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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Hope thats not short as in 4 letters :D


    Said before - I always wanted a DUKW - but they're out of my price range now so have resorted to plan B - the Stalwart.

    Was after on so badly I even tried to get the one that was advertised on MilWeb a few months ago that was up for auction in Australia. had a couple of friends from the old days who now live down there check her out and get shipping details as well as sanction from DVAL and the Revenue people. Alas another Oz collector pushed the price beyond mine :cry:


    Ah well - maybe Stalwarts and I are fated - daughter has already named whatever one we get - she's picked Maude. after "Mouldy Maude" a caricature of my old Regt's cap badge in the 1930's

  2. We went there last year - again first time abroad as a family and with the caravan. We stayed at a site called "Le Cormoran" at Ravenoville Plage - just down the road from St Mere Eglise. Some excellent museums around there - both Allied and German regarding UTAH beach.

    Looking forwards to going back again to do the British and Canadian beaches next time!!!


    Some photo's here if anyones interested: http://community.webshots.com/album/427317615opKpYv

  3. I spoke to Jolleys about their conversion for the B81 - it's not electronic ignition as such - a "breakerless" set up wpould be a more accurate description. I think at least one of the chaps on the Stalwart owners list over on Yahoo groups has one installed - might be worth a trawl through the message archives there????

  4. Now there's an interesting concept!! Using AutoRoute there are around 64 varying museums within a 30 mile radius of Gaydon - assuming you feel Gaydon itself would not be appropriate (last time I was there the sole MV contributions were some Landrovers) - such as:


    Arms and Armour museum

    Sheep Street

    Stratford Upon Avon

    CV37 6

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1789-292107


    Midland Air Museum

    Rowley Road



    CV8 3

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 24-76301033


    Museum of British Road Transport

    27 Hales Street


    CV1 1

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 24-76832425


    Wellington Aviation Museum


    Moreton in Marsh

    GL56 0

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1608-650323


    Winchcombe Railway Museum

    Gloucester Street



    GL54 5

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1242-602257


    - just picking a few on f the ones that might match your idea. So maybe there's a degree of potential there??? I'd have thought any council would become VERY co-operative at the thought of more revenue from tourism ??

  5. Now there's an interesting concept!! Using AutoRoute there are around 64 varying museums within a 30 mile radius of Gaydon - assuming you feel Gaydon itself would not be appropriate (last time I was there the sole MV contributions were some Landrovers) - such as:


    Arms and Armour museum

    Sheep Street

    Stratford Upon Avon

    CV37 6

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1789-292107


    Midland Air Museum

    Rowley Road



    CV8 3

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 24-76301033


    Museum of British Road Transport

    27 Hales Street


    CV1 1

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 24-76832425


    Wellington Aviation Museum


    Moreton in Marsh

    GL56 0

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1608-650323


    Winchcombe Railway Museum

    Gloucester Street



    GL54 5

    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 1242-602257


    - just picking a few on f the ones that might match your idea. So maybe there's a degree of potential there??? I'd have thought any council would become VERY co-operative at the thought of more revenue from tourism ??

  6. And this is the one from the Inland Revenue - hope they are of use to you:


    Dear Neil,


    Thank you for your e-mail dated 26 August 2005.


    Due to the unusual nature of the vehicle you wish to import, I contacted our Tariff Classification Service on your behalf, to ascertain the commodity code from Her Majesty’s Integrated Tariff of the United Kingdom. The commodity code identifies customs duty rates, VAT liabilities, and other criteria relevant to the importation.


    They have advised that, provided you would have evidence of the age of the vehicle (i.e. built in 1944) it is likely it would be admitted as a collector’s piece of historical interest under Chapter 97 of the Customs & Excise Tariff. Items under this chapter have a free rate of customs duty (i.e. no duty) and an effective rate of VAT at 5%.


    In the event your vehicle qualifies under this chapter, the VAT rate would be applied to the total of the cost of the goods plus the freight and insurance charges.

    Our Tariff Classification Service have indicated that, should there be no evidence of the vehicle’s age, it would be considered a vehicle under Chapter 87 of the Tariff. Customs duty rates under this chapter range from 1.7% to 22%. The specific rate for your vehicle would depend on the tariff classification. VAT at the standard rate of 17.5% would also be due.

    In this event, the customs duty rate is applied to the total of the cost of the goods plus the freight and insurance charges to the UK.

    The V.A.T. rate is applied to the total of the cost of the goods plus the freight and insurance charges plus the customs duty.



