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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Derek I am not sure whether I still have the Chris drawings. But I'm afraid I wouldn't pass them on as they are his copyright, besides he may well want to use them if he gets a chance to publish anything on OW. OW was expected to be fired at an extraordinary rate & seemed not to take account of number of controllers needed who were required to acquire control bring OW towards themselves & then onto a target. There is a very brief outline of OW here:
  2. In 30+ years of searching I have never found a drawing, plan, sketch, model or photo of FV426. Others have also tried particularly Chris Gibson with whom I discussed how the vehicle might look knowing what a FV421 looked like & the OW launch requirements. He did a very sympathetic set of drawings of how it was likely to have been, it was for an inclusion in a book, but the publishers dropped the chapter because they wanted to focus more on aircraft engines. The best collection of OW stuff is at the PRO filed under WO 291/2214 this includes memos from the Army Operational Research Group & other correspondence. They have FVRDE Spec 9243 that covers the FV426, but no drawings. As you may have noticed my avatar is OW (& not Malkara as commonly supposed)
  3. I forgot I have a series of 11 RAOS pamphlets that cover BOD/ABOD between 1949-51. As might be expected it is full of requirements for paperwork but nothing that would tie in with these vehicle markings.
  4. Richard I am sure you are right that they are vehicle depot markings of some sort, but I don''t think they can be Receipt Voucher Numbers. I have records of 3,700 Humbers & none of RV Nos resemble these bonnet markings. What we need are Regulations/Manuals of Army Ordnance Services - Vehicle Depots of the 1950s, I have quite a number of these but they are 60s-70s which shed no light on these particular markings.
  5. This is a recurring query with no definitive conclusions yet.
  6. The modifications should be listed on the paper in the series S 527 relating to EMER POWER S 527. If you show us what they are then we can tell you.
  7. I have the full Technical Handbook for the MRA/1 chassis & Supplement 1 for the 3 variants trouble is that is 223 pages & Mods 24 pages. Welding 19 pages Air charging 19 pages Trouble is not just time/effort (I get quite a lot of requests for things) but getting it to you as I have no broadband. Upload can be very slow down to 10kbs at times. I imagine diagrams & photos are a must for the variants. Then perhaps also the Data Summaries, then anything specific you want me to look up in the way of technical details. Odd pages are doable depending on the propagation from my 4G yagi aimed at a hill that has a cell mast beyond, just a bit unpredictable. PS Also have FVRDE Spec. 9501 Body, 1 Ton, GS, Cargo, (Morris). 1951
  8. Lizzie there is a detailed description with photos & diagrams of the welding truck in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES P 440/1, 441/1, 442/1. Up until May 1960 this was issued as EMER VEHICLES GENERAL R 210/6, 211/6, 212/6 There are also similarly detailed sections on the dry air charging variant in EMER WV P 440/2 etc from EMER VG R 290/5 etc
  9. Richard I think he needs them in a hurry for tomorrow. The trouble is not sure which way the earth is currently spinning, so is his tomorrow the same as ours or has it already started? Doug I'm not sure if my emails did get through as the internet connection is variable here, but I've sent photos of pages 111-122 that don't appear in your copy. Hope they a) arrive b) are of some use.
  10. In case you are wondering about 12854, I'm afraid it has no relationship to your quest being the Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores Section W6. Cinematographic, Map Reproduction & Photographic Equipments. July.1960
  11. Essentially a sort of forerunner of CES (of its various forms), which is why my Saladin UHB makes no reference to CES. Then of course there are things like FAMTO & ETS that were also casualties.
  12. As opposed to TOTE which is Table of Tools & Equipment
  13. Doug Freeserve shut down their email service in May last year, which is why you got a bounce - nothing personal! I too have that edition of UHB & the one that preceded it. As you know there is quite a good CES type of list incorporating some TOTE in Chapter 3, which I think is the best you will get as I can find no trace of a stand alone CES. Looking in my Catalogue of Army Publications AC No.12123 Part I 1974, it lists the UHB, as you say as AC No.12232 as the 1958 edition but with Amendments 1 to 9 incorporated. My 1958 original incorporates Amendments 1 to 4 up to 13/7/60. So presumably there would have been any CES updates in there. CES are listed in AC No.12123 Part V. The earliest edition I have is 1984 & there is no CES listed for Saladin, you might think there wouldn't be by then but the CES for Daimler Armoured Car & Centurion are still listed then. Going back to AC No.12123 Part I 1974 under Vehicle Stowage Diagrams it lists Saladin as AC No.12856. So that is the one to look for, so it suggests the UHB would not have any diagrams as such & at best an updated CES as it looks as if no stand alone CES was published. Unfortunately I don't have 12856 the nearest I have is 12854.
  14. Richard its a bit like not bidding for something on ebay, then finding it went for much less than you would have thought.
  15. Bloomin' brilliant Wally. Well done!
  16. Nope, very rigid & large. They are all separate items demonstrating various configurations. (Yes I remember what happened to Rod Hull & Emu, although I think Emu survived him. Hmm the book is the same age as me, well the last time I looked at my imprint
  17. 1946 from a British Army publication
  18. I was wondering where you were Wally! They look very much that sort of thing, but nope. (Been on the roof trying to get the antenna optimised better, but it is very cold & windy & connection still dropping in & out)
  19. Mike they do look like they might be that sort of thing, but not I'm afraid.
  20. Excellent line of thought Richard. The other ones have things like cross, arrow, open A.
  21. If it was that I think there should be a box kite in there, could never get one of those things off the ground.
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