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Posts posted by sharky

  1. Hi,


    Looking for a liitle help, guidance and direction.


    The wife just gave me a fantastic Christmas present...


    An FV432/30... Most of us expect aftershave, socks maybe something for the car, but No I get 17 Tonnes of fun...


    Anyway, we have known the vehicle for the last 8 years and she is a good runner. She has a couple of known faults and we would like to try and get them sorted.


    1. Since the vehicle arrived it has aleays had a fault with the Gearbox oil which runs hot and ends up a milky brown colour (emulsified?), has vever got any worse over the years but I would still like to get it sorted. Could any of you point me in the right direction to probable causes?


    2. Coolant leak that a new radiator and visual power pack out inspection failed to identify but still looking.


    3. Pretty sound but in need of a once over, current colour scheme is olive drab but keen to put it into green/black colours. Are there any specific painting schematics for this pattern or a rough guide to the green/black split?


    Any help or direction is very gratefully recieved.


    Happy New Year :-\

    Arent you the lucky one my missus bought me a car sterio thought i was spoilt . the fault is definately heat exchanger and as ferret fixer says it s amust to fix as it wll cause problems for your gearbox. Its an awkard job to do but def worth the graised knuckles any more advice just shout up and we'll help as much as we can .

    As for paint scheme no real fixed way just break up the shape as dieasal demon says ifirst one i sprayed i went on google and studied a few pics first to get the basic idea.

    I think but no doubt i will be proved wrong artilery vehicles always have each corner black .



  2. Howard,

    You are more than welcome to come and have a crawl round our 5.5 .Boss might want a good deal on a kit tho but the good thing is he'll get me to build it.

    Just p.m me when you want to come over welcome to measure any of our other vehicles whilst your at it we have a few to choice from .


  3. this becoming a proper enigma so far we have a bio hazard belonging to the south african far right ??????:nut:

    on a serious note i get the dutch translation as "capacitance movement" via babel fish on the net still none the wiser, perhaps armour evaluation of some kind ???

    incidently if you add the porton bit into babel fish it comes up with "poke barrell capacitance movement"

  4. finally got some progress on the abbot its now out of the workshop .Its not finished yet but is now on the back burner for the winter other projects are taking prioritybut drove her today and that was a nice feeling to finally have her moving on decent suspension .

    I'm quite pleased with the paint aswell not bad for the bad light in the workshop .

    anyway heres some pics







  5. thru work i have met david hasselhof (ferried him about in our BV206), scot mills (radio 1 dj),

    Alex James the bassist from blur ,mungo jerry, N'dubz(chav rap group) and by far the best suzie Perry:D my god she is gorgeous and really nice to go with it, just a shame the other bloke jason from the gadget show was a proper idiot,least we got to shoot him .

    years ago when i lived on a narrow boat the boat moored next to us in the marina was owned by david suchet and he was such a nice bloke often had a drink with him in the summer.


  6. <LI class=g> Interactions of bovine viral diarrhoea virus glycoprotein Erns ...


    by M Iqbal - 2000 - Cited by 37 - Related articles

    b Present address: DERA, Porton Down, SP4 0JQ, UK. Back ..... A. Wegelt, I. Reimann, J. Zemke, and M. Beer New insights into processing of bovine viral ...

    vir.sgmjournals.org/cgi/content/full/81/2/451 - Similar


    Sad old me i Goggled Porton wegelts in and this is the only posting it came up with


    i could say your talking bulls**t :D

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