    I would recommend you contact our Tariff Classification Service for further details as regards classification of your possible importation. They can provide full details on the classification requirements for collector’s pieces. They can be contacted on telephone number 01702 366077 (Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00) or e-mail mailto:classification.tso@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk.

    Our Public Notice No. 600 – Classifying your imports or exports covers all aspects of the subject. It can be found on our website at http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/ by clicking on the item “Forms, leaflets & booklets” under the heading “quick links”.

    Click on the link “Leaflets and booklets published in respect of matters formerly dealt with by HM Customs and Excise”. Scroll down to the heading “Import, Export & International Trade” and click on the link for “Public Notices”.

    Notices are listed in number order.

    Alternatively, you can obtain a hard copy from our National Advice Service (Telephone 0845 010 9000 Monday – Friday 08:00 – 20:00).

    Registration of vehicles in the UK is the responsibility of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. I see you have copied your e-mail to them. They will reply to your enquiry in relation to this matter.

    I hope that the above has been of assistance.


  7. This is the response from DVLA when I looked into importing a DUKW from Australia:


    Thank you for your email.


    I should firstly mention that DVLA Swansea can only answer general enquiries regarding the import of vehicles into the UK. Specific enquiries regarding the procedures or documentation required must be directed to the DVLA Local Office where the application will be made.


    You should apply to license and register the vehicle at your nearest DVLA Local Office, as soon as possible after arrival in the UK. A list of Local Office addresses may be found on our website as listed below, or in booklet V100 available at any licence issuing Post Office®. The vehicle must be in this country and available for inspection before you make the application. The only circumstances, in which you can drive the vehicle, are to and from a pre-arranged SVA/MOT test and to and from a garage for remedial work following failure to pass the test. Thereafter the vehicle should be kept off the road until the licensing and registration formalities have been completed. NB. UK law requires a vehicle to be licensed and registered for road use. To avoid difficulties, importers are advised to transport rather than drive their vehicles from the port of entry to home or first destination.


    Please note applications will not be dealt with over the counter. Applications received outside a Local Office catchment area will be accepted and forwarded to the Local Office nearest the applicant's home address for processing. Provided that the documentation is lodged with the Local Office in this way and the registration requirements have been complied with, the application will normally be dealt with by return of post.


    Keepers who first license and register their vehicle(s) using application forms V55/4 or V55/5 will have to produce proof of name and address. A new information leaflet INF148 'Licensing and Registering Your Vehicle Using a V55/4 or a V55/5' has been produced giving details of the identity documents required. If you fail to read this information before submitting your application it may cause a delay in your application being processed.


    The following documents will need to be submitted to the Local Office:


    · Completed application form V55/4 or if appropriate V55/5:


    · Form V55/4 is for "brand new" vehicles


    · Form V55/5 is for "used" vehicles


    · Appropriate Identity Documentation confirming your name and address


    · A £38 registration fee (if applicable)


    · The required fee for the licence


    · British insurance certificate


    · The appropriate Customs & Excise form (see fact sheet 1)


    · Foreign registration document and any other papers you have relating to the vehicle


    · A current British MOT test certificate for:


    · Cars, motorcycles, motor caravans and Light Good Vehicles if more than 3 years old


    · Passenger carrying vehicles with more than 8 seats and taxis (excluding private hire cars) if more than 1 year old


    · Evidence of type approval (see fact sheet 2)


    A brand new vehicle can be driven to GB and registered as new provided the vehicle is registered quickly after collection, this is taken as 14 days, has reasonable delivery mileage and it has not been previously "permanently" registered.


    On receipt of a completed application the Local Office will allocate a registration mark appropriate to the vehicle's date of first use abroad and issue a vehicle excise licence. The papers will be forwarded to DVLC and you will receive a registration certificate for the vehicle within 6 weeks.











    C&E 386 This form is issued by Customs & Excise for a vehicle of any age personally imported from outside the European Union (EU).



    C&E 388 This form is issued by Customs & Excise for a Customs restricted vehicle of any age personally imported from outside the EU.


    C&E 389 This is a self-declaration form which should be used by VAT registered traders for commercial imports from outside the EU.



    BFG 414 This form is issued to all Customs relieved vehicles, irrespective of age, which have been personally acquired within the EU by British Forces Germany personnel.



    VAT 414 This self-declaration form (available at Local Offices) should only be used in the following circumstances:



    a) For NMT vehicles acquired commercially within the EU by VAT registered traders.


    b) For vehicles not classed as NMTs (ie. over 6 months old and having travelled more than 6,000 kms) which have been acquired from within the EU.



