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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. This is true - and I don't mind volunteering for the 4 days as I've got to use 30+ days of vacation prior to June 30th. Indeed the time was provisionally booked at work anyway on a just in case basis.


    However - I was assuming that, in a long established group, crew positions would aready have been filled and didn't want to "push" as it were!!


    Would have been courteous for at least one of them to have replied though....... :-(


    So - if any one is short a crew member you know where to find me :-) :-)





    I did send you a PM about crewing the Armour... :dunno:


    Re: Horse Guards Parade

    « Sent to: ArtistsRifles on: February 11, 2007, 23:58:07 »


    You recently signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to

    "Stop the demolition of historic Battle of Britain architecture

    at RAF Northolt."


    The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and

    you can view it here:



    Prime Minister's Office


    Petition info: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/northolt/



    northolt - epetition reply12 February 2007


    We received a petition asking:


    "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Stop the demolition of historic Battle of Britain architecture at RAF Northolt."


    The Government takes its obligations to preserving the heritage of the defence estate very seriously. However, the need to preserve must be balanced against the need to fulfil our defence requirements, both now and in the future.


    Project MOD Estates London (MoDEL) seeks to implement the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Estate Strategy by combining operations from a number of sites across Greater London at RAF Northolt. It represents a significant rationalisation of the defence estate in Greater London, consolidating the facilities occupied by UK forces onto a modern, integrated 'anchor site'. This will generate a number of benefits in terms of reduced running costs, improved efficiency, consolidated resources and improvement to quality of life for the current and future generations of MOD personnel.


    In investing an initial £180 million in the development of RAF Northolt the MOD developed a masterplan, informed by the English Heritage's Aviation Thematic Review. This masterplan sought to deliver a fit for purpose site which improved the quality of service personnel accommodation while preserving and recording heritage elements. At only 190 hectares the site is a relatively small airfield and the area capable of development is constrained by town and country planning limitations. There are also issues relating to airfield operations and security restrictions.


    Difficult decisions had to be made. Both the A type hanger (hanger 6), including the associated Operational ready room, and the former Operations Room (building 27), were not recommended for listing as part of the Aviation Thematic review and are subsequently to be demolished after an agreed scheme of archaeological recording. These buildings will make way for the new offices and parade square for the Queen's Colour Squadron plus a facility to house the Central Band of the RAF and Headquarters Music Service.


    Significantly the masterplan also includes enhancement to the setting of certain buildings such as the current Station HQ, (building 28) and the Officers' Mess which is being sympathetically enlarged and its function retained in keeping with its Grade II listed status.


    Through this MOD intends to strike the right balance between preserving the most important elements of our Nation's past whilst meeting the needs of our armed forces in the future

  3. We are please to announce that the M10 Achilles from the Cadman collection will be making a guest appearance at our 2007 Bunker Bash.. big thanks to Rex Cadman :-D


    Any other Heavy Armour is more than welcome, the W&P Jeep will also be in attendance, may even buy a few tickets myself :whistle:




    Essex Armour & Softskins MV Group will be holding their 2nd. Annual Military Vehicle & Re-enactor Show at "Kelvedon Hatch (Essex) Secret Nuclear Bunker" on 19th & 20th May 2007, camping from Friday 18th, on site catering & Bar, all vehicles welcome including Tracked. Re-enactors welcome & large areana.

    The Bunker is located on the A128 Ongar Road Nr. Brentwood Essex & is within easy reach of the M25 & M11. A12, A13


    Militaria Stalls please email for trade form.


    For a booking form or more details please click here to email bunkerbash@essex-armour-softskins.co.uk






  4. Oi John,


    I haven't got mine yet! I was looking forward to a read and scive today. Never mind. Hey Lee, didn't I get you in the centre spread snap of the two Foxes last month or so??? One of my few good moments at Beltring last year. Hopefully I'll do better this year.





    Hi Mark,


    you sure did, I did post a thanks a while back :-D

  5. Have a look here Steve http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=49&board=22.0


    Oh & don't forget this one :whistle:


    Essex Armour & Softskins MV Group will be holding their 2nd. Annual Military Vehicle & Re-enactor Show at "Kelvedon Hatch (Essex) Secret Nuclear Bunker" on 19th & 20th May 2007, camping from Friday 18th, on site catering & Bar, all vehicles welcome including Tracked. Re-enactors welcome & large areana.

    The Bunker is located on the A128 Ongar Road Nr. Brentwood Essex & is within easy reach of the M25 & M11. A12, A13


    Militaria Stalls please email for trade form.


    For a booking form or more details please click here to email bunkerbash@essex-armour-softskins.co.uk

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