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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. Talking of which, there are (fingers crossed) some Falklands era reenactors coming along with a nice display, anything amongst your members that could be used by them as a static backdrop? hopefully as vehicles get booked in we will be able to borrow one or two correct period Landys, it is after all the 25th of the Falklands, something which I have hardly seen mentioned anywhere. Not popular or glamorous enough I guess....





    Not many vehicles out there for Falklands Campaign displays..


    From EMLRA Forum

    There were no army landrovers on the Falklands during the actual campaign. The first landrovers only appeared after the islands were retaken. During the war itself the transport was mostly the tracked BV202s and a few Bedford trucks and Eager Beavers for logistics. There was some strange order that restricted the number of wheeled vehicles due to space shortages on the ships, but everyone could take as many BV202s as they liked.
  2. Lets get really cheeky,


    Workshop meet at Hardyferrets to erect new steel frame clad and insulate it's only 18 foot by 45 foot won't take long........?? :shake:

    AWWWW no takers!!


    Jack steady thats steel erection we are on about :dunno:


    Mr T20 sorry more bedroom humour :-D


    Hardyferret :computerterror:



    Ours is only 18m x 24m won't take long.. being delivered in about six weeks, us Essex boys go for the larger erection :whistle:


    width=420 height=314http://www.blueriversteelbuildings.co.uk/Users/X532/X532_584_DSC012773.jpg[/img]

  3. I notice there are quite a few of us on here this evening and i thought, hmm , we need a chat room!! :whistle:



    Trouble with chat rooms is that a lot of useful info gets lost.. if we were all on a chat room what would be posted on here :dunno:

  4. As one of our Fellow members lives at the epicenter & is affected by this hurricane I thought it was only right to put this appeal on here, JT (FV601) this is for you mate ;-) :-D :-D :-D



    A major hurricane (Hurricane Shazza) and earthquake measuring 5.8 on the

    Richter Scale hit Essex in the early hours of Friday with its epicentre in Basildon.


    Victims were seen wandering around aimlessly, muttering "Faaackinell".


    The hurricane decimated the area causing approximately £30 worth of damage.


    Several priceless collections of mementos from Majorca and the Costa Del Sol

    were damaged beyond repair


    Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed. Many locals were

    woken well before their giros arrived. Essex FM reported that hundreds of

    residents were confused and bewildered and were still trying to come to

    terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in Basildon.


    One resident - Tracy Sharon Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 5 said, "It was

    such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Mercedes came running into my bedroom crying.


    My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Victoria-Storm slept through it all. I was

    Still shaking when I was skinning up and watching Trisha the next morning."


    Apparently looting, muggings and car crime were unaffected and carried on as normal.


    The British Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of Sunny

    Delight to the area to help the stricken locals.Rescue workers are still

    Searching through the rubble and have found large quantities of personal

    belongings,including benefit books, jewellery from Elizabeth Duke at

    Argos and Bone China from Poundland.



    This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing parcels for those

    unfortunate enough to be caught up in this disaster. Clothing is most

    sought after - items most needed include:

    Fila or Burberry baseball caps

    Kappa tracksuit tops (his and hers)

    Shell suits (female)

    White sport socks

    Rockport boots

    Any other items usually sold in Primark.


    Food parcels may be harder to come by, but are needed all the same.Required

    foodstuffs include: Microwave meals, Tins of baked beans, Ice cream, Cans of

    Colt 45 or Special Brew. 22p buys a biro for filling in the compensation

    forms. £2 buys chips, crisps and blue fizzy drinks for a family of 9. £5

    buys B&H and a lighter to calm the nerves of those affected.


    **Breaking news**


    Rescue workers found a girl in the rubble smothered in raspberry alco-pop.

    'Where are you bleeding from?' they asked," ROMFORD" said the girl, "woss that gotta do wiv you?


    Please don't forward this to anyone living in Essex - oh, sod it, they

    won't Be able to read it, anyway.

  5. I am also up for this........ I live in West Sussex........ BUT My bro lives in Dorset....... wait for it cause it gets better............



    He is a Challenger 2 driver at Bovi (he has an H license already)!!!


    I might be able to bolster you boys in Dorset AND bring him along to offer advice. It all depends on when.... I work shift work and he tends to be a busy boy!


    I'm moving to Dorset :whistle:

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