    VAT 415 This self-declaration form (available at Local Offices) should be completed by customers when they have personally acquired a New Means of Transport (NMT) from within the EU. Following licensing and registration the form will be forwarded to Customs & Excise. Please note that a VAT 415 cannot be used for vehicles imported from outside the EU (eg. Japan or the USA - even if the vehicle has been driven to the UK via an EU country).



    NB: New Means of Transport (NMT) vehicles are defined by Customs & Excise as originating from within the EU and are either less than 6 months old or have travelled less than 6,000 kms.









    Most cars and light goods vehicles manufactured up to 10 years old need to produce evidence of type approval.


    For vehicles brought in from the European Union this will take the form of an ECWVTA (Certificate of Conformity (CoC). Copies can be obtained from the manufacturer - a charge is usually made for this.


    If you have been unable to obtain a Certificate of Conformity for a vehicle previously registered in another Member State prior to import it might be acceptable in the UK under the mutual recognition procedure. Further advice on this can be obtained from the Vehicle Certificate Agency - Telephone 0117 952 4125.


    Vehicles imported from a non-European country will need to be submitted for an SVA inspection. Until 31 July 2001, one level of test applied to all vehicles. But from 1 August 2001 a more stringent test has been introduced. Enhanced SVA (ESVA). The Basic SVA will be retained only for the following main categories of imported vehicle.



    · "personally imported" vehicle as defined below


    · any left hand drive vehicle



    From 17 June 2003, motorcycles must either have Type Approval, Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval or Mutual Recognition. Without such approval or exemption, such motorcycles cannot be registered in GB.





    You are a personal importer only:



    a) if the vehicle has been imported by a person entering the United Kingdom;


    b) that person had, at the time the vehicle was imported, been normally resident in a country other than the United Kingdom for a continuous period of at least 12 months;


    c) that person intends to become normally resident in the United Kingdom;


    d) the vehicle has been in the possession of that person and used by him in the country where he has been normally resident for a period of at least 6 months before its importation; and


    e) the vehicle is intended for his personal or household use in the United Kingdom. Establishing the criteria of the new "Personal Import" criteria will be the responsibility of the Vehicle Inspectorate.


    Vehicles over 10 years old are exempt from type approval and from SVA.


    NB: Vehicles over 3 years old are also required to pass an MOT (Passenger Carrying Vehicles with more than 8 seats and taxis - excluding private hire cars - if more than 1 year old).


    Further information can be obtained from the booklets "How to Import a Vehicle into Great Britain" (PI5) and "The Single Vehicle Approval Scheme" (SVA4).



    If you would like to request an Import Pack please telephone 0870 240 0010 to use the automated form request service.


  8. But don't worry it will never happen here - we make our own laws and any EU directive can only become law in the UK once it's debated in the House of Commons and the House of Lords - and then passed as an Act of Parliament - well I think that's what John Major promised and what Tony Blair delivered, following the Maastricht Treaty! Sadly if you believe that you must be barking (For Maastricht Treaty read Mass Trickery!)


    Yeah right........ Well - the bad news for Phony Tony and his cronies is that the economic version of WW2 never finished and thanks to these <censoreds? we're losing it!!! Heads of my employers in the US decided we need to lose x numder of heads in the UK & Germany - UK meets it's target, Germany fails to get as close as 2% of their target so what do the yanks do??? Well - it isn't kick German butts - they look at the social treaties and find they can't pressurize the Germans 'cos the bit of paper Phony Tony refused to sign protects them - but we're out in the open so we get hammered again. In 4 years or less our entire manufacturing operation will be out of the UK and based in the Fatherland. :x:x


    Back on-topic - if B Liar thinks he'll make brownie points with the French and German Gov'ts then a similar ban will follow as sure as night follows day and without ANY consultation - if necessary using the Parliament Act to force the legislation through undemocratically.

  9. OK - bit more brainstorming here:


    Solo site


      [*]Any proceeds raised go to the owners there

      [*]No issues with access/working

      [*]Freedom - no restrictions on what's done, how, when and where

      [*]Ability to offer overnight rooming for owners[/list:u]



        [*]Initial purchase (or lease) costs of large enough site

        [*]Insurance bills

        [*]Service (operating) bills (security, gas, electric, rates etc.)

