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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. This one looks a bit cheaper: http://eshop.lmslichfieldltd.com/Bosch-24-volt-coil-0-221-112-002
  2. That was certainly a problem with Hornets, they welded a 2" strut on the "bonnet" edges each side.
  3. I'll peruse these & see what it says about cabs, bonnets & weights FVRDE Spec. 9502 Body, 1 Ton, GS, Cargo, (Austin). 1951 FVRDE Spec. 9503 Body, 1 Ton, GS, Cargo, (RAF), (Austin). 1952 FVRDE Spec. 9513 Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4, GS (Austin) Water Tanker 200 Gallons, FV16008, Air Ministry Version. 1954 FVRDE Spec. 9514 Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4, GS (Austin) Water Tanker 200 Gallons, FV16102. 1952 FVRDE Spec. 9533 Body & Mounting for Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4 GS (Austin) Wireless Light, FV16003. 1953 FVRDE Spec. 9555 Body, 1 Ton, 4x4 GS, (Austin), Cargo, FV16001. 1953 FVRDE Spec. 9574 Body & Mounting for Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4 GS (Austin) Cargo FFW, FV16002. 1953 FVRDE Spec. 9594 Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4 GS, (Austin), Water Tanker, 200 Gallons (War office version FV16009) 1954 FVRDE Spec. 9595 Truck, 1 Ton, 4x4 GS, (Austin), Cargo, FFW, Mk 2, FV16002. 1954 FVRDE Spec. 9673 Body & Mounting for Truck, 1 Ton, GS, Cargo, 4x4, Austin Series III, FV16012. 1960
  4. I don't think it can be BC as 43 BC 71 - 99 BC 99 was not used. BG makes more sense & would make it a signals truck which makes the basic vehicle Bridge Class 4, but some fitted with certain installations were Bridge Class 5. So are they different vehicles or has it changed the type of radio installation between photos?
  5. Yes just using MS Paint, pretty basic I know but I've got used to it & can get a reasonable speed up. It helps having a mouse with copy/paste/delete buttons.
  6. I think yellow is Unipren 12 (ie 12A rating) & available here: http://www.klaceycables.co.uk/default/public/media/filemanager/UNIPREN-igcf.pdf
  7. Yes I agree it would be very difficult to find a pattern of tree growth like that in nature.
  8. Yes it seems to switch on for MOs :-D Got a few more waiting for you but I'll let the dust settle on this one first.
  9. (The British Army also copied cacolets from the Turks).
  10. Yes well thought through Tony you now get full marks. Full pictures to follow
  11. Hello Wally I don't think this particular empire was so big.
  12. Yes well done Tony it is indeed a special sort of latrine. Just need to get the Army in question for the full points.
  13. Well Tony the British Army were up to using these all the time. Not Indian Army although this has been ascribed to them, this particular design was attributed to a large Army/Empire of the time. Not an oven but special ovens were sometimes used in association with this installation in question. I will now answer your earlier reply.
  14. It is indeed Neil as Richard spotted in #1
  15. Unipren cable can't remember the number but BB Engineering may well have some. They sell on ebay.
  16. Ah so you are still around here Bernard. "Shot putting" not really & not a Russian device but was used by another large army of the time.
  17. Someone has already suggested a sound locator Tony. Not radar this is from 1905 used by the British Army but was copied from another major army of the time.
  18. Good idea Rob but this 1905 & what you have is view from above.
  19. That's one I hadn't thought of Tony, I see what you mean but this is on a smaller.
  20. It looks as if it could be Andy, would normally not expect to be such a noisy situation.
  21. Oh there was a picture Lauren but now its gawn. Not an explosive device in its own right.
  22. Richard you are right about the first part, but is smaller than an amphitheatre.
  23. Drawing something always gives sharp irregularities & looks obvious. So if I have to do anything like that I assemble it from adjacent bits of a similar thing/texture.
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