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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. Oh??


    You said last Sat nothing had been heard - all this come out up this week then???

    Whatever - have fun up there :-) :-)



    Yep heard this week.. could be looking for crew though.. as they want MV's fully crewed, they are providing correct uniforms.. :-D

  2. Oh - I'm so blind I might not even see anything thats Lee shaped & is in front of me when we take Maud out of the Fort next time :evil: :evil: :evil:


    Just for the record :-) the monitor here is a worn-out 21" Eizo CAD monitor that was knackered when it came out of Fords a few years ago - now it's go so bad that even with the brightness up at 100% darker photo's are almost unviewable at home.




    Neil next time nick a good one ;-) :-D

  3. You cancelled your sub! Thank god I didn't put you on the cover.


    ...... Whoops, I just deleted the Essex Armour & Softskin Show from the events listing.. the Secret Bunker show has just got that bit more secret.


    Only kidding. By the way, i fyou think geting your name wrong is bad, wait to you see what pic I used of you!



    Only cancelled it John because it kept going missing.. expect to see the postman driving around in something green very soon :whistle:


    Well I guess from JT's post you used the one that you took just after I came back from the dust bowl :-D

  4. Yes!! and I think Neil needs a new hamster for the power wheel in his one



    He can't see the screen on his, can you Neil :whistle: he says it's the monitor but I reckon he needs to get down to Specsavers :whistle:

  5. I still get the same Lee only on this forum, but as been promised it will all be sorted out on the new forum, I can only guess that we have superior equipment than the others which causes this . :-D



    Yes I was thinking of getting an old valve set like Clives.. he's lucky as I reckon he has a whole shelf of EMMERS to refer to for his computer ;-)

  6. Sorry Lee - got yr surname wrong again (!) .. you should have corrected me the first timeI did it. Anyway, what's wrong with Mansworthy? Quite an upper class sounding name. Colonel Mansworthy...Brigadier Mansworthy .. sounds good. :-)



    I also said the Fox and Scimitar shared the same turret - they don't - its the Sabre. See what happens when Alvis make all the CVR(T) names so similar - bound to cause confusion when the fingers have trouble typing what the brain's thinking.



    That's ok John, just in the process of changing my name by Deed Poll :whistle: seems like everyone else has seen it except me.. silly me cancelled the subscription a while back as I think the postman had a liking for all things green... bit hit & miss when I find one at the news agents.. looking forward to it Mr. Bleakman :-D

  7. Is it me or is the forum playing up again :dunno:


    width=320 height=240http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/Startrek.gif[/img]




    Still having problems.... have to refresh the page 4 or 5 times before I can get on.. only get the problem on this site & on all 3 PC's in the house :dunno:



    You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.


    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.





    Apache/1.3.37 Server at http://www.hmvf.co.uk Port 80

  8. Got some brand new B60 cylinder heads if any one wants one.. no valves.. brand new sealed & crated from the factory.. if you want one free of charge, need to make room, you can pick up from the Bunker show in May.. send me a PM.. :-D



    Ok that's two new heads on the way to Beltring .. anyone else :dunno:

  9. Hello, sorry to sound like a complete idiot, but my vehicle weighs 3750 KG according to the log book, is that not more than 3.5 tons?

    Does this mean I should have an MOT?. :|

    Am I making a false declaration by signing the V112G form? :police:


    This was so much easier with the jeep :-)



    If it's 3750 KG then V112G it is then..

  10. Well you could always go Lee's route Clive


    Use the dishwasher :evil: :evil:


    I speak from first hand knowledge of watching him load it up with the brake calipers from the Fox as well as other bits and pieces.


    Only thing to remember is not to put rinse aid in or all those matt surfaces start to gleam :whistle:



    That's what it is.. I thought it was a parts washer :dunno: no wonder my coffee tastes of GUNK.. :whistle:

  11. That Ferret is very confused, with the Larkspur antenna bases, Clansman antenna bases, steps in the bins, grab handles, flashy light tow hooks?!?! and extra bits bolted on anywhere they fit. It's almost as bad as the pimped one on ebay.


    Lee there is a Fox windscreen which is quite good and much better than a Ferret one, it would stop the Beltring dust problem. Have you got one? I can take a photo of mine if you want.





    That's Don & Ret's Ferret.. always enjoy meeting up with them to see what they have bolted on next :-D that step is off a Routemaster Bus I think they said.. think they must almost of run out of room for bolt on goodie :whistle:


    Yep got one of those screens Chris but not sure being perspex if the dust would just stick to it like a magnet.. that's the trouble with the Fox it's like one big hoover, that hatch sucks in everything in it's path.. a while back I was behind an Abbott & a 432 on a run around Canvey Island, only about 4 miles by the time I got back I took my glasses off & it looked like I'd been down a Coalmine

  12. Got some brand new B60 cylinder heads if any one wants one.. no valves.. brand new sealed & crated from the factory.. if you want one free of charge, need to make room, you can pick up from the Bunker show in May.. send me a PM.. :-D

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