hope it all goes well



    cheers rick from you that is a compliment i been keeping an eye on your churchill and cromwell thread so i know you aint afraid to get your hands dirty .that black stuff is bloody horrible sticks like s**t to a blanket my mrs sharky is not impressed by the colour of the bath erm the towels erm the kitchen .. well lets put it this way black aint really her colour especiallly on our 2 yr old daughters clothes

    oh well :angel:


  11. evening all heres some more progress .

    i am posting as many pics as possible because my writing and descriptive skills are not brilliant so it is easier for me this way. feel free to ask for any further descriptions and i'll see what i can do .

    right first of some more gun pics




    breach moves lovely.

    turret basket needs soma attention








  12. We decided it was time to get the sherman in the workshop today, sounds easy! the work shop is half a mile away from where it has been stored and the route consists of 4 narrow gate ways 3 dog leg turns and a main road to cross then to top it all a workshop entrance at 90 degrees to the yard and it only has 5 inches of clearence either side of tank but we got it in easier than we thought .

    heres some pics











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