        [*]Meeting H&SE standards

        [*]Probably need to be replicated in "Zones" around the country[/list:u]


        Co-Located site


          [*]Minimal initial outlay required (if any)

          [*]Minimal operational costs

          [*]Access to support facilities if needed

          [*]Numerous site already exist sans MV's

          [*]Known establishment[/list:u]



            [*]Any income would go to the existing owners automatically - no revenue generated for owners

            [*]Need to comply with owners existing arrangements re. events.

            [*]Need to comply with owners established SOP's

            [*]Minimal chance of overnight accommodation being available[/list:u]


            I think that sums up the views thus far?

            Larry - I used Duxford as an example of co-location, not as a possible site :) I do agree with Richard though - their LWF hall IS tacked too far away!!

            My thoughts were that if you could find existing museums you could cover the country, finding ones close enough to people to reduce travel costs etc and also avoid the big start-up and running costs. Yes - all entry funds would go to the owners but maybe a portion of revenue could be fed to the MV group based there to cover their operational costs? This would have to be part of the negotiations I guess. Bear in mind they would be covering ALL the operational costs And yes, the group would be stuck having to comply with the schedule of events of the main museum - at least for the first year or so. Again negotiations can be held when the MV collection is shown to be an attraction in it's own right as doubtless it would be.


            Maybe a good starting point would be to compile a list of owners, in conjunction with the MVT and any local clubs, who prepared to participate with their locations/vehicles - then look at either:

              [*]A centralized location point to do our own thing

              [*]Divide the list into zones and look at whats available in each zone to do our own thing

              [*]Look at existing museums in the zones who might be prepared to participate[/list:u]

              Then once you have an idea of numbers and location(s) look at the cost involved on each level.


              Personally I believe this is an excellent idea you've had and possibly the answer to a lot of problem the morons ruining the country right now might have in store for us in the future!!! Good luck with it!!!

  10. I guess what's needed is a living version of Duxfords "Land Warfare" hall.

    In a way it's a shame that one exists as this proposal would be ideal.


    As a thought then - do any other existing museums have the space and the inclination to host such a thing as Larry's idea??? I'm thinking of places like the Shuttleworth collection or the National Motor Museum at Gaydon or Beaulieu (Sp?)????

  11. Know someone who dropped his wallet,.......inc 3 weeks holiday pay....into the darkness: :oops: :oops: :roll:


    To say he wasn't Very popular with his missis and kids, would be a tad understatement.................................. :lol:




    Be a nice to find up for sale though!!! :D


    But I don't think I've yet to see or hear a Stalwart running "in the flesh"





    I have - 'tis a truly wonderful sound to hear - and sight to see :D:D:D

    Thats one of the reasons I want one!!!

  12. See you've been there before :D


    You forgot to mention the mobile phone though - lost count of the number of ad's that, when rung have the seller include the phrase "and there's a mobile phone in there somewhere because xxxx dropp it!"

  13. Basic idea is excellent and well worth pursueing!


    Only thing I can think of, off-hand, relates to your comment regarding "Of couse there will be owners saying the site may be miles from home" - using my home locale as an example (sorry!!) then siting such a museum in a place where I could realistically get to it to perform the maintenance required on the vehicle of my dreams and home again the same day would not be suitable for anyone north of Birmingham - and thats pushing the envelope.

    Ideally you'd be looking at at least two or more locales - say North, South East, South west for starters.

  14. Wasn't so at work today :cry:


    Got shafted by the Germans - again!!! So much for all our work going by 2010 - looks like most of mine will be gone in a few weeks. Oh the joys of working for a "Global" company who's leaders still think Germany is the last bastion of the West against Communism..... :cry:

  15. At 66 years old my boyish good looks have run off somewhere. You realize how old you are when 50 year old women look like young chicks to you and you feel like you would be robbing the cradle. :lol: Imagine a situation where the driver is old, driving a truck that is almost as old and blowing his sirene at old ladies and smiling at then as if they were high school cheerleaders. Man that is scary. :roll:


    Oh - I don't know...... Sounds interesting to me 8)

    Always did have a thing for older things - be it vehicles or women!!! (wife mk1 is 7 years ahead of me.....)

  16. I can,t believe it Zils ugly your joking if you take one of those to any show it will pull more attention than a gmc.............i,ll just get my coat :D


    Certainly makes more noise!!!! Chap I visited a few weeks ago for the guided tour of a crane equipped Stalwart had a couple as well. He was running them on mixed fuel -I think must have been more Derv that petrol - going by the coughs and bangs... :roll: :roll:

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