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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. http://www.estpak.ee:80/~uv226a/action4.htm



    Location: Ukraine (Europe), Kiev (capital city), Juznaja Borchgovka district, Simirenko street. The monument has very expressive and unique design. It was bronze casted and opened in Soviet Union in year 1985. It is dedicated to 74 Soviet solders who lost their lives here in fights against Hitler's army for Kiev city in 1943.

    Authors: architect Nikolai Kisli and sculptor Vladimir Chepelik


    In this particular case the collapse of Soviet Union, politic changes and economic problems in Ukraine brought a hard times for the memorial. It was left without official's attention. As a result the bronze memorial board with names of the solders was stolen in 2004 together with a some small bronze parts.


    Unfortunately even now the original (Pic. 1) bronze memorial board isn't recovered. It is replaced by a granite board (Pic 2) and no one solder's name is there!


    More photos on the website...


    width=640 height=301http://www.estpak.ee/~uv226a/Images/Kiev2.jpg[/img]

  2. I did post a reply put didn't get there.


    So is yours the oldest? Have 1 & 2 survived?


    So was yours actually a Fieldmouse?



    Yep it's the oldest surviving Ferret, I was at Detling two years ago when an old chap came over asking "Who owns that Field Mouse?" it turned out to be the my Ferret's driver who was stationed with it in Cyprus 1952, he recognised the reg, he was the first one to explain to me why my Ferret had no center bin or studs on the escape hatch for it..

    The Ferrets in the early days in Cyprus were unloaded by fork lifts but the forks weren't long enough so they use to ram the bins, they took the bins off & never replaced them, I have been told this several times since so presume it true.. Unfortunately I lost the guys contact details that weekend, he was going to let me have all his photos.. :-( It's handy having no center bin as people can get a good veiw of the inside easily..



  3. have been asked to post the following, I know it's very close to Beltring but if anyone can help please contact Peter direct.



    High Ongar RBL Tattoo 15th July 2007


    Sunday 15 July 2007 at Bridge Farm, Stanford Rivers just outside of Ongar Time is 1100 hours thru to about 7 30pm. We are looking for mil vehs from WWII to present day for a cavalcade parade and also static displays, re-enactors & some loud bangs also required.


    Contact peter.richards43@virgin.net

  4. :-o


    And whats wrong with Bland - It reflects two members perfectly :box

    namely Mr & Mrs Hardyferret

    AKA Mr & Mrs J Bland


    Must be honest like the present logo just fine - as they say it does what it says on the label :tup:



    I Agree or are we going down the road of calling Marathons-snickers & Opal Fruits-Starburts... :roll:

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