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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. Weather looks like it's going to ok, so they say :dunno:



    Evening rain clearing then a mainly dry night. Windy.


    This Evening and Tonight:

    Rain this evening, perhaps heavy for a short time, accompanied by strong, blustery southwesterly winds. However, the rain will clear away southeast leaving most parts dry and clear for much of the night, winds easing to allow temperatures to dip. Minimum temperature 3 °C.



    A much brighter day in prospect with a good deal of sunshine, although this becoming rather hazy at times. Feeling cooler in quite a strong and blustery southwesterly wind. Maximum temperature 10 °C.


    Updated: 1526 on Sat 13 Jan 2007

  2. This is where I need some clarification, if we higher a mini digger.....it would be the same test as if we were to do it in a tank?





    Below is the minimum standards for a test vehicle, I can see a problem with insurance if we hire in a digger for the test. If we hired a digger how would we fill in the hire form so that it showed that all of us were insured, normally to hire a vehicle you have to have a Full licence for that class of vehicle.. also the same problem if we had a MV on loan to us.. the Insurance would have to show everyones name with provisional licence entitlement.. :dunno:



    Specialist vehicle classification

    Three or four-wheeled light vehicles - category B1

    Agricultural tractors - category F

    Road rollers - category G

    Track laying vehicles steered by their tracks - category H

    Mowing machines or pedestrian-controlled vehicles - category K

    Specialist test vehicles

    Unsuitable vehicles

    The condition of your vehicle




    Types of Specialist Vehicles

    The following vehicles are classified as specialist vehicles.


    Three or four-wheeled light vehicles - category B1

    Motor tricycles or quadricycles in category B1 have:


    three or four wheels

    a design speed greater than 50 km per hour

    an unladen weight of no more than 550 kg

    These vehicles may be designed as a small car with car-type controls or a motorcycle with motorcycle-type controls. You must be 17 years old to use a vehicle in this category.


    Agricultural tractors - category F

    Agricultural or forestry tractors:


    have two or more axles

    are constructed for use as a tractor for work off the road in connection with agriculture or forestry

    If you want to drive tractors on public roads you must be at least 16 years old. At 16 you are restricted to a tractor which is no more than 2.45 metres wide and only driving on the road when travelling to and from a driving test appointment until you’ve passed your category F driving test.


    If you are driving a category F vehicle in Northern Ireland you may also drive at 16, when engaged in the course of agricultural operations, on any road which is not a road where the maximum speed limit under Article 50 of the Order is 30 miles per hour or less.


    At 17 years old you can drive any tractor and you can drive unaccompanied on the road displaying L plates, or D plates in Wales.


    Road rollers - category G

    Before you can apply for a provisional licence for a category G you must have passed a test for a vehicle in category B.


    At 17 years old you can drive a road roller:


    with metal rollers

    weighing less than 11.69 tonnes unladen

    which isn’t steam propelled

    At 21 years old you can drive other road rollers. These include rollers:


    which have pneumatic, resilient or elastic tyres

    that weigh more than 11.69 tonnes unladen

    that are steam propelled

    Track laying vehicles steered by their tracks - category H

    Before you can apply for a provisional licence for a category H you must have passed a test for a vehicle in category B.


    You must be at least 21 years old to drive these vehicles.


    Mowing machines or pedestrian-controlled vehicles - category K

    Mowing machines are specialist, ride-on, grass-cutting vehicles with permanent cutting equipment.


    A pedestrian-controlled vehicle is a powered vehicle where the operator walks with the vehicle, and does not ride on it. This vehicle is not treated as a motor vehicle, so you will not need a driving licence to use one.


    You must be 16 years old to drive these vehicles.


    Specialist test vehicles

    It is your responsibility to make sure that the vehicle you are going to use for your practical test is legally roadworthy and has a current MOT certificate (if required). The vehicle must be fully covered for use on the test and for you to drive.


    Your examiner will ask you to sign a declaration that your insurance is in order. The test won’t be conducted if you can’t do so.


    Your vehicle should also display:


    a valid tax disc

    L plates displayed to the front and rear (or D plates in Wales if you want)

    L plates should not be displayed:


    on any windscreen or back window where they could obstruct your view

    where they will cover any lights or indicators

    If you do not comply with these rules your test may be cancelled and you could lose your fee.


