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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. Hi,


    I'm trying to find out what licence is required to legally own a live firing 25 pound artillery gun in the UK,can anyone help? is it a section 1 or 5 firearm?


    Any helps greatfully received.









    Section 1, if it was a section 5 weapon you would not be able to own one unless you were an armourer, Section 5 weapons are prohibited.



  2. Why have you got one then?


    The radar system itself was covered in EMER RADAR & FCE P030-P039. The trailer & chassis was in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES U260/7-U269/7.

    Try asking for copies from the vast EMER collection at http://www.rememuseum.org.uk/index.htm


    I've got (somewhere !) close ups of a preserved one Neil Wedgebury had a decade or more ago.





    Hi Clive,


    will have one soon :-) I will be going back down the REME Archives soon so those EMER numbers will come in handy, please post the photos if you come across them.. Just need to get a Pig to pull it with :roll:





  3. when it come to the law,for instance one group who had a 30 caliber Browning machine gun which fired brass,linked blanks and vented through the muzzle.






    that was probably a live .30cal hired from an on-site armourer as is common practise at Detling & Beltring..

  4. iIwould love to do a living history.... a few pigs in NI colours and a Piglet. rocks and paint a plenty.. poss a burnt out car and barb wire and everyone in denisons and Para attire with SLR's and batton guns! would look great! not sure if iin the best taste? or is any living history?


    We could check point the bridge into the America field! hehe



    Don't forget the Fox, mine served in NI..

  5. ... and the machine guns that were stolen from a few of the dealers...





    From Milweb...


    Rifle stolen from Beltring


    No 4T rifle and scope. The rifle is a BSA MkI dated 44 serial number AV 0209 and has a crack to the cheek piece but in otherwise very good condition. The scope is a No32 serial number xx691 with no sunshade fitted. The deactivation certificate is still held by the rightful owner and was not stolen.

    07967 646705

  6. The arena was very VERY bumpy this year, I'm not sure what they've done to it, I don't remember it being like that before. You can see how much the big tanks are bouncing about, it was 10 times worse in a little CVRT... even going slowly.


    Nice video!





    You want to try it flat out in a CVR(W)....

  7. Bumped in to Mark on Saturday, nice guy, thanks to his mate, sorry I'm terrible with names, for unloading Chris McMillan's CVR(T)'s today, just popped home to tidy up a few loose ends then back to Beltring until the end of the show..



    Thanks again Lee, I hope they behaved ok. They can be a bit of a bugger to do tight turns in when cold!





    Yours coughed & spluttered a bit but was ok other than that, off now see you at Beltring

  8. I was there from 12pm untill 8.30pm with the Fox, same place as last year





    Just missed you, I left at 1145. Have you got the exact spot as last year? Should take a GPS reading of the corners of the pitch, then you might find the stake holes from last year!





    Same spot, we pegged out three times but they kept making the helicopter field larger, they still wanted us to come out another 20m but we refused as that would of put the end of our plot in with you.. see you there

  9. Bumped in to Mark on Saturday, nice guy, thanks to his mate, sorry I'm terrible with names, for unloading Chris McMillan's CVR(T)'s today, just popped home to tidy up a few loose ends then back to Beltring until the end of the show..





    I was up there on Saturday morning, did not see you :?







    I was there from 12pm untill 8.30pm with the Fox, same place as last year

  10. And if he's driving a left-hooker then a childs fishing net is ideal for paying the tolls if theres no passenger on-board!!!!


    But I though you said the tax-exempt MV's were also toll exempt on the Dartford crossing Lee????? :-)



    Yep I did but they have changed things in the last few months, you don't fill in the little bit of paper anymore, they get out of the booth & inspect the disk, their a bit more on the all now

  11. Well everyone this is it :banana: the time has come when today at 17:00 I will be setting up at Beltring (Happy Days) so hopefully by the time you read this I will be :beer: I look forward to seeing you all as many as possible at the show :tup:, we will be in the quiet field so just look for a stolly (my mates) and a Reo M35A1 that I will be picking up on Monday morning (just brought it can't wait) :nut:, so please do look us up and introduce yourselves :hug:, as I will be to you lot.

    Take it easy and all those who are going, have a damn good time and will be back on in 2 weeks time after today. :tup:



    Bumped in to Mark on Saturday, nice guy, thanks to his mate, sorry I'm terrible with names, for unloading Chris McMillan's CVR(T)'s today, just popped home to tidy up a few loose ends then back to Beltring until the end of the show..

  12. Jack,

    Sounds like the brakes were stuck on. We had this problem with our Fox the other week. The problem was a faulty servo which was not releasing the pressure, the result was glowing red discs and lots of smoke.





    Chris, did you remember to put the required amount of oil in the servo to keep it lubricated..


    Only two weeks left to go!!!





    Only living 3 miles up the road, I will ask the wife to start doing breakfast and evening meals, at a good price of course :-D



    We should be there Friday dropping another one of the vehicles off, the Fox..

  14. About 14 yaers ago I was in the Sun when I got superglued to a public payphone at 1am in the morning, it took them 12hrs to get the handset of my hand leaving most of the skin off palm & fingers on the phone.


    Some yobs thought it would be funny to cover the handset in superglue which I now know that if there's enough of it it doesn't dry until it comes in contact with something that contains moisture, the Firebrigade said I was lucky as all the other phones had it on the earpiece too.


    After it was in the paper there was a spate of superglue incidents up & down the country with one poor chap getting glued to a public loo

  15. We always take trips out to the supermarkets nearby to pick up supplies, or visit the local chippy if we can't be bothered. The show food is expensive, and after a few days gets very boring. It always helps to have a military Land Rover so you can slip in and out of the show during the day un-noticed!





    Much more fun going in the Armour though & those Fox side bins are just made for shopping trips :-D

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