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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. Mick,


    I always use Silver Hammerite, of the smooth variety. The original paint is aluminium paint, I forget the exact make up of it, but Hammerite will do a good job. You can also paint it over rusty areas which is a bonus.



  2. Mick,

    I changed all the hand brake cables in mine. They weren't easy, and I had the entire interior stripped out. If the old cable works ok why not continue to use it and keep the new as a spare? It'll save messing about under the gearbox.



  3. Jack,

    Thanks - got it now!



    I was planning on bringing the Ferret and my Lightweight. I thought about bringing the Fox but I was going to take that to Kemble and Beltring instead, and the Ferret will be more fun off road! (Don't want to go rolling the Fox!) Plus 168 miles is a long way for the Fox, furthest it's been so far is about 60 miles away. The Ferret is used to doing 200 mile trips, The Bustard Inn is 170 miles away from home!



  4. Well done, I was trying to track down a noise on my Sabre box yesterday. It runs and drives fine, but makes a horrible loud vibrating noise in the first 4 gears. I'm looking for another box too.. and some dampers, periscopes... etc etc :(



  5. Try getting a few quotes for insurance on the LR first. I looked at getting one when I was 18 and they wanted as much for insurance as the Lightweight. They won't insure it on a classic policy till you're 25 either.



  6. Don't forget the woman who was sat on top of an Abbot much like Mark, going down a track much like Mark was. The vehicle went on to soft ground at the side of the road, went over on its side. The woman was flug off the vehicle, which then landed on top of her. Not good when the guy driving had only married her a few days before. Don't sit on the outside of an AFV driving along unless you're strapped on, and even then you're better off inside.



  7. Paul,

    One answer, use a needle scaler. I am going to do my Sabre with it this week. You'll need one of these:




    or these




    If the paint is thick and flaky it will come of dead easily. I did 2 headlamp guards and an exhaust guard last night in about 20 minutes. I would say you'd have most of the paint off your Pig in a day if you get a big enough compressor and take it in shifts.


    I did my Ferret in about 2 days, but that was mostly because my old compressor couldn't keep up.


    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Ferret/Ferret%20Restoration%20(118).JPG[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Ferret/Ferret%20Restoration%20(125).JPG[/img]



  8. Neil,

    I have only ever found the people at the DVLA helpful. They want to help get the vehicles on the road, they want to help you make it MOT exempt and they want to make sure it is in a suitable taxation class. This is especially true when registering the Sabre the other week, they didn't know what taxation class is belonged in but quickly came back and said it would fit under 'Special Vehicle' which was actually cheaper. Our Fox is registered as a 'Motor Tractor' as this is what a contact at the Department of Transport decided would be a suitable class for it.


    I've not done any blagging, I've been upfront and honest with them!


    As for construction and use regulations, of course there will be allowance for older vehicles, they're never going to meet modern regulations. The way I understand it is that they have to meet the regulations for the year of manufacture. The 432s were built in the 60's, used on the roads in the 60's and therefore must have been deemed safe at the time. Of course we all know now that the steering and braking system is not ideal, but would you refuse a 1930s car registration because the rod brakes aren't very good, the lights are poor and there are no turn signals?


    Why were the DVLA trying to ban Alvis FV600 series vehicles? Do you have written proof of this or is it just more hearsay?


    This registration lark is all about choosing the correct catagory for registering your vehicle under. Back when Simon asked me this question originally I told him to put down 'Special Mobile Unit' on his form. Reading his reply below it seems he didn't, which is probably where the problem started!


    I think I might try filling in the form in again as a Special Mobile Unit and try a different DVLA office



  9. I registered our 432 as

    Body Type: Special Mobile Unit

    Wheelplan: tracks


    I filled out the form, they gave me a tax disc. The tax class is Historic and there shouldn't be a question about that. Nobody asked about the steering/braking system, everyone says it's supposedly illegal yet nobody has proof. As long as you've got the blue from 645 you should be ok. That form in essence says the vehicle was used on the road by the MoD, if they can use it on the road then so can you.


    Honestly the number of people who have trouble registering vehicles, or pass on rumours about not being able to register this or that is rediculous. The best way to do it is to assemble all the documents you need, fill in a V55 and then go to the local DVLA office. Give the person on the counter as little information as possible. I'm sure pitching up with a photo of a tank and saying 'register this' causes far more problems than handing over a completed form and letting them get on with it.


    If anyone wants to pay me I will gladly start a vehicle registration service!



  10. Simon,

    The NLBA managed to register a Chieftain for the road, so a 432 should be no problem. It is no wider than a bus or lorry. I don't understand how there seems to be so much variation between the different DVLA offices, I registered one in Nottingham with no questions asked. Try taking your paperwork there!



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