    Unsuitable vehicles

    Your examiner will check that your vehicle is suitable on a practical driving test. The test cannot be conducted if the vehicle:


    is operating on trade plates

    does not display a valid tax disc

    is carrying any loose items which could fall off

    has damaged lights or indicators

    has broken or missing mirrors

    is carrying any load

    could be a danger to other road users due to damage

    is fitted with an item of equipment which may cause a danger to other road users

    has such a poor view that you need another person to help when carrying out manoeuvres or at junctions

    is in category B1, where the examiner travels in the vehicle but he or she can’t see clearly behind

    The condition of your vehicle

    Your vehicle must:


    have clean number plates and lights

    not be carrying a load, or be partly loaded

    not be towing a trailer

    not drop mud or any debris on the road

    Your vehicle must also be mechanically sound. All equipment required by law must be fitted and working correctly.

  3. Correct me if I am wrong Lee, but I think they are only allowing the one flight and then it goes into a museum somewhere, not sure.



    From what I can see they had three dates booked subject to serviceability.


    17 June 2007 - Falklands Flypast http://www.tvoc.co.uk/diary/default.asp?date=17/6/2007

    30 June 2007 - Waddington International Airshow http://www.tvoc.co.uk/diary/default.asp?date=30/6/2007

    1 July 2007 - Waddington International Airshow http://www.tvoc.co.uk/diary/default.asp?date=1/7/2007


  4. WOW :schocked: :schocked:


    I stand (or sit..) corrected - I am suprised and delighted that one of the old girls will be airborne again but I have to admit I never ever thought the CAA would be allowed to give one a ticket.


    It's so nice to be wrong!!!! :-) :-) :-)



    Not forgetting XL426 just down the road from us which is being restored..

  5. Yes it is supposed to be flying in a dispaly this year somewhere in the UK, I am sure I saw this on the news



    Yep.. http://www.tvoc.co.uk/

    2007 will, of course, be a memorable one for the project; and, given the sort of good fortune it surely deserves, it will see 'your' aircraft safely restored to its natural environment - and, once again, thrilling the millions who watch it at air displays or in transit to and from them.

  6. So is an airsoft SA80 a realistic replica?



    Yes.. if it looks like the real thing without close inspection..


    (2) For the purposes of this section, an imitation firearm is not (except by virtue of

    subsection (3)(b)) to be regarded as distinguishable from a real firearm for any

    practical purpose if it could be so distinguished only—

    (a) by an expert;

    (b) on a close examination; or

    © as a result of an attempt to load or to fire it.

    (3) In determining for the purposes of this section whether an imitation firearm is

    distinguishable from a real firearm—

    (a) the matters that must be taken into account include any differences

    between the size, shape and principal colour of the imitation firearm

    and the size, shape and colour in which the real firearm is

    manufactured; and

    (b) the imitation is to be regarded as distinguishable if its size, shape or

    principal colour is unrealistic for a real firearm.

    (4) The Secretary of State may by regulations provide that, for the purposes of

    subsection (3)(b)—

    (a) the size of an imitation firearm is to be regarded as unrealistic for a real

    firearm only if the imitation firearm has dimensions that are less than

    the dimensions specified in the regulations; and

    (b) a colour is to be regarded as unrealistic for a real firearm only if it is a

    colour specified in the regulations.

  7. Sounds reasonable to me ;-)

    Lets be honest - the odds on it being where it is, unsold, by June/July, are on the wrong side of non-existant. ;-)


    So it's Stuart and JT on the MV sub-committee now, yes?



    No just John.. Stuart is still spokesman for the MV Owners, the MV sub com.. is a new thing, JT & two com. members.. it's to iron out a few issues some of the Com. have with the MV's.. Stuart wasn't there last night so JT got the short straw, anything you need bringing up let JT know..


    Sorry for highjacking this thread.. :oops:


    What happened at last nights meeting??? You've got me curious now!!



    Not a lot, JT was volunteered on to the MV owners Sub-com.. & it looks like that the Fort has all the MV's it needs at the moment.. got to remember Neil that they have other events there that are not MV related & they need to have enough room so they can be stored out the way..

  9. Actually - thinking about it - they probably refer to vehicle owners as "<censored> <censored> idiots", after all - who in their right mind bys and maintains a vehicle not really designed for work without a full base workshop to call on??


    "Walts", usually, is a term applied to those who dress in uniform with badges of rank and decorations etc. and pretend to be what they are not...




    width=397 height=500http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/awards_2.jpg[/